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Thursday 5 May 2016

Bruce W. Sellers shared Mary Camplin Maley's post. -- "This woman is letting her baby sleep with a Pit Bull! Someone needs to call CPS on this DingBat!"

Some people seem to think it's okay to share other peoples posts for the purpose of bullying and or making derogatory remarks and threatening to or even garnering support to have people report that person to the Child Protective services is in reality cyber bullying, harassment even if you claim to be acting with the best of intentions it' wrong and it's illegal too.

Now Bruce seems to be a new face to the hater landscape but he's sure catching on quick as you can see he's stalked this poor woman's profile and is using a picture of her pet and her child in their petty campaign against pit bulls.

This woman is letting her baby sleep with a Pit Bull! Someone needs to call CPS on this DingBat!
Mary Camplin Maley with Sarah Maley.
Nothing sweeter than sleeping babies heart emoticon
Tim Camp She needs to see a doctor. She has a bad case of Nutters Syndrome
Bruce W. Sellers You've been hanging out with Brits…lol
Annie Cowan Brown There ARE SO MANY OF THEM!
Adam Combs Crazy people! No common sense.

Now admittedly this woman posted a picture of her pet and her small child to her Facebook profile and either didn't realize her profile is on "public" view or she's not aware of people like these and the types of things they'll do in their desperate campaign to try and justify and/or advocate for Breed specific Legislation.

In their delusional minds they seem to be able to justify this type of behavior in the guise of acting in the interests of the community but I'd be willing to bet that the majority of people would be of the opinion that this sort of behavior is not acceptable under any circumstances.

It's become a common occurrence instances where parents are being reported on mass by these fanatics for nothing more then owning a pit bull and allowing the dog to interact with their children  the worse case I've seen myself involved a hater video taping a neighbor in his own yard interacting with his child and pet it's truly disturbing the depths these people will stoop too.

Please if you post pictures of your pets and your children on to your Facebook check your privacy setting and make sure only friends can see your pictures and albums etc or risk being the next victim of these so called public safety advocates.

more to come.....


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