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Sunday, 3 January 2016

Pit Bulls and Fake Advocates - - " Lisa Padgett " shared "Valerie Tomasello Meyers's" post. 15 hrs ago to organize a cyber attack!

Advocating for victims PBPMR style (The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed alleged victims advocacy Facebook group) they troll pit bull stories on the internet in packs.

Using emotive meme's of victims most of which they probably haven't even asked for permission to use in this way there's even instances whereby meme's have included pictures of individuals having unsuccessfully attempted suicide imagine being a family member of this person (victim) or worse still for that matter the actual victim themselves and finding such an image?

Even after being made aware of their error they refused to remove  or even acknowledge the mistake these people don't care they're driven by hate and revenge in most cases they certainly seem to love arguing? ( they call it educating/advocating).

Lisa's decided to rally the troop for some advocating.......

Valerie Tomasello Meyers to WOWT 6 News
 people fear a breed of dog. If anything were to be said it should have stopped at "Photos on Eide's public Facebook page show her posing with a snake around her neck, as well as kissing a dog." since that is all it is. You didn't call the snake out by breed. You called it a snake because a snake is just a snake. Just like a dog is just a DOG.
4 people like this.
Douglas Finlayson You were very patient and restrained Lisa Padgett.
Like114 hrs
Lisa Padgett She called my Saluki a 'mixed breed' LOL The oldest breed. smile emoticonIt's just hard and really impossible to talk to ignorant people who are being blazingly ignorant while calling you ignorant smile emoticon I disabled notifications.
Like514 hrsEdited
Carol Miller Valerie is very young. She has not come to understand that her understanding of the world is not complete.

The reason the peaceful public does not embrace pit bulls is the simple fact that pit bulls kill and maim. You are not responsible for this Lisa, you were not disrespectful.
Like411 hrs
Donnalyn Wigan WTF, snakes don't have breeds, lol
Like4 hrs

Now below is the actual thread/post that Lisa Padget has posted a link to and if you scroll down you'll see what I mean about about the meme's which are generally accompanied by subtle insults and displays of fanaticism these people advocate for the extermination of all pit bulls on any/every article on the internet with the words "pit bull" in it and then they move in and overwhelm the post with meme's and disinformation from one of the three main sources  not one actual Animal Expert among them..

You should be ashamed for the association you made between kissing Pit Bulls and attempting to pet tigers in your report on Jacqueline Eide. You are the reason people fear a breed of dog. If anything were to be said it should have stopped at "Photos on Eide's public Facebook page show her posing with a snake around her neck, as well as kissing a dog." since that is all it is. You didn't call the snake out by breed. You called it a snake because a snake is just a snake. Just like a dog is just a DOG.
Lisa Padgett There's a reason for the fear. They are built on horrible genetics.
Shannon Hershey-Langdon What in God's green earth do you know about canine genetics? Because of those anorexic cross breed messes you own? Please. One of those could easily turn on a person if not raised properly. It's not the breed, it's poor owners. Poor owners and the asinine, uneducated opinions of breed racists like yourself. Shame on you.
Corina Jan North Lisa Padgett you are hands down the most ignorant person I have ever seen on Facebook. If you put as much effort into love as you put into hate I guarantee your quality of life would be much better. I wish you knowledge, mental stability, and a open mind this new year. Sincerely, Me and My American Pit Bull Terrier
Brandon Abels Yeah they're just terrible right?
LikeReply523 hrs
Andy Cortes You're soul is just as ugly as your dog
LikeReply116 hrs
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Lisa Padgett Shannon Hershey-Langdon Not a cross-breed. Pure breed and depending on who you talk to - the oldest breed.

And she was, like all dogs are born with genetic attributes, traits, and yes temperament.

I'm sorry you all want to pretend that doesn't exist.
LikeReply715 hrs
LikeReply115 hrs
Shannon Hershey-Langdon Lisa, no one is trying to pretend anything but you. You are a breed bashing nutjob and are insinuating through everything you say and post that ALL pitbulls are somehow genetically predisposed to being violent. That's completely ignorant and, quite fra...See More
LikeReply415 hrs
Corina Jan North Shannon 🏽🏽🏽🏽
LikeReply215 hrs
Shannon Hershey-Langdon Corina, actually your post was very eloquently put and spot on... I have issues with my filter 
LikeReply315 hrs
Douglas Finlayson ALL pitbulls are genetically predisposed to being violent - you can let your emotions rage against that fact - but it remains a well-documented fact that pitbulls were bred to fight and kill. Crying about it won't change it.
LikeReply615 hrs
Lisa Padgett Shannon Hershey-Langdon
"What in God's green earth do you know about canine genetics? Because of those anorexic cross breed messes you own? Please. One of those could easily turn on a person if not raised properly. It's not the breed, it's poor owners. "

Um, No. Temperament is genetically passed on. Traits are genetically passed on.

Any and all true dog people know this. It's simple science and a fact. But I realize this pertains to all dog breeds and Pits are the only dogs that are exempt from this. LOL
Which is exactly the lies that are keeping them in the headlines. People actually believe this. People are getting hurt out of 100% trust in these dogs. When in reality they should be mindful.

Even responsible Pit Rescues understand their genetics.
LikeReply614 hrs
Lisa Padgett And RESPECT them.
LikeReply314 hrs
Shannon Hershey-Langdon Lisa, I will not continue my new year engaging in an argument with someone I consider to be so far beneath me on the decency scale that I can't even see the top of your twisted head. People like me far outnumber people like you and your buddy Dougie.. You may continue your ludicrous plight against bully breeds and I'll continue to own them, raise them, rescue them and love them like they deserve to be. I feel sorry for you that you have so much hate in your heart for any living thing.
LikeReply214 hrs
Shannon Hershey-Langdon I'll just leave this here.
LikeReply314 hrs
Shannon Hershey-Langdon Douglas Finlayson, you're just dumb.
LikeReply14 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Tayrn Blyth - Animal behaviorist, dog trainer

"While the pro-Pit Bull lobby has done much to very successfully persuade the public that Pit Bulls are like any other dogs and that their temperament is simply determined by how you raise them, many experienced dog behaviourists and trainers do not agree. Certainly my understanding of dog behaviour (through many years of study) and my experience dealing with the breed in training classes, consultations and work at a local shelter has convinced me that Pit Bulls are at far higher risk for abnormally aggressive behaviour towards other dogs.

As important as environment may be, genetics do have an influence on behaviour. Most dog breeds we have today were originally selected not for their looks, but for a particular type of “work”. Humans selected (through preferential treatment, selective breeding and culling) behaviour patterns which were useful for a particular function e.g. herding or retrieving. The main behaviour pattern which has been altered through selective breeding is the “predatory motor pattern” - the behaviour pattern that enables a predator to hunt and kill prey:


Through the process of domestication (essentially selection for genetic tameness), dogs have become primarily scavengers and not predators, but some remnants of this predatory sequence have been retained or even exaggerated where they can be useful for a particular task. The Border Collie is probably one of the best examples of this: In order to be good herders Border Collies have been selected to have exaggerated EYE→STALK→CHASE behaviours, but the rest of the predatory sequence has been selected out of the breed (obviously a herding dog that mauled sheep would be a problem!). Pointers have exaggerated EYE behaviours and Flock guarding dogs that live amongst livestock have virtually no predatory behaviours (which is why the sheep don’t run from them).

Pit Bulls, Staffies and other “Bull-baiting” breeds were selected to kill other animals and each other. The parts of the predatory sequence that have been retained in these types of dogs is the SHAKE BITE/KILL BITE and sometimes DISSECT. In fact these types of dogs usually go straight from EYE → SHAKE BITE/KILL BITE with none of the other steps in between. This is why they are often said to be unpredictable."

Read more:
LikeReply613 hrs
Liz Marsden Shannon Hershey-Langdon Cute baby bunny meme. Well, then what about all the PETS pit bulls maul to death each year? Do you have another Schopenhauer quote to justify that problem?
LikeReply512 hrs
Shannon Hershey-Langdon And the quote refers to people, not animals. You'd destroy an entire breed over your own ignorance. Now THAT is viscous.
LikeReply112 hrs
Jeff Borchardt "Human aggressive pit bulls were culled"

Did John P. Colby cull the pit bull that killed his nephew? This is unknown. What is known is that Colby produced man-biters, such as the one that savaged Bert Colby Leadbetter, continued to breed fighting dogs...See More
LikeReply211 hrs
Douglas Finlayson Shannon Hershey-Langdon I know the difference between vicious and viscous. Now THAT is dumb.
LikeReply110 hrs
Patricia Forbell Shannon you didn't answer the question. Or do you expect people to buy your pitBULLshit.
LikeReply9 hrs
Lori Welbourne If pit bulls are so awesome, why are they always killing, disfiguring and severely injuring animals and people day in and day out? This poor man had two lovely pit bulls rush into his home to rip apart his cat and then try to kill him on Christmas day....See More
LikeReply39 hrs
Craig Brown U.S.....Same numbers year after year... If you check out dog bite fatalities for 2013, the list of dogs who killed humans will look like this:

Pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull, pit bull...See More
LikeReply39 hrs
Patricia Forbell The only people that truly mater are the victims of pit bull attacks. They have first hand experience of how horrible this breed really is.
LikeReply29 hrs
Joanna McGinn Lisa obviously knows more than the whole lot of you uneducated twits(or you slept through the genetics lectures of Biology 101) . These children and adult HUMANS were killed by PBs. You seem to be ready and willing to join them.,,, or volunteering your loved relatives and friends for this event....
LikeReply28 hrsEdited
Donnalyn Wigan Why do Pointer dogs point?
LikeReply12 hrs
Dan Saeger Shannon Hershey-Langdon You show a distinct lack of compassion for other living things with your pit advocacy. There is no goodness of character when you knowingly support dogs that kill at such an alarming rate.
LikeReply1 hrEdited
Pit Bull Haters Exposed Lisa Padgett there's only one little but fatal flaw to your logic, you see you're half right in so far as aggression & traits etc are genetic but they're not exclusive to any particular breed otherwise only fighting breeds would be involved in fatalities wouldn't they? #owned
LikeReply115 mins
Pit Bull Haters Exposed Dan Saeger how do you justify ignoring 32% of victims by supporting a legislation that doesn't work/ 17 victims Bsl ignores?
LikeReply13 mins
National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Corina Jan North you are being blessed by the facebook group Dangerous dogs they're Experts!!!! pmsl!!!!!
LikeReply9 mins

Considering the group has over 800 members and the post has been up for 15 hours and there is only four "likes" for her post and there only seems to be four of them attacking this lady and her supporters.

I'm not sure how all this bickering and bullying does anything at all to help victims unless of course these people are victims and they're using this poor lady and her supporters to vent therefore self medicating by way of abusing people and promoting disinformation in order to get revenge on what they call ""PIT BULLS".

+Jeff Borchardt  claims to be a canine behavioral,genetic,breeding etc etc expert following the tragic death of his son Daxton ( R I P) to be honest I'm not really sure what he's supposed to be an expert at because most of his claims seem false and/or flawed as they're based on disinformation and propaganda all of which has been rejected repeatedly by main stream animal and law organizations world wide.

The fact of the matter is if the dog bite fatality problem was as simple as a breed issue the death toll would have fallen  everywhere Breed Specific Legislation has been enacted but the fact is it hasn't, and in spite of the thousands of innocent pit bulls that died monthly in 2014/15 not only has the death toll not fallen but it's double the national average for the previous 2 decades in America.

Do we only want to stop innocent victims being killed by pit bulls? (68%) or do we want to try and stop 100% of the deaths?  Here's one of the many links you'll find by googling "Calgary Model"

Calgary Model - Stop Canine Profiling
"We don't have a pet problem. We have a people problem." Bill Bruce, the Director of Animal Services & Bylaws in Calgary. "We don't punish breeds, we punish ...

more to come.....

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