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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Elton Camp --- English Bulldogs are not Pit Bulls

The irony in this one post typifies all that is the breed specific legislation proponents now they claim that anyone of average intelligence can identify a pit bull and yet they post picture of other breeds in this case English Bulldogs indicating that Elton Camp from the hate group The Pit Bull Problem obviously is below average intelligence.

Cute? I think not--the stuff of nightmares!
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Nancy Perdue It's terrible how the English Bulldog has been bred to be so deformed. They suffer from just about every kind of canine health ailment. frown emoticon
Like48 May at 19:09
Gwendolyn Hanan They can not survive a normal birth anymore, all must be born via c-section. They can not now exist with out human intervention. Sick and sad.

As you can see only 3 members out of the 43 that have seen the post cared enough to comment or they realized just how stupid it was and decided to give it a wide berth.

At least we can be thankful he's given up on his pit bull hate poems they were pretty ordinary to be honest.

It's hard to blame Elton for his confusion after all Jeff is using a picture of an American Bully in all his hate propaganda.

It's an honest mistake for a Dj with absolutely no formal training or education in ether canine genetics, behaviors and/or dog breed identification.

more to come.....

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