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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Aaron B Wood changing headlines to further his cause.....

Aron B wood is up to his old tricks changing headlines to sensationalize them as "click bait" to stir interest in their dying cause which is being recognized for the ruse it is with under handed extremely misleading incidents where they're seemingly constantly being found out as being deliberately deceptive or out right lying.

The dog walker fled from the scene when Mr Sugden said he was going to involve the police in the incident.

As you can see by the post above from Aaron's grotty hate group "The Pit Bull Problem" he changed the title of the news article obviously as when I posted it to my group below you can see clearly it's not about pit bulls.....

Two Yorkshire farmers have been victim to dog attacks in the last week as the issue of livestock worrying continues to wreck havoc up and down the country.

These people lie and promote dangerous propaganda as a matter of normal operating procedure in their desperate attempts to keep their kill all pit bulls campaign alive as it virtually crumbles around their ears having absolutely no basis in science their so called stats were collected from media outlets and tallied up by an ex journo wanna be public figure who has been seriously exposed as a liar and a fraud many times.

Aaron claims to be acting in the interests of community safety whereas it's becoming increasingly clearer by the day Aaron's little more then a pit bull hater hiding his evil behind a noble cause in true villain style.

Unfortunately for Aaron his ruse has once again been exposed just like his post claiming Great Pyronese/ Labs were actually pit bulls and attributing the fatality to pit bulls knowing full well the dogs were actually not pit bulls.

A recent investigation into Dogsbut stats indicated the in spite of their statements and claims, 70% of the fatalities thus far this year have involved mixed breed mutts that Dogsbut mislabeled as pit bulls in order to further their degenerate and deliberately misleading hate campaign against pit bulls.

But we all know if you want to arouse attention in a news article just add the words "attacked by pit bulls" and you've got yourself a click generator.

more to come.....

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