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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Pit Bulls and Media Bias

The latest tactic of pit bull hating breed specific legislation is to claim that Pitbull Attacks: Most Don't Make the News and despite the reality of the situation which is heavily biased against pit bulls with most media outlets willing to use the term "pit bull" as their own personal cash cow knowing that it increases circulation let's have a look at the traumatic attack on Janaya Everett.

Now this tragic attack involved a hound dog pit bull mix which was living in a basement and had little to no food, exercise or socialization and yet the haters have declared the mutt a pit bull and the feeding frenzy kicks in to gear.

And as you can see Lori Welbourne is in the thick of it admittedly to her credit she actually admitted the dog was a mix breed. 

Little Janaya Everett was hospitalized after a vicious attack by pit bull mixes at her grandmother’s home in West Orange, New Jersey, on Saturday, May 14. This follow up story quotes Dogsbite facts and figures.
“The baby was lying on the floor bloody with her scalp all messed up, and just a mess… horrible, horrible thing,” the boyfriend of Janaya’s grandmother, Dwayne Harper said. He was outside working on a car when he heard the toddler’s gut wrenching wails.

Janaya Everett was attacked by a mixed reed of Pit Bulls at her grandmother’s…
Tina Rudisill why do people leave babies alone with pets..sad
LikeReply1May 16 at 1:10pm
Pam Coggins Having a pit bull in the house as a child is reckless endagerment and we all know it even those who deny. Send the owner to jail.
LikeReply4May 16 at 1:56pm
Theresa Thompson And "somehow" the dogs got out! Again and again.
Susan Elizabeth Did they pull the article about the New Jersey pit bull attack? A 404 error message comes up. Pressure from the pit bull lobby?
LikeReply23 hrsEdited

Over at "The Pit Bull Problem" AB has posted the story not saying anything about it but it's presence there infers it involves pit bulls and it seems all quiet over there since Cindy Ballard (Lorde Faust) got Facebook jail for bullying again. 

Janaya Everett, 3, was viciously attacked in her grandmother's home in West Orange, New Jersey, on Saturday. Family members said the animals are kept in…

Now someone closer to the situation hits the nail right on the head the problem is with the owner any breed kept in these conditions may well have acted the same having been locked in  basement with no exercise or food..

Good Morning!! Dwayne Harper of North Maple Ave a so called Street Mechanic is in all actuality a Heroin addict who along with his girlfriend who is the grandmother of the poor baby who was attacked by the dog lets put the blame were it belongs not on the dog but on Dwayne Harper who at 50 kept dogs locked in basement not feeding nor walking them in addition both Dwayne and his girlfriend Diane are living off of his elderly mother not providing not even $1 for daily necessities being I have family and life long friends living on this same block I know this first hand


Despite the fact the dogs were hound dog pit bull mixes meaning essentially they were mutts the media jumped straight on to it misrepresenting the facts in order to increase their coverage.

As you can by the lists below heavily favoring calling the mixed breeds pit bulls demonstraiting how much thse organizations care about truth and facts.



Toddler mauled by pit bull in grandmother's East Orange home
New Jersey Girl, 5, Mauled by Family Pit Bull
NBC New York 

3-year-old attacked by pit bull in East Orange, NJ - WABC

New Jersey Girl, 5, Mauled by Family Pit Bull | NBC New York

Girl, 5, hospitalized following pit-bull attack in East Orange |

NJ Girl, 3, Mauled by Pit Bulls - The Root

Pit Bull attacks NJ toddler in grandmother's home - New Jersey 101.5

New Jersey Girl, 3, Mauled by Family Pit Bull news › News

New Jersey Girl, 5, Mauled by Family Pit Bull news › News

New Jersey Girl, 3, Mauled by Family Pit Bull | New York Sun Times

Girl, 5, hospitalized following pit-bull attack in East Orange by

3-year-old Janaya Everett was mauled by a Pit-Bull in Grand-mama's ... › News

New Jersey Girl, 5, Mauled by Family Pit Bull | The USA Times

New Jersey Girl, 3, Mauled by Family Pit Bull – TheNycPlug

New Jersey girl is viciously mauled by pit bull dog at her ...

Girl, 5, hospitalized following pit-bull attack in East Orange | A1.AM

Perro pitbull ataca a niña de cinco años en NJ | Telemundo 47


janaya everett : Top News Articles [1] - OOYUZ

New Jersey girl is viciously mauled...

3-year-old attacked by family dog in East Orange | News 12 New Jersey

Now there's the proof right there despite the fact these dogs were not pit bulls they were mixed breed mutts and yet these so called "reputable news" organizations are calling them "pit bulls".

And typically the pit bull haters are over joyed and absolutely flooding the news article with all their anti pit bull propaganda they source from the most disreputable website on the internet last month where they call mixed breed mutts pit bulls because they hate them and want them exterminated.

more to come.....

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