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Sunday, 8 May 2016

S.J. Martin peddling the same old propaganda, lies and disinformation.

Yet another new face on the hater scene but she employs all the typical tactics of the majority of pit bull haters she claims to be a public safety advocate but only speaks for victims of pit bulls while ignoring the 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs in the last decade.

The inescapable fact is pit bulls are not responsible for all dog bite related fatalities which destroys their "it's in their genes" argument as of the millions of pit bulls resident in America on average only 23 are involved in fatal incidents which indicates and supports all the science confirming there's a many contributing factors leading to fatalities and breed is not one of them the biggest influence on any dogs behavior is it's environment and upbringing and this is confirmed by the fact that more then 30 breeds/types of dog have killed humans.

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In this post she tries to justify ignoring the victims of non pit bull type dogs by claiming there's diversity in the things people advocate for and/or against but the fact is legitimate victims advocates for a particular cause speak for all the victims involved and not just the ones involving dogs they hate.

All the legitimate public safety advocates are touting the "Calgary Model" as it's drastically decreased over all bite instances and fatalities everywhere it's been trialed leading to greater protection from dangerous dogs for the community.

For everyone that tells me "but x,y,z kill more people than why not care about that"
There are activist groups for every imaginable thing. TVs kill less than pits but here we have a national response without victims blaming

See tips from Safe Kids Worldwide and the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® on how to make your home safer.

Unfortunately though this is the reality of breed specific legislation and it's proponents who use underhanded methods and intentionally misleading Meme's as they have no legitimate or science based data or information supporting their claims.

The post below typifies all that is breed specific legislation proponent advocacy which revolves around disinformation , lies and propaganda being as not one legitimate animal or victims advocacy group in the world supports Bsl in any way shape or form even the American Bar Association has called for it to be dropped.

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Creative and disturbing Meme's trying to support their nonsensical claims in relation to pit bulls and their genetics which they claim makes them all killers (ticking time bombs) which is fascicle as the 128 victims of non pit bull types last decade prove undeniably the fact is 23 individual dogs out of the population millions of pit bulls in America were involved in fatal incidents which equates to 0.000000000000000000001% of the breed. .

As you can see when confronted with a reasonable argument she reverts to all the disinformation and propaganda your typical haters use and even calls in reinforcements to help deal with the trouble some pit bull owner, in the form of the Ninja and the boofhead Dj both are mindless sheep singing Culleen's hate chorus.

The fact is if they had any legitimate support they wouldn't need to resort to this type of behavior  but they don't so this is Bsl advocacy 101.

Jennifer Gilbertson I had a pure bred pit growing up. Got him as a puppy and had him til he was really old. Best family dog ever. Hardly barked when people came over. Couldn't even get that dog to chase a squirrel. We had pure bred wolves that we raised growing up too. Also another dog that normally wouldn't be a human dog. They are wild animals. We had over 20 at times. My sister and I used to go inside the kennels with them as kids and sleep in there with them. Pits and wolves are my favorite canine breeds. It's all in how they are raised.
S.J. Martin You're wrong. You just got lucky^^ some are genetically "cold" ( lacking the aggression gene). But it has ZERO TO DO W TRAINING THEM.
S.J. Martin But I guess all the parents that lost their babies to their loving pit bulls just did it wrong.... Trained them to eat their kids? I guess? How about the pit bull advocates that were killed- Darla Napora, as one example of many.
And I owned one. Same thing- had it as a baby, knew the parents. Never fought, was super chill.
And one day it snapped. Was horrific.

Lesley Karen Luscombe Jeff Borchardt Lisa N Richard Aguilar Tanya Edwards-Barnes

S.J. Martin Why do we see genetics as so vital to so many things, but when we say pit types share a bloodline *created by humans* for fighting til the death, with strength and tenacity, all of a sudden genetics aren't shit.
Pointers point.
Retrievers retreive
Even as babies, you can see the traits.
And many pit babies FIGHT.

Jennifer Gilbertson I knew the entire litter of pit puppies that my pup came from. There were 6 of them and they all went to family and friends. Not one of them had a mean bone in their body. They were all family dogs and raised around kids.
S.J. Martin So did I. ^^^ and the parents, grandparents.
It's so graphic I don't wanna recount it
If you're "goes pit" you and your kids are fucked.
I'm happy you don't have one and hope don't get one.

Now S J claims to be open to discussion on the matter but quickly shows her true colors when exposed to actual facts and empirical science based data and information.

The fact is the victims of non pit bull types are every bit as dead as victims of pit bulls and they deserve a voice too and the community wants protection from all dangerous dogs not just dangerous pit bulls.

Honest questions for my pit bull *advocate* friends (respectful dialogue please):
How do you see all of the deaths and severe attacks, and still say "they are fine family dogs", "mine is wonderful, And wouldn't do that", "they have to be trained to kill!" or just plain old "you're ignorant".
Do you think these attacks are made up? Like, everyone is fabricating these attacks just to blame a type of dog? 
Do you really think we would care about pits one bit if no one was dying or being grievously wounded?? (
Or do you think that they aren't "real" pits (even when the owner says so, and the AC says so, and the pics show it to be so.)
Do you really think chihuahuas are a menace, but pits are safe?
Are you unable to tell the difference between small dog attacks and pit attack's??
Do you think BSL advocates (like me) hate pits, or want to limit them for no reason?
Do you think we never have owned these dogs ourselves? Loved them, trained them, then been hurt by them? Or had a kid killed?
I am open to all ideas here.
PLEASE. We must stop the bloodshed somehow. What am I missing??

The fact is S J is not ready to hear anything that contradicts her point of view and calls for help from the more polished haters when confronted with irrefutable evidence the fact is that on average in America over the last 2 decades 46 people are killed by dogs and 64% of those fatalities involve dogs alleged to be pit bulls. (Resource Dbo)

So breed specific legislation proponents support and promote legislation which does nothing to prevent deaths involving non pit bull type dogs which equates to an average of 128 victims to non pit bull types in a decade or just over one a month every month for ten years?

Please reject breed specific legislation don't be fooled by their word games and trickery support breed neutral legislation to protect the community from all dangerous dogs as Bsl has failed dismally and even if it did actually work there's the 128 victims of non banned breeds that is does nothing to prevent reoccurring in the next decade too.

more to come.....

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