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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

“Effectiveness of Breed-specific Legislation in Decreasing the Incidence of Dog-bite Injury Hospitalizations in People in the Canadian Province of Manitoba”

Malathi Raghavan; Patricia J. Martens; Dan Chateau; Charles Burchill. Injury Prevention, June 30, 2012. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2012-040389


“The city of Winnipeg was the first among several jurisdictions in Manitoba, Canada, to introduce breed-specific legislation (BSL) by banning pit-bull type dogs in 1990. The objective of the present work was to study the effectiveness of BSL in Manitoba…. Temporal differences in incidence of dog-bite injury hospitalizations (DBIH) within and across Manitoba jurisdictions with and without BSL were compared.

Pit Bull Meme's
Published by Terry Holt1 hr
Can we get an Amen?

Incidence was calculated as the number of unique cases of DBIH divided by the total person-years at risk and expressed as the number per 100,000 person-years. Year of implementation determined the pre-BSL and post-BSL period for jurisdictions with BSL; for jurisdictions without BSL to date, the entire study period (1984-2006) was considered as the preimplementation period…

Terry Holt
Published by Terry Holt
United we can beat this attack on our bully breeds!

A total of 16 urban and rural jurisdictions with pit-bull bans were identified. At the provincial level, there was a significant reduction in DBIH rates from the pre-BSL to post-BSL period (3.47 (95% CI 3.17 to 3.77) per 100,000 person-years to 2.84 (95% CI 2.53 to 3.15); p=0.005). In regression restricted to two urban jurisdictions, DBIH rate in Winnipeg relative to Brandon (a city without BSL) was significantly (p<0.001) lower after BSL (rate ratio (RR)=1.10 in people of all ages and 0.92 in those aged <20 years) than before (RR=1.29 and 1.28, respectively). BSL may have resulted in a reduction of DBIH in Winnipeg, and appeared more effective in protecting those aged <20 years.”

more to come.....

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