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Monday, 2 May 2016

As the death bell tolls for Bsl the haters are becoming increasingly desperate?

They really are a hypocritical group of people over in the the pit bull propaganda machine revealed I've gathered a sampling of the type of things one will find posted in this hate group of alleged public safety advocates.

Sarah Howard seems to consider 12 people to be a revolution all I can say is good luck with that delusional one.

Another new page has popped up.
Pit Bull Maulings - Deja Vue's photo.

Pit Bull Maulings - Deja Vue

Julie Tran I think a Revolution against the pit bull worship cult is about to take place..!
Like36 hrs
Lori Lynn Christiansen let's all LIKE it!
Like25 hrs

Please note Julie Tan's comment regarding groups "poisoning" pets in California and she seems to encourage this cowardly behavior. 

Now here we have one of the bigger anti pit bull pages with 4,729 likes most of which were obviously bought and as you can see even though they have all those likes the reality is;

People talking about this
Total Page Likes
0.4%from last week
New Page Likes
Looks like the word is getting out allover about pit bulls.
Ban Pit Bulls Across America's photo.

Ban Pit Bulls Across America

126 talking about this
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell I would like to think so but even with just a few FB friends, I see several "sweet pibble" pictures a week
Like211 hrs
Leanne Deetz More and more people are becoming aware. But at the same time more and more people are falling for the myths and propaganda unsure emoticon
Like511 hrs
Julie Tran We need to educate them.
Like11 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Yes believing those Nanny dog myths and seen an aggressive chihuahua so believe that they bite more Maybe bite more but not doing the extreme damage
Like11 hrs
Brandi Hodgson Honestly, I think there are more people that know the truth about them than it appears. Here on Facebook we see such a concentration of nutters that it would seem there are more of them than sensible people. Not everyone is on Facebook, so this is not an accurate representation of people's views of pit bulls. On pit bull attack articles where comments aren't posted directly to Facebook, the majority of comments and likes are almost always against pit bulls and in favour of BSL, most likely because people know it's not going to show up on everyone's newsfeed so they don't feel the need to hide from any backlash.
Like310 hrs
Lynne Smith Scientific polls and actual voting shows people want bans 2-1, and even more are for regulations other than bans.
Like26 hrs
Leanne Deetz Where I live they're building a bully rescue and they're everywhere!!!
Like6 hrs
Julie Tran When LA county animal shelters killed all incoming pit bulls and pit bull mixes...we had little if any of the problems we do now. It was the best policy and we really need to get back to that.
Like6 hrs
Julie Tran But in California in general, anyone in rural or remote areas can shoot free running dogs on sight. Just make sure its killed immediately. SSS...!
Like6 hrs
Julie Tran In many areas of Southern California, there are groups of people who get sick of this pit bull worship BS and go on poisoning sprees. They are almost never caught. When I see the attitudes of the pit bull cult and the lackisdasical attitude of animal control ...I see why some people decide to become vigilantes.
Like6 hrs
Dana Head You can't reason with their advocates.They are just as vicious as the dogs they choose.Good match,really.
Like110 hrs

And as you can see Julie really gets her panty's in a bunch when she finds pages exposing the hatred involved with and promoted by pro Bsl groups the funny part is she laughs about their 57 likes and yet one of the pages she posted posted a pro Bsl anti pit bull page has 12 likes? 

Anyone aware of this page? The nutters cant deal with the fact that the normal public is waking up to the pit bull cults lies and deceit!!!
Community57 Likes
The TRUTH about Daxton's Friends's photo.

The TRUTH about Daxton's Friends

  • Smith Jewelz
  • Susan Adams
Sarah May Only 50 likes. Bwahaha smile emoticon
Nancy Perdue 52 Now but still going slower than it would've years/months ago. smile emoticon
Like18 hrs
Michelle Ditta They also went almost 2 years with no posts until this March
Nancy Perdue Really?.....BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA gee I wonder why?
Like18 hrs
Nancy Perdue It's obvious they're running out bullshit to spew hahahahhaha!
Like18 hrs
Sarah May I had to look further...derp!!!
Nancy Perdue Huh? unsure emoticon
Like18 hrsEdited
Sarah May I read their posts...
Like8 hrs
Mizzie Jones How can these people put their ugly dogs before a child's safety. The man lost his ONLY son at the time in the most horrific way possible. He is going to be angry , he is going to need emotional support and he is advocating to save other children's lives.

What are they doing? Oh that's right. Nothing. Advocating for pitbulls is like advocating for the death of children, animals and adults. Because nothing is more preshus than pwitbulls


Nancy Perdue They're sick sadistic stupid monsters! grumpy emoticon
Like8 hrs
Michelle Ditta They are selfish and greedy. End story
Mizzie Jones Every PitBull owner I see, read about, watch, always have Narcissistic traits. They really do resemble their dogs. Psychopathic Narcissists, only interested in their damn dogs and image.
William Johnson Pages like this just show you how insane these people are. They should be ashamed and embarrassed by this, but they're not.
Like521 hrs
Olivia Wyatt These people are psychopaths, they have no compassion for others suffering. Actually they have under developed brains. Don't trust these people.
Like520 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Sick horrible people/
Like519 hrs
Pame Ashley Reported
Like318 hrs
Bonnie Combs Reported
Like19 hrs
Nancy Perdue Just another one of the many pit bullshit pages on Facebook. These people have absolutely no facts to back up their claims.
Like38 hrs

Now here we have a typical pro pit bull page and as you can see it really chaffs their butts when they are confronted with the reality that a lot more people support pit bulls then they have in all their grotty little facebook hate groups put together?

Isn't this the pit that mauled a little boy because it was claimed he took a chew toy from it? And they created a page to support it? WTF!!!
Watch Mickey Beat Cancer's photo.

Watch Mickey Beat Cancer

3,072 talking about this
Dana X Steven Renfrow Is it wrong that I wish this animal a slow, painful death? I know it is the depraved lunatics who treat it like a deity, but that poor child should have been the one tugging at the heart strings of the public. It should have been Kevin with the thousands of followers, well-wishers, and contributors. The only thing Mickey deserved was a bullet between the eyes. This goes beyond my comprehension, was there proof the dog had something the boy took? Even then, 72k people think it served him right and the attack dog is treated like a hero? What a bunch of bullshit, nonsensical people control things now, and this country is becoming a joke.
Like315 hrs
Julie Tran It is beyond sick..its a perversion.. Pure EVIL..
Like215 hrs
Julie Tran I hate to say this and this is not really the place to discuss Geo-Political issues...but sick crap like this is one of the reasons we now have lost our respect in the world. Sooner or later we are going to be hit by another massive terror attack, far worse than 9/11 and people will have far more to concern themselves with than these f%"'*king worthless dogs.
Like115 hrsEdited
Dana X Steven Renfrow I cannot find a place in a lot of these new and asinine views people have. If we defend a child killer, next, we will be defending criminals and disrespecting law enforcement--wait, pretty much there now. I pray our nation gets out of this rut and gains sensible leadership again
Like115 hrs
Julie Tran I pray to. But sadly this nation has lost its morals and it will take an unthinkable disaster to wake these sick f"&%*kers up.
Like115 hrs
Julie Tran China Vietnam and both North and South Korea have a far more practical use for unwanted and surplus dogs..!
Like115 hrsEdited
Julie Tran A dog like "Micky" would have not lasted a day in one of those cultures.
Like115 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Twenty years ago, he would have been dead without hesitation
Like115 hrs
Julie Tran Yep. Back in the 80s pit bulls were immediately killed in shelters after an unprovoked mauling death of a two year old boy by a sweet family pet here in California...people had more sense and decency back then.
Like114 hrsEdited
Julie Tran This "no kill" policy needs to be revoked.
Like114 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Can you imagine our grandparents putting up with this shit?
Like214 hrs
Julie Tran They would not have. Wonder if they ever thought our nation and society could become this sick and depraved?
Like214 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow This nation is always changing throughout history, but it is like Caligula has taken over here lately.
Like211 hrs
Julie Tran No, more likely Satan.
Like211 hrs
Dennis Baker The only cure is a lead injection. I willing to help with that.
Like414 hrs
Julie Tran Or massive overdose of pentobarbital!!!
Like14 hrs
Julie Tran Or how about a hamburger patty with some Compound 1080..? wink emoticon
Like14 hrs

I recently done a study on 33 pit bull hate groups and pages which found out of 33 pages and groups their average membership was 222 which seems accurate as there's approximately 200 actual haters using many fake profiles in a vein attempt to fool people into thinking they're the majority which clearly is not the case at all.

Pit Bull Type Dogs should become Extinct's photo.

Pit Bull Type Dogs should become Extinct

6 talking about this
Dana Head So true,they have no more use.Pit fighting is a felony,owning one of them should be too!!
Like415 hrs

And here we have Dbo's poster boy doing what he does promoting hatred and disinformation  the fact is this man poses as a public safety advocate while encouraging people to poison neighborhood pets with "Anti-freeze" if they look like pit bulls.

He also finds it acceptable to stalk women and children going as far as telling one 12 year old girl to "smear her pussy with peanut butter and let her mauler lick it off" a comment that is completely perverted and a true indication of this individuals complete lack of morality and true nature?

Only 18 out of over 900 alleged members liked this comment so at least they're not all as depraved as the Dj?

Lorde Faust I like this one.
Like214 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Funny, right? Lol
Like114 hrs
Lorde Faust Funny, yet functional.
Like114 hrs
Jeff Borchardt They need to make more of these "I coulda had a V8" memes.
Like13 hrs

True public safety advocates would not carry on with all the garbage that these people seem to but then again legitimate advocates use legitimate sources for their information and would never promote legislation which has lead to the needless and completely preventable deaths of 128 victims in the last decade involving mostly the elderly and children.

The only true response to the dog bite fatalities is to enact breed neutral legislation to protect the community against all dangerous dogs not just pit bulls?

more to come.....

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