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Sunday, 24 January 2016

Using a pit bull victim

As the foamers consistently scream cry and whine that we abuse the ‘victims’ let’s see what kind of nonsense they get up to shall we.
There was a girl named Christine Staab. Christine was attacked by one of her mother’s pit bulls. Accounts say that Christine had some personal issues, including a drug problem. She came to the mother’s home, an argument ensued, *something* happened (reports I’ve read state Christine threw a lamp at her mother) and the dog fatally attacked her. It’s understood that the dog was protecting it’s owner from an attack. That is what most any dog does. This occurred in 2010.
Now what does an almost 4 year old attack have to do with anything? Well. Let’s look shall we.
First an awful page called Confessions of a Pit Loving Whack Job posts this:
That was on October 20th.
On October 23rd this profile shows up (hint: It’s a profile for Christine)
It belongs to one group. The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed.
That profile then posts in the Propaganda Machine as if it is actually Christine. There are numerous postings that are nothing more than links to various news articles. But then there is this:
How utterly pathetic do you have to be to make a fake profile to push your agenda? Aren’t you people supposed to be victim advocates? And THAT is how you advocate? By completely disrespecting a dead woman? By using her name and her face to push your crap. Even though you didn’t know her and unless you are having seances that we don’t know about you have no idea how she would feel about the attack, pit bulls or your use of her image.
You people are just.. beyond.

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