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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Dana X Steven Renfrow is a Cyber bully plain and simple!

It's just another day advocating for victims over in Lorde's (Cindy Ballard) Facebook hate group The Pit Bull Problem where they're arduously promoting public safety initiates designed to prevent victims of fatal dog attacks.

The fact is if there argument had even the slightest bit of legitimate supporting science based data and information they wouldn't need to resort to this type of juvenile bullying?

They claim I'm the bully and persistently attack me yet post no evidence supporting their claims? 

It's called foaming 101.

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John M VanMunster LOL... good one...
Like25 hrs
Lorde Faust I loved how he reported it and was told he received his final warning to flag appropriately.
Like34 hrs
John M VanMunster I wondered if he was still around - I blocked him over 2 years ago.
Like14 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Gimme a good photo of him and I will try to cook up some memes
Like14 hrs
Lorde Faust Can you superimpose his face over that of this rooster?
Like23 hrs
Lorde Faust Do pics and we will put it up for a vote.
Like33 hrs
Lew Heifner Wait! What? How the hell do you get a "good" picture of pig shi.... err, droppings? poop emoticon
Like23 hrs
Lorde Faust This is his favorite, the toothless one.
Like34 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Haha, thanks.
Like14 hrs
Tammy Surdam Hims awful pretty bahaha
Like12 hrs
Lew Heifner I love how the biggest "bully" on the internet now bawls that he is being picked on? Don't forget to add the question mark at the end of every sentence? At least when you are talking about pit poop emoticon ? And don't forget his catch phrase psml? He really needs to get that bladder problem looked at? lol
Like43 hrs
Lorde Faust He turns in every comment made on Disqus articles that are made by people who don't promote Pit Bulls. It doesn't matter what the content of their statement is, or whether it abides by the rules, the only thing he cares about is that it doesn't promote Pit Bulls so he turns it in as if it is a harassing comment. He doesn't understand that many of those people who work for Disqus have been attacked by Pits or have loved ones that were and aren't going to buy his woe is me.
Like33 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Okay, one more.

What Lorde leaves out is the context of the conversation which if included would shine a different light on his slanderous claims;

It's just another day over at "Cyber Bully" central with more of the same where Facebook allows this hate group obviously using the social media site as a platform to coordinate and launch hate attacks on anyone and everyone opposed to Breed Specific Legislation to accumulate victims.

True victims advocates don't bully and dox people in the name of public safety and it's time Facebook took the well being of it's users seriously and remove this disgusting group of individuals and rid Fb of this type of behavior and it's proponents.

12/05/2016 Update! 

I've received a response from Facebook following my reporting the pictures featured in this blog and typically they don't care!!!

 Thanks for your feedback
Thanks for letting us know about the photo you reported for harassment. As of now, it hasn't been removed because we found that it doesn't go against the Facebook Community Standards.
If you think that this photo should be removed for a different reason, please report it again, choosing the most relevant option after selecting I don't think it should be on Facebook.
Please let us know if you see anything else that concerns you – we want to keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone.

Is it any wonder Facebook has been sued in relation to bullying and particularly their failure to ensure user safety and eliminate bully's but as you can see Facebook doesn't take it's "Duty of Care" to users seriously and it's only a matter of time before they get a class suit and unfortunately people generally have to die before anything will be done to stop the cyber bully's.

Just in.....


7:25 PM (35 minutes ago)

Re: Report Something on Facebook

Hi Terry,

We appreciate you taking the time to let us know about this. We’ve reviewed the content you reported and removed the content that doesn’t follow our Community Standards:

Thank You.

more to come.....

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