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Friday, 29 January 2016

Lesley Karen Luscombe attacking Dr Evan Antin

The Ninja is livid with Dr Evan Antin doing the typical hater tactic posting his post on her page attacking him calling him names and making all sorts of claims as to his character because he's come out in support of bully breeds.

Yet another vain and manipulative narcissist; this chump poses with dozens of different types of animals and just sucks up the praise for his good looks.
He's an empty vessel of the Pit Bull propaganda machine.
Dr. Evan Antin
scle blockheads!? They have a bad rep sometimes but that's usually due to how they were raised. A good pit with a good home can be the best dog ever!
3 people like this.
Olivia Wyatt The Lord hates, 'A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.'
113 hrs
Stephen Elliott What an idiot.
112 hrs
Tom Mead The things people will do for money and fame smh
110 hrs

As you can see Lesley doesn't seem to take her advocacy very serious as she's listed her self as a "nut - whisperer & trainer", I'm not really sure what that is but I'm relatively sure Lesley is a nut?

Nut-Whisperer & Trainer. 

at Victims of Dangerous Dogs Advocacy Network 

and Nut-Whisperer & Trainer. at

So I had a quick look at the doctors page and it's no wonder the Ninja is so cut look at them numbers he has more likes then most of their hate pages combined and more then twice the people talking about his page as opposed to the infamous dogsbite no wonder she's spitting the dummy.

Dr. Evan Antin

Public Figure

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For example here's Colleen Lynn's facebook page for dogsbite the flagship page of the breed specific legislation movement and as you can see after more then 8 years of activity they have relatively little to no support but it's no surprise just check out the page it's all propaganda and disinformation offering little for actual victims.

Non-Profit Organization
Started on October 15, 2007
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1%from last week
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As breed specific legislation gets removed at an ever increasing rate around the world we're going to see acts of desperation like this and worse from breed specific advocates most of which suffer various mental illnesses all of which makes them victims too.

Unfortunately just like aggression, stupid is learned not bred so all we can do is continue to share all the legitimate facts and stats while avoiding addressing pro bsl proponents personally as they rarely react in a reasonable manner often leading to stalking and cyber bullying.

more to come.....

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