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Friday, 6 May 2016

" Lorde Faust" shared "Animals Gone Viral's" video.--- "Another Saturday night and she ain't got nobody. So she can't make babies of her own. Sicko!"

Lorde Faust (Cindy M Ballard) is obviously extremely desperate and with due cause as there's been another 5 breed specific legislation repeals in the last week in America alone and 1 in Australia too so is it any wonder Laud's panties are in a bunch?

If they're not posting gory pictures of victims and quite often they portray victims of suicide attempts and bear attacks etc and present them as pit bull attacks however this time they're trying to say this puppy is not cute?

If it's not already abundantly clear to Facebook the these individuals are using the social media site as a hate platform to coordinate their hate campaigns against individuals and rescues alike any reasonably intelligent person can see that the pit bull problem despite claiming to be acting in the best interests of the community is clearly little more then a hate driven propaganda machine focused on exterminating pit bulls. 

Another Saturday night and she ain't got nobody.
So she can't make babies of her own. Sicko!

Animals Gone Viral
When you still feel delicate after the weekend...grin emoticon heart emoticon
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AB Wood another pitiful attempt tp make pits seem cute by dressing it in a onsie and sucking on a dummy
Like315 hrs
Lorde Faust Wait.. which one is the dummy?
Like415 hrs
Diana South unsure emoticon
Like115 hrs
Jane Brown nasty
Like315 hrs
Peggy Severson I got charged today by my neighbor's bully dog.....scared me so bad, I am still shaking. The dog circled me, and I screamed to my husband, who didn't hear me...the dog left without biting, but my fear was obvious. I ended up calling animal control.......I can't help how my body reacts to being charged, after being charged by a brown bear (Grizzly) a few years ago, after the SAME neighbor let his dogs "play" with the cubs. Animal control has yet to come by to talk to me. The picture was from right after the black and white one charged me up my driveway....the man is not even close to them. OFF LEASH ....
Like313 hrsEdited
Lorde Faust That is awful! Nobody should have to live like that. What happened to the sanctity of your own private property? Aren't there any Pit Bull free zones left in this world?
Like11 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Sorry for you having to be compromised in your safety, I myself cannot say I would not panick.
Like10 hrs
Lorena McGovern Remember the three S's.
Like9 hrs
Patricia Forbell 😞 see that's so so wrong! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Sorry to say, when and if a c arrives they won't do shi"
Like13 hrs
Drema Fowler Posted a comment...
Like11 hrs
Susan George The perfectly legal way for some sick twisted person to enjoy the carnage caused that he can't possibly get away with doing himself. Seriously, I think this guy want s to see somebody hurt or killed. No wonder people out in rural areas stay on the ready, and act as their own animal control.
Like110 hrsEdited

Lorena McGovern comments with "remember the three S's" which actually refers to "Shoot, Shovel & Shut up" which seems to be the go to mantra of the Bsl proponents in their so=called community safety advocacy.

In essence Lorena is encouraging Peggy Severson to shoot her neighbors pet and then hide the evidence by burying it and then don't tell a soul and the dog didn't bite her it "scared" her by "charging" her in her own driveway and despite the fact that no-one was injured she called animal control and reported her neighbor.

This is just another example of what these people seem to consider victims advocacy whereas it's apparent they make more victims then could ever possibly help as you can see this beautiful little puppy couldn't have possibly hurt anyone or anything but still he/she  can't manger to evade their hate and death threats.

Please check the groups members list and hope that none of your neighbors are in there and if they are keep a very close eye on your pet especially if it even looks like a pit bull as these people promote the mantra Shoot Shovel & Shut-up.

more to come.....

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