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Monday, 2 May 2016

Breed Specific Legislation Advocates and Cognitive Dissonance

Lorde/Cindy is up to her/his old tricks again dismissing actual experts in favor of the disinformation spewed by dogsbutt and the nutty ex journo neither of whom are associated with even one actual dog breed or canine behaviorist expert gathering all their information from the news reports and the media and we all know how fickle the media can be don't we?

Both experts are on the executive committee of the South African Board for Companion Animal Behaviorists.

A demonstration of the diseased mind of a Pit Bull lover.
"One woman was killed and two people hurt in three separate pitbull attacks in KwaZulu-Natal recently." and from this they deduce that all dogs need training?
Let's do this one more time using basic logic.
Three serious attacks + all attacks by Pit Bulls = a Pit Bull problem.
There is just no way based on the facts that anything else can be deduced. All other dogs have no more to do with this problem than the man in the moon. No, this idiot is by no means an expert on dogs.

How we raise our dogs and what we expose them to shapes what they do later in life., says an expert.
AB Wood looks like the people there are pit pushers who are trying to whitewash the attacks and sweep the problem under the carpet. It's clear they're believing "it's all in how it's raised"
Like15 hrs
Peggy Severson You can't untrain genetics.
Like13 hrs

Here's a small excerpt from the story which is extremely informative.

"Any breed of dog who runs out of an open gate and bites people is abnormal and unacceptable. It is indicative of a complete lack of sociability and self discipline and control.
Dog owners should familiarize themselves with their breed of dog, so that they can have a better understanding of the basic needs and what they need to do."
** Both experts are on the executive committee of the South African Board for Companion Animal Behaviorists. **

Being unable to accept legitimate science based empirical data and statistics when presented is indicative or symptomatic of suffering some sort of mental disorder to do with cognitive dissonance which overwhelms the sufferer when confronted with irrefutable evidence questioning and/or demonstrating their core beliefs are flawed or in some way incorrect.

Invoking a form of fanatical denial and juvenile parody where they nit pick about grammar, name call, and in worse case scenario they stalk and cyber bully their opposition all the time labeling their victims as the nutters often accusing the victims of stalking them it's quite unique and extremely bizarre to say the least.

more to come.....

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