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Friday, 29 January 2016

Lesley Karen Luscombe attacking Dr Evan Antin

The Ninja is livid with Dr Evan Antin doing the typical hater tactic posting his post on her page attacking him calling him names and making all sorts of claims as to his character because he's come out in support of bully breeds.

Yet another vain and manipulative narcissist; this chump poses with dozens of different types of animals and just sucks up the praise for his good looks.
He's an empty vessel of the Pit Bull propaganda machine.
Dr. Evan Antin
scle blockheads!? They have a bad rep sometimes but that's usually due to how they were raised. A good pit with a good home can be the best dog ever!
3 people like this.
Olivia Wyatt The Lord hates, 'A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.'
113 hrs
Stephen Elliott What an idiot.
112 hrs
Tom Mead The things people will do for money and fame smh
110 hrs

As you can see Lesley doesn't seem to take her advocacy very serious as she's listed her self as a "nut - whisperer & trainer", I'm not really sure what that is but I'm relatively sure Lesley is a nut?

Nut-Whisperer & Trainer. 

at Victims of Dangerous Dogs Advocacy Network 

and Nut-Whisperer & Trainer. at

So I had a quick look at the doctors page and it's no wonder the Ninja is so cut look at them numbers he has more likes then most of their hate pages combined and more then twice the people talking about his page as opposed to the infamous dogsbite no wonder she's spitting the dummy.

Dr. Evan Antin

Public Figure

People Talking About This
Total Page Likes
900.9%from last week
New Page Likes

For example here's Colleen Lynn's facebook page for dogsbite the flagship page of the breed specific legislation movement and as you can see after more then 8 years of activity they have relatively little to no support but it's no surprise just check out the page it's all propaganda and disinformation offering little for actual victims.

Non-Profit Organization
Started on October 15, 2007
People Talking About This
Total Page Likes
1%from last week
New Page Likes

As breed specific legislation gets removed at an ever increasing rate around the world we're going to see acts of desperation like this and worse from breed specific advocates most of which suffer various mental illnesses all of which makes them victims too.

Unfortunately just like aggression, stupid is learned not bred so all we can do is continue to share all the legitimate facts and stats while avoiding addressing pro bsl proponents personally as they rarely react in a reasonable manner often leading to stalking and cyber bullying.

more to come.....

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Using a pit bull victim

As the foamers consistently scream cry and whine that we abuse the ‘victims’ let’s see what kind of nonsense they get up to shall we.
There was a girl named Christine Staab. Christine was attacked by one of her mother’s pit bulls. Accounts say that Christine had some personal issues, including a drug problem. She came to the mother’s home, an argument ensued, *something* happened (reports I’ve read state Christine threw a lamp at her mother) and the dog fatally attacked her. It’s understood that the dog was protecting it’s owner from an attack. That is what most any dog does. This occurred in 2010.
Now what does an almost 4 year old attack have to do with anything? Well. Let’s look shall we.
First an awful page called Confessions of a Pit Loving Whack Job posts this:
That was on October 20th.
On October 23rd this profile shows up (hint: It’s a profile for Christine)
It belongs to one group. The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed.
That profile then posts in the Propaganda Machine as if it is actually Christine. There are numerous postings that are nothing more than links to various news articles. But then there is this:
How utterly pathetic do you have to be to make a fake profile to push your agenda? Aren’t you people supposed to be victim advocates? And THAT is how you advocate? By completely disrespecting a dead woman? By using her name and her face to push your crap. Even though you didn’t know her and unless you are having seances that we don’t know about you have no idea how she would feel about the attack, pit bulls or your use of her image.
You people are just.. beyond.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Pit Bulls & Incorrect Breed Identification Costs Dogs Their Lives

Is that "pit bull" on your shelter's adoption floor really a pit bull?
The results of a  recent four-shelter study suggest chances 
are good that he's not.
Four Florida shelters - Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective
Services, the Jacksonville Humane Society, Marion County Animal
Services, and Tallahassee

Animal Services - participated in the study. Four staff members at
each of the four shelters indicated what breed(s) they thought 30 
dogs were, for a total of  16 observers and 120 dogs.
Of those 120 dogs, 55 were identified as "pit bulls" by shelter staff,
but only 25  were identified as pit bulls by DNA analysis.
Additionally, the staff missed identifying 20% of the dogs who were
pit bulls by DNA analysis, while only 8% of the "true" pit bulls were 
identified by all staff members.
These poor track records for correctly identifying breed is
particularly important, say study authors, because in many 
municipalities, dogs identified as "pit bulls" are not offered 
for adoption or are subject to local breed bans preventing 
their adoption or ownership.
Even in areas without restrictive ordinances or shelter policies,
pit bulls are usually stigmatized as undesirable. Labeling a dog 
a "pit bull" can result in difficulty finding him a home or even his
The study report was authored by Kimberly R. Olson, BS and
Julie K. Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, of the Maddie's® Shelter 
Medicine Program, University of Florida and Bo Norby, CMV, 
MPVM, PhD, of the Department of Large Animal
Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University.
Among the authors' conclusions were:
  • Because the observers' identifications were so 
  • inconsistent, visual  identification of breed is unreliable.
  • The safety of individual dogs is best evaluated by 
  • looking at the individual dog's attributes, including 
  • personality, behavior, and history, not breed.
The study poster can be viewed here


The truth is that there will always be some people who don’t like what you do, no matter what you do. Before I started this website I had a conversation with a friend of mine who is a very successful blogger and who has more haters than I have hair on my head.
During our conversation I told him about the big plans I have for Global Seducer. I also told him that I am a bit worried that too many people will hate me for what I do. I mean, it should be pretty obvious that I am writing about topics that are not completely politically correct.
I knew that I would have to face criticism from frustrated feminists, from competitors who want to bring me down and from men who pretend to be upset about my articles because they hope that this white knight behavior will get them laid.
she screams why do haters hate
You are not on this earth to please everyone

He then told me that even if I would write about planting piece lines in warzones, somebody would criticize me for that and that I have to ignore the haters, in order to become successful. Now, one month after our conversation I ignore every negative comment that is based on pure hate without any constructive criticism and I am happy about every positive comment and e-mail that I get. Fortunately, the positive responses prevail.
Of course there are both men and women (in my case probably more women) who are potential haters. However, because I don’t want to write he/she all the time, I use the male version. No matter if you have problems with incredibly retarded guys or cheeky little misses who hate you, the big question is:
Why do haters hate?

What Hater Sees in Us

I am not the only one who has to understand the psychology behind haters. In case you are willing to embark on the path of the Global Seducer, you won’t just meet people who want your best. People who want you to stay a loser are everywhere and the best way for them to achieve this goal is by using words to bring you down.
If decide to become a Global Seducer you will develop from a shy and insecure guy who has no success with women to a self-confident man who can have any woman he wants. This automatically attracts a lot of people who will begrudge your new life. As soon as you understand why they do it, you will realize that it has nothing to do with you.
So, why do haters hate?
First of all, you have to understand that the percentage of people who REALLY hate you for what you do is extremely low.
From all the people who pretend that I am misogynistic prick, even though I love women more than anything else, maybe 1% really believe what they write or say about me.
Those are the 1% of haters that you can deal with the best. They have another opinion, they are too narrow-minded to accept other ways of thinking and they will never like you. Accepting those people is very easy, because you know exactly why they don’t like you, which is totally okay. You can’t be liked by everyone.
guy and three girls
The uncomfortable truth is that some people will hate this handsome fella for having a foursome with three white chicks

However, the other 99% of people don’t really hate you for what you do or try to achieve.
Most of the times they don’t even really know why they have something against you.

You Think He Sees His Enemy

If you think that all people who write or talk about you or your ambitions in a negative way are automatically against you, you adapt a wrong way of thinking that can hurt your self-esteem permanently.
When you desperately ask yourself “why do haters hate?” because you are scared that your vision, goal or idea is simply too bad to be liked by anyone, you focus all your energy on the 1% of people who really hate you.
This is a huge mistake that I also made at the beginning of my journey. I thought that everybody who told me that I am a pervert for traveling all around the world in search of love, sex and adventures saw me as his enemy. I thought that every frustrated woman or man who labeled me as a creepy sex tourist, even though I told them 100 times that I don’t sleep with girls for money, hated me as a person.
The truth is that the majority of those people don’t see you as there enemy.
The only person a hater sees in you is himself.

He Sees His Own Failure

In the course of this article we are going to look at a lot of different reasons why haters hate but the overlying principle is always the same. The context of every negative comment, every false advise that has the purpose to motivate you to stop what you are doing and every public naming and shaming of you is always the same.
Why do haters hate?
The overall problem is that they can’t bear looking at you.
It makes them sick to see you. The reason why it makes them sick to look you in the face is not because your nose is too big or because you remind them of their daddy who always beat them up with his belt. What drives them crazy is that they see themselves in you.
man in front of the mirror
You are everything I ever wanted to be and I hate you for that!

As you will see in the following paragraphs, a hater has different reasons for hating you that he is either consciously aware of or that are a subconscious expression of his feelings. However, the underlying principle is always that he looks at you and sees his own failure.
Whena hater looks at us he sees two guys who decided to overcome their fears, travel the world, seduce incredibly beautiful women and live the life of their dreams. Seeing this drives him bananas.

The Characteristics of the Hater

What are the characteristics of the typical hater?
Why does looking at us make him so angry, frustrated and desperate that the only way for him to deal with his pain is by putting you and me on the pillory?
Why do haters hate and why is making your life miserable all they ever wanted?
Well, there are certain characteristics that every hater has in common. If you want to describe the life of a man or a woman whose only purpose in this world is to bring negativity to other people, you can easily describe them with the following attributes.

He Hates His Life

Why do haters hate? They are sick and tired of their own life. I will kiss your feet if you show me one hater who is at peace with himself and who loves every second of his life. Thank god I know that I never have to kiss your feet.
A person who loves his life wouldn’t waste one second of his precious lifetime with bringing someone else down. The negative energy that haters spread all over the world and especially all over the web, because they can bash as much as they want without giving up their anonymity, is something that happy people would never do.
If such a person would really love his life, he wouldn’t be capable of spreading such negative emotions. Above all, he wouldn’t see the need to bring other people down. Content people simply don’t do that.
When a guy who is completely sexually frustrated sees how you start to get one date after another and how I write about sexual experiences in foreign countries, he realizes even more how much his life sucks.

He Compensates His Jealousy with Judgment

By looking at us, he realizes all the more that he doesn’t have a fulfilled dating and sex life, that he doesn’t have the balls to approach women in a direct way and that he doesn’t live the life he really wants to live.
On the one hand, this realization leads to the fact that he hates his life even more. On the other hand, he gets jealous as hell.
It is no secret that most (if not all) men dream about overcoming their fears, having sex with amazing women, living an adventurous lifestyle and falling in love with women that make them feel alive.
When he sees us living this lifestyle the natural reaction he has is to envy us and to burst with jealousy. At this stage every person has to make a decision. You have the decision to either change your life or to become a hater.
jealous hater
You can either be the hater with the hat or the lover with the busty chick. The decision is yours.

Unfortunately, being a hater and typing a few nasty words on your keyboard is by far easier than accepting your own failure, planning to change your life and actually putting this plan into action.
Too many people choose the easy way of compensating their jealousy by judging others, instead of working on themselves and losing all their jealous feelings along the way.

He Has Way too Much Time

Why do haters hate? They have too much time, because they don’t have anything meaningful to do in their life. The combination of being completely bored and having no real sense of purpose, vision or goal can easily motivate you to become one of those annoying guys who have nothing better to do than spreading negativity all over the web.
Do you think that someone who spams my site with hate comments has a vision that he works on?
Hell no!
If this guy would have any meaningful pursuit in his life he wouldn’t waste his lifetime in such an unproductive way.
Imagine the time that is needed to write a hate comment on my blog. You can bet that such a guydoesn’t stumble upon my website by accident.
bored man
Yeah, I finally have time to Google something that I find disgusting, so that I can hate on it. That makes total sense!

How likely is it that someone who pretends to hate men who date Thai girls and who would of course never type an evil search term like “dating Thai girls” into Google, finds my site by clicking on my article about dating Thai girls?
Those people invest a huge amount of time to search sites they can hate on, to actually think about how they can hurt people like me the most and to finally write their feelings down in the hope that I am stupid enough to not mark their comment as spam.

He Searches a Scapegoat

If you are frustrated with your dating life and if you have no experience with women but you are determined to change your life and to become the man you truly want to become, you have my full respect.
If you, however, are frustrated and have no experience with women and you hate me for living the life that you want to live, you are not only sabotaging yourself and holding yourself back, but you also can’t expect me to have any respect for you.
Why do haters hate and why do men might hate you and me for the way we live our lives?
They obviously search a scapegoat.
The last thing that men who are unsuccessful with women usually do is to take responsibility for their life. It is way easier to blame others for their misery, even though this eventually leads to stagnation and an unlived life.
For those men it is obvious that they don’t have success with women because you and I exist. They talk themselves into believing that we only get girls because we are evil pick up artists who trick girls into bed. They don’t see us as regular dudes who made the decision to improve ourselves.
You often hear those guys saying that they would have the success with women if they would behave like an asshole or if they would be rich. Of course these are only excuses. The fact that I am not rich and that I don’t behave like an asshole and still get women, isn’t even in their reality.

Societal Reasons Why Haters Hate

Why do haters hate? Besides being a miserable piece of shit whose life sucks ass, there are reasons for the behavior of the typical hater that have nothing to do with his non-existent self-esteem and his pathetic way of wasting his life.
We live in crazy times. We live in times in which everybody who claims that we have freedom of speech in the Western society is either blind or dumb. We live in times in which one funny joke that can be understood in a slightly sexist way can end your career forever. We live in times in which hating certain people is socially accepted and supported.
Nearly every politician says that cyber-mobbing and bashing each other on the internet has to stop, but the truth is that our society is designed to provide haters with a breeding ground…
…at least when they hate someone who goes against the grain.

He Wants to Appear Politically Correct 

Can you think of anyone you know who goes against the grain and who talks about topics that are usually not discussed in the evening news? I am sure you can think of someone.
How about me?
Yes, as crazy as it sounds but hating me is more socially accepted than loving me.
press conference
“To be honest, I am on Sebastian’s mailing list and I love to have sex with beautiful women” – said no politician ever

Even though I still hope you love me after you have read this article, I can’t deny the fact that your parents, your boss and your female friend who friend-zoned you two years ago would rather want you to hate me instead of seeing you subscribe to my awesome newsletter.
If you support websites that talk about maintaining a marriage, scoring the highest mortgage and living the boring life of a slave that our society wants you to live, you are the good guy.
If you, however, support a website that writes about seducing women all over the globe, experiencing amazing sexual adventures and finding the love of your life in a way that society doesn’t benefit of, you are the bad guy.
Why do haters hate people like you and me? Because it is more socially accepted to hate us, than it is to love us. If you want that your grandmother is proud of you because you married the fat girl that was always nice to her, you can of course hate me. But if you want to live an amazing life with beautiful women and unforgettable experiences, you should love me…or at least not hate me 😉

He Sees his Own Benefit

Besides appearing like a trained dog who is trying to get a goodie from the representatives of our hypocritical society, there is another benefit of being a hater. Maybe I should frame it differently.
There is actually no benefit for hating us, but a lot of haters think that their behavior is beneficial.
white knight beggs
“Come on! I wrote more than 20 hate comments about Sebastian Harris. Can you pleaaase spread your legs for me!”
Why do haters hate websites like mine?
Or better, why do some sexually frustrated men hate websites like mine?
The only reason why they pillory me is because they hope that this behavior will get them laid!
Such guys are called white knights. White knights are guys who defend women in every situation (even if it makes no sense and they don’t want to be defended), because they hope that this will motivate those women to suck their dick.
On the surface they appear as the honorable knight in shining armor, but deep down they are nothing but a pervert knave who desperately hopes to get some pussy.
Maybe someone should tell those pathetic losers that they will never lose their virginity by behaving like this.

Why Do You Ask Yourself „Why Do Haters Hate?”

Now that you know all the reasons why haters hate I want to ask you a few last questions:
Why have you even asked yourself the question “why do haters hate?” in the first place?
Why do you even care about your haters?
Why do you waste more than one second worrying about why they hate you?
You know why they behave this way and you also know that their behavior has in 99% of the cases nothing to do with who you are and with what you do.
So why the hell do you even care about whether they hate you or not?
Those people are nothing but time-wasters and energy sucking ulcers. The only way to deal with them is by ignoring them and by not giving a fuck about what anyone of those morons says or writes about you.
When in doubt, just say “go fuck yourself!”:
YouTube Video Preview

Replace Haters with Lovers

Ignoring some dude who writes a pathetic comment on your blog is quite easy. You don’t even know his name and the likelihood that you will ever meet him in person is lower than the likelihood that Nazis on dinosaurs take over the planet.
Let’s say you embark on the journey towards becoming a Global Seducer and some guy on a seduction forum writes under your field report that he hates you for approaching women. I mean, if he doesn’t have the balls to do it, you are also not allowed to do it.
Dealing with this kind of hate is pretty easy, but what do you do if your haters are in your social circle?
What if you made the decision to master the art of seduction and to have a sex life that others can only dream of, but all that your friends do is to make fun of you and hold you back?
Well, I had one friend who thought that learning how to seduce women can’t be learned and that I am an idiot for thinking that a loser like me could get hot girls (these were his words). He tried to convince me that I was a loser because I wanted to change my life while he was flushing his life down the toilet by smoking marijuana all day and playing video games all night.
Today I have a wonderful girlfriend, I have sexual adventures all over the globe and I work on my vision, while he still takes drugs and wastes his life in a virtual world in order to escape his real life.
Today we rarely hang out together and I am actually very thankful for that.

What Happens if You Care? 

What would have happened if I wouldn’t have decided to replace my haters with lovers?
What would have happened if I would have listened to people like my former “friend”?
I would have never taken the bootcamp with Sasha Daygame. I would have never approached a woman. I would have never had sex with incredibly beautiful women. I would have never met my girlfriend who knows about this website and supports me in everything I do.
If I would have listened to all the people who hate me for what I do, I would have never met so many people in my life who love me for what I do.
It is your decision if you care more about the people who hate you and who poison your life with negativity, or if you care more about the people who love you, help you and support you.
I hope you make the right decision.

Summed Up Wisdom

Why do haters hate? First of all, you have to understand that most haters don’t really hate you or what you do. You might think that they regard you as their enemy, but the truth is that they only see their own failure by looking at you.
Those negative people hater their own life and try to compensate their jealousy by judging you for living an amazing life that they don’t have. Haters neither have a purpose in their life, nor do they have the balls to change their life to the better. Otherwise they wouldn’t waste their time with hating and with searching a scapegoat for their own misery.
Unfortunately, the behavior of those poisoning people is often socially accepted and sometimes they only behave this way because they hope to get a benefit from it (for example sex). Replace the haters in your life with lovers and stop caring about them. If you do this, you can achieve anything you set your mind to