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Friday, 6 May 2016

Jeff D. Borchardt shared William Johnson's dangerous disinformation?.

Here we have a perfect example of either Jeff's complete ignorance to the reality around him or just another case of him making dangerously ignorant comments or telling intentional lies now admittedly it's actually William Johnson's creation and it's extremely dangerous to give the community a false sense of security in relation to the dangers of owning a greyhound.

Now the fact is William is a bartender, and Jeff is a Dj neither of whom have any training or education in either canine behavior or animal matters in general, actually Williams claim to fame is getting his clients really drunk and then taking pictures of them to share to his pages where he ridiculed them.

Just another meeting of the great minds behind Daxton's Friends!‪#‎drunksdontkilljustpitbulls‬
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Looking to hire: young, over the age of 21, white impressionable women. Must be willing to put up with my leering looks, perverted jokes and criminal friends.
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I just need to get this off my hairy chest:
Jeff Borchardt, I love you man and I'm down with keeping all the secrets man. I love you man, just LOVE you.

As you can see for yourself this is hardly the type of behavior one would expect from a public safety advocate and he's created a meme and his pal Jiffy is only too willing to spread the lies and disinformation?


Now below you'll see links to a sampling of the articles on the internet relating to or involving greyhounds that have attacked both humans and pets alike and this type of post typifies all that is the Breed Specific Legislation advocacy which revolves around disinformation laden meme's and propaganda provided by the fraud Clifton Merrit.

Greyhounds maul poodle to death as racing dogs owner cries 'get .

The fact is dog bite fatalities have involved more then thirty breeds/types of dogs and this kind of misleading advocacy is undoubtedly contributing to the elevated death tolls in America the last two consecutive years. 

Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United ... - NCBI

Now the volume of data confirming that all dogs can be dangerous and actually cause human fatalities is irrefutable and the 128 victims of non banned breeds in the last decade are evidence that breed specific legislation only protects the community from pit bulls while seemingly ignoring all the victims of non banned breeds.

The majority of legitimate animal organizations and victims based advocacy groups world wide  recommend the "Calgary Model" which is a breed neutral legislation which protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous pit bulls and has shown significant reductions to both bite instances and fatalities wherever it's been enacted.

more to come.....

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