I searched and I searched and I couldn't find the foundation website there only seems to be a Facebook page I eventually found a website that lists all the non-profits in Texas "Guidestar".....
Your search for The Pit Bull Victim Foundation produced 0 results.
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Did you mean: The "pit bul" Victim Foundation
The Pit Bull Victim's Foundation Inc.
The The Pit Bull Victim's Foundation Inc. is a non profit corporation formed and incorporated in Texas on November 2nd 2012.

+1 903-963-6033
- Address
- Short Description
Long Description
As you can see there's only 3 people talking about this page and after just over 3 years of being published they still only have just over 900 "likes" it's safe to say this page hasn't been real successful enjoying little support?
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Well here's a sampling of the first 10 posts on their Facebook page the last post was on December 9th nearly a month ago and the oldest post of the ten is from July 9th 2014, obviously there's no-one actually operating the page Douglas must be busy with his web business.
Of the ten posts we've sample two mention pit bulls and one refers to an attack resulting in charges being laid against the dog owners but none of the posts contain anything that could be considered as actually HELPING VICTIMS?
Seems to be a trend?
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The Pit Bull Foundation doesn't seem to be a non-profit
The Pit Bull Victims Foundation Inc.
See Pitbullvictims.org - Popularity,Safety,Social monitoring,Legitimacy reports about Pitbullvictims.org.
DOWNpitbullvictims.org is DOWN, few seconds ago Find Alternatives
Pitbullvictims.org is ranked 15,242,213th in the world (amongst the 30 million domains). This site is estimated to be worth $1281. This site has a good Pagerank(2/10). It has 2 backlinks. Pitbullvictims.org has 26% seo score.
All the links go to a Dns Server error so the site is down now for sure.....
This webpage is not available
There's six other Facebook pages "linked" to this fb page.....
It's no surprise to see dogsbite.org among the list of pages linked to this page including their flagship page dogsbite the seven pages have a grand total of 6,413 "likes" between them at an average of 916 "likes" per page & they have 490 people talking about the seven pages combined at an average of 70 per page out of an audience of millions on Facebook alone, Dbo recently celebrated it's 8th birthday .
Either this page owner is too busy to run the foundation Facebook page or he's lost his passion for helping victims as there's been little to no activity on his page two of the posts seem to be recruitment type employment websites etc, more relating to Douglas's media internet business none of the posts seem to advocate for or benefit victims in any way they seem more interested in persecuting pit bulls then helping victims.
more to come.....
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