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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

June Mason - "I've also seen evidence of young pit type puppies killing their litter mates. The RSPCA put the whole litter to sleep, heart breaking but absolutely the only right thing to do."

June Mason is relatively new to the facebook  hate group "Dangerous Dogs" but she's certainly catching on quick spreading lies and disinformation like a veteran pit bull hating moron.

Typically there's nothing supporting this absurd claim from Kris King but that's standard operating procedure when you're a breed specific legislation supporter most of whom have criminal records of varying degrees including their most recently jailed member.

Justin Gene Generotis sentenced for having sex with a minor which is not a surprise considering their poster boy Jeff Borchardt  finds it acceptable to encourage 12 year old girls to engage in sexual acts with her "Mauler".

These people are bully's, stalkers and outright liars they're not public safety advocates they're thugs!

I've also seen evidence of young pit type puppies killing their litter mates.
The RSPCA put the whole litter to sleep, heart breaking but absolutely the only right thing to do.
2 people like this.

You'll note as per usual there's no link or any evidence whatsoever confirming Kris King"s claims but being as he's a kool aide drinking mouth foaming pit bull hater so that's no surprise it's how they roll!

The fact is there's no evidence supporting the majority of the claims coming from groupies and considering their whole campaign is based on lies and disinformation is it any wonder they've resorted to making stuff up?

more to come.....

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