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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Pitbull Attacks: Most Don't Make the News" is the latest Facebook hate page and as dangerously deluded as the rest.

Breed specific legislation proponents seem to have gone from the sublime to the totally ridiculous with there latest so called advocacy page which claims that most pit bulls attacks don't make the news but the real irony is that they actually expect people to believe this crap.

They're forever comparing pit bulls to lions, tigers, sharks and even dinosaurs and they really don't care who they effect in their murderous campaign.

Nanny Lion! Statistically safer than a pet pit bull.
Wildlife Planet
BFF smile emoticon

The consistently recurring theme on most Facebook pages is screen shots of alleged victims claiming they'll murder the next pit bull they see regardless of the dogs actions if it looks lie a pit bull they'll shoot it in cold blood.

As you can see Kristian is the gutless type that'll lay baits for peoples family pets causing them to endure a long painful death.

Kristian Renoir Warez Treats for loose pit bulls
LikeReply13 hrs

I've contacted this victim to inform her of the illegal use of her picture and being as the picture has been shared with obvious malice it's fare to say a crime is being committed by using this woman's intellectual property in this manner and it equates to cyber bullying?

And given Kristian is promoting poisoning again it's a safe assumption there's an inferred threat involved for this pet owner and her pet.

Robin Beck It's just a matter of time.....
LikeReply315 hrs
Kristian Renoir Warez Treats for dangerous stray dogs. . .
LikeReply313 hrs
Lisa Kafka Willett It will "somehow" get out
LikeReply15 hrs

This is another of their tactics where they tell outright lies and change headlines the dog involved in this incident was hound dog pit bull mix so essentially it was a mutt and yet it's being presented as a pit bull this is Bsl Advocacy for you.

The irony of this page sharing this post considering nearly all news media outlets are leaving out the hound dog part and calling the dog a pit bull clearly demonstrating the media bias and sensationalist tactic in play.


And here we have yet another example of things being blown out of proportion by a full blown foaming pit bull hater as you can see by the "injuries" (scratches) the dog involved was obviously excited and jumped up on the "victim" leaving them with life threatening scratch injuries.

I'd be embarrassed to have posted something like this anyone can clearly see an excited dog has scratched this person hardly an attack, over react much?


Casper Lax i carry a pocket knife with me at all times if a pit tries to attack me im gutting it.

Once again an all too common theme among these so called public safety advocates promoting applauding and/or encouraging the cold blooded execution of family pets only if they look like pit bulls though as you can see from the post below this individual shot 2 dogs in the street with a shot gun and then posted it on Facebook bragging about it.


Mary Conner I can't figure out why these dogs are always running loose.
Peggy Severson Because they are not loyal, like they are said to be...and the owners can't contain them because they can jump over fences, also because people just have to let them go kill occasionally so they are better behaved at home. (Just a few thoughts on that).
AB Wood most pit owners intentionally let their dogs escape by putting in low fences or poorly constructed ones. They don't care what their dogs do, as long as people don't shoot them or hurt them
Peggy Severson I feel a tad safer now....not. But it may come to a day where everyone ends up killing one, or be killed.
AB Wood with animal control and police becoming more and more usless, then it will be a case of people shooting pits to stay safe
Peggy Severson I actually wrote to animal control because within 5 minutes of him giving the man a citation, the dogs were turned loose. I called him, and he said he was already almost back to Anchorage, and didn't want to turn the case was closed, so I'd have to start a new case with the pictures/videos of him turning the dogs loose with the citation in his hands. I wrote and said I will start taking matters in my own hands then.......he called me up ASAP. He was worried I was going to kill the dogs, and told me I can use pepper spray. They are not for the people, victims at all.

Not nice ..but this it what should happen when pit owners continually allow their dogs to run loose and maul other people's pets.
People have a right to defend their own dogs...many unfortunately don't have a weapon and their dog is often killed.
Thankfully the small dog the pits attacked did survive.

June Mason The dog they attacked survived

June Mason is a flat out liar just look at her comments she claims it was a little dog then posts a picture of a medium to large dog, June that's the biggest little dog I've ever seen and if I'm not mistaken it looks like a pit bull too?

The thing is this cruel A hole claims the the 2 dogs he executed were pit bulls and they attacked his dog and yet his dog was treated for non life threatening relatively minor injuries and only one of the dogs shot appear to have been involved in a fight check out the photos he posted the black dog (rotti mix I'd guess) appeared to have been in a fight but the tan dog had no saliva blood or any indications of having been involved in a fight and probably done little wrong and was executed for being with the other dog and "looking" like a pit bull.

Is this community safety advocacy or plain old dangerously delusional hating disguised as public safety advocacy?

more to come.....

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