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Thursday, 14 January 2016

Victoria Rouch refuses to cyberbully

I am so proud to announce that not all members of the pro breed specific legislation hate groups will resort to cyber bullying, Victoria Rouch good on you for not letting them talk you out of your morals and probably into a jail cell, when Victoria posted about a minor incident being new to the group she obviously didn't know what to expect they all wanted the offenders contact details so they could bully him/her and Victoria refused and deleted her post in the end thus restoring my faith in man kind! lol!.

 I just deleted a post I put up earlier about my altercation today with a pit advocate veterinarian. 
Groups like this are a good place to vent about our frustration with pit enthusiasts, but when a member is criticized for not outing someone they've disagreed with, it's a less welcoming place to open a discussion. 
We all handle things in different ways. While one person may be okay with siccing other people on someone they've disagreed with and/or divulging their identity or workplace for the purpose of harassing or "exposing" them, that is not how all of us choose to operate. In fact, I daresay that such behaviors are more in line with what I'd expect from the owners who are fond of "bully" breeds.
I regret having to delete my own thread, but after dealing with boorish behavior from a pit advocate, it's disappointing to deal with similar behavior from those on my side of the fence.
25 people like this.
Joanna McGinn good heavens!!!
Lorena McGovern No one should pressure you to share more than you want to. Sorry that happened. Bad enough you had to encounter that weirdo vet.
Leanne Deetz That sucks I hope what I said wasn't offensive. I don't think it was at all but this makes me really sad.
Victoria Rouch No, it wasn't. But the tone by some others here urging me to publicize the vet's name and workplace was a bit too strident for my liking. If we are going to ever get our way with BSL, it won't be by acting like a bunch of bullies.
Julia Lewis You are absolutely right. That would have been the wrong way to behave. We must not bully people
Adam Combs Same thing happened when I posted an issue about a vets office. Some small towns will come after us and nothing is worth the safety of our families. Im sorry this happened Victoria.
Nancy Perdue I didn't think nor say you did anything wrong, you handled the situtation like a civilized human being. frown emoticon
Ashley Walker I've had to do the same. Some of those on our side are just as aggressive as the Pitt advocates and quick to turn on anyone who has a slight difference in opinion. It's a shame.
Jan Smith Well done Victoria! Your ethics get an A+ from me. It really is NOT okay to participate in bullying or worse yet this terrorizinig of someone via social media, the way so many pit bull fans do.
Nicholas Valentine I agree , there are some in this group who behave exactly in the same manner as the worst Pit advocates they claim to despise for exactly the same sort of behaviour . In my opinion they bring the group into disrepute . In the short time I have been involved on here I have seen a number of people hounded out of the group for daring to express views not in line with other people's . This is not how you win people over .
Amnon Amnon Amnon It's the same tactic being attempted to promote pro-BSL legislation, which might explain why BSL appears to be in its twilight in the US at the moment.
Like22 hrsEdited
Amnon Amnon Amnon Well, that and the fact that BSL is ineffective in reducing dog attacks.
Like22 hrs
Suzanne Bryant I'd love to see your references to BSL being ineffective in reducing, or eliminating, dog maulings, maimings and fatalities in the areas where it is enacted and enforced. Every single thing I've seen is to the contrary... Of course, we must remember the intent is to stop the most abhorent attacks, and not so much bites. Bites will happen when dealing with dogs, but should deaths?
Like122 hrsEdited
Suzanne Bryant This chart shows the decline in Toronto after the breed bans there.
Like122 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon Whether your criteria is deaths, attacks resulting in hospitalizations or bites, these have all been on the rise year-over-year since BSL was enacted in the UK.

Like22 hrs
Suzanne Bryant Ummmm.... Ya, but it's not enforced in the UK from what I can tell, AND, they allow staffies which are pit bulls. So, no surprise there.
Like322 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon Also, looking at US states where BSL has been outright banned, there is no "pit bull" apocalypse as predicted.
Like22 hrs
Suzanne Bryant Some of our worst demographics for dog maulings are absolutely exactly where breed bans have been revoked and/or BSL bans have been enacted. Ohio pops right into mind...
Like122 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon What makes Ohio different than PA or CT? Do they have a different "breed" of shit bull there? Or are other factors perhaps associated with attacks there?
Like22 hrs
Suzanne Bryant CT is in the hot seat too. And, Philly....
Like22 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon I'm sure they are in your mind, but the shit-bull induced freakout you speak of is not happening in either state, and nobody is seriously considering anything resembling BSL.
Like22 hrs
Suzanne Bryant San Francisco has had success with mandatory S/N and Denver's ban seems to be working for them, enough so that the populous voted to keep it in place when it was allowed on the ballot. Is the driving force behind anti-BSL laws corrupt politicians being railroaded by the pit bull lobby?
Like122 hrs
Suzanne Bryant And, WTF is I'm sure they are in YOUR MIND supposed to mean? If you're going to be an asshole, we could have you shown the door.
Like22 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon Meaning according to your perspective. Apologies if I came across as an asshole; I was not aware that was a trigger of yours.
Like222 hrs
Nicholas Valentine The reason that BSL hasn't worked here in the UK is because it becomes very difficult to prove exactly what breed a dog is in a court of law . A much better way to tackle the problem is to simply make owners responsible for the actions of their dog andprosecute them . The law here has now been tightened up and we have compulsory microchiping coming in this year . Unlike USA , we don't mess about trying to save the lives of attacking and mauling dogs .
Like422 hrs
Like122 hrs
Suzanne Bryant What we have in the US is a very breed specific problem. I'm not of the mindset that we need to eliminate pit bulls all together, I'd like to see that the killing and egregious injuries are mitigated though. And, that pit bulls stop being the number one dumped, exploited, neglected, killled and euthanized dogs alive.
Like422 hrsEdited
Suzanne Bryant Well, then it's not all in MY MIND then, is it?
Like122 hrs
Suzanne Bryant The problem with making owners responsible for their dog's actions is that one must have a victim to do it. When all it takes for someone to be killed is one attack, I'm not sure it will help to simply keep throwing people in jail after their dogs maul someone.
Like121 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon That was only in reference to your CT and PA "hot seat" comment. There is no "hot seat" or "'pit bull' apocalypse" in either my mind.
Like21 hrs
Suzanne Bryant The pit bull epidemic is national, CT and PA are not immune...
Like121 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon Suzanne Bryant Depends how you define "epidemic" I suppose. Humans and "pit bulls" seem to get along better than humans and humans in both CT and PA. I can't really speak for the rest of the country though.
Like121 hrsEdited
Suzanne Bryant OMG... I can't talk with someone who compares people to dogs. Peace out.
Like121 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon Lol. It's called an anology. Apologies for hurting your brain.
Like121 hrs
Suzanne Bryant Once an asshole, always an asshole it seems. Good day.
Like221 hrs
Amnon Amnon Amnon Suzanne Bryant Pleasure speaking with you too, Suzanne.
Like121 hrs
Eve Sylvie We can hold owners responsible without victims. Animal control laws need to be enforced first of all. We need regulations on ownership that address the number of dogs permitted per home, mandatory spay/neuter etc.
Like221 hrs
Peter Nicholson Constant references to religious belief,praying for victims etc have put me off activism.This should be kept seperate IMHO.
Like423 hrs
Victoria Rouch Absolutely agree. And I was quite uncomfortable to see that an anti- pit person recently tied the movement to the extreme anti-choice folk. It makes me wonder if that's who I was dealing with last night. If those types are mixed up in this, I'll show myself the door.
Like222 hrs
Lynne Smith There is nothing wrong with praying for victims. Tolerance goes both ways, and there are plenty of both believers and non-believers in this cause.
Like11 hrs
Peter Nicholson Not just my opinion it would seem..If we appear to be right wing religious types it gives ammunition to the pit bull advocates.
Like6 hrsEdited
Donnalyn Wigan Sorry you had to deal with that.
Like123 hrs
Eve Sylvie People on our own side got me fired from my writing job at Examiner primarily for objecting to the use of the derogatory term "nutter" and for trying alternate routes like breed specific protection for pit bulls and for not supporting an all out ban. Haters gonna' hate.
Like521 hrs
Victoria Rouch When people act like extremists, they marginalized themselves and scare reasonable people away. The behavior you describe and what inexperienced here last night do nothing to help the movement.
Like720 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Like219 hrs
Victoria Rouch Dennis, speaking up does not mean being brash or stupid. Smart people speak up in a manner that is effective. Remember, the people we are trying to sway are not the radical pit activists, it's those who have been the target of pit propaganda. So how d...See More
Like419 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Eve Sylvie In my fight for gun rights It has come to light that I was trying to do to others what the anti gun group is trying to do to gun owners punish all for the ones doing the crimes. I have talked to pit owners that understand the dangers of pits and take steps to protect others. I now support making the price for not doing your job as a pit owner high.
Like219 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Victoria Rouch The point of my post was to say if we don't try to defend the rights of others who will defend us when they want to ban something we love. I have no use for pit bulls and never will. I just think there is a better way to make people safe from pit bulls than a all out ban
Like218 hrs
Victoria Rouch Thanks for clarifying, Dennis. I wasn't quite sure what you meant but completely agree. I think anytime you have a potentially lethal weapon or animal, there's an added level of responsibility, and responsible dog owners and gun owners know this. The m...See More
Like418 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Victoria Rouch I equate it all with charging every driver a few hundred a year extra to make up for the deaths caused by drunk drivers how would that go over?
Like118 hrs
Ashley Walker I agree Dennis and I've had this same convo with people and they say I love Pitts
Like118 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Ashley Walker I don't want a pit around me have no use for them but lets say we get pits banned then the next on the list where does it stop the one with the most bites each year when the ban wagon starts rolling it only picks up speed. At the end will any dog be left to own
Like318 hrs
Mary Jones Dennis Ballance Sr Many countries have already banned pitbulls and yet it has gone no further.
Like212 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Mary Jones That may be true but they are not the Usa take the smoking ban in restaurants now it is outside on the beach even pushing for a law to stop smoking in your private car
Like112 hrs
Lynne Smith BSL has been around in the US for hundreds of years and there has never been a next dog - pit bulls are not being singled out for these laws because they are at the top of the statistics, its because they are so far ahead at the top of the statistics.
Like11 hrs
Carol Miller It appears that a great deal of this conversation may involve someone that I blocked, or has blocked me. Sorry you had problems Victoria.
Like318 hrs
Marilyn Moreau-Plourde Don't let them win!
Like115 hrs
Dennis Baker I did not see the thread, however Im sorry that happened.
Like12 hrs
Pame Ashley If anyone was entitled to seek revenge upon the Pit bull owner whose pits killed my dog, it would be me. He participated in cyberstalking me, lied in court to a judge fabricating ludicrous stories of my gentle, electronically fenced dog attacking his pits in his yard multiple times, participated in attempts to have me fired and lose my nursing license, told neighbors I had indeed lost my nursing license, AND he posted a horrible, crude comment on the Day of Remembrance page last year; however, it would not benefit me to contact his employer with all the screenshots of his lies and threats nor would he be educated any better than he is already. He is a vile subhuman who has to live with himself. His wife already divorced him.
Like510 hrs
Julia Lewis What a horrible man! As if it wasn't enough for you to have lost your beloved dog without him acting like that. Some of these pit owners are not quite right in the head.
Like310 hrs
Pame Ashley If he is typical of the pit owners, only mentally deficient and psycholOgically impaired people have pit bulls after knowing the danger.
Like29 hrs
Tim Camp You did the right thing....
Like19 hrs
Pame Ashley Ah, now, you ruined the
Like9 hrs
Tim Camp Lol sorry
Like19 hrs
I can't see Victoria lasting too long in this group they seem to frown on any one the either makes too much sense or refuses to engage in their stalking and and cyber attacks these people hide their sick tactics behind the platform of community safety however it seem closer to the truth to say they hate pit bulls and they'll use any one or anything they have to in order to exterminate them.

more to come.....

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