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Sunday, 10 July 2016

Paul Lothary - "Argument: "There's only hundreds of maulings and deaths of people by pitbulls "

Paul Lothary.....

This time we're taking a quick look at a typical pit bull hater's post which is nothing but lies from start to finish claiming there's hundreds of deaths involving pit bulls.

Then some mindless comparison to wolves (wtf) one of the long list of idiotic claims that there's only been two deaths by Wolves which clearly is inacurate.

Argument: "There's only hundreds of maulings and deaths of people by pitbulls because there are millions of them. It's only proportional to any other animal."
Answer: Not so fast. There have also been millions of the much feared coyote, cousin of the wolf. The number of recorded attacks in human history?
Pamela Becking There are millions of all kinds of dogs, especially in the U.S. and those breeds aren't mauling and killing.
Like76 hrs
Like16 hrs
Kelly Johnson There have always been way more Labradors than other breeds, yet all the other breeds combined don't maul and kill humans and other pets like pits and pit mixes do.
Like2 hrs
Hannah Honey "Any other animal?" We had a hamster. No one was hurt.
Like76 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell I have 9 guinea pigs, so statistically if I had one pit bull I would have more of a chance of being fatally mauled by the piggies than the pit according to that reasoning.
Like35 hrs

They're are clearly fanatical and willing to believe anything they're told as long as it fits their delusional beliefs.

As you can see a couple of the loony tunes board the crazy train and they are off! (lol)

Fatal dog attacks in the United States are a small percentage of the relatively common occurrences of dogbites.  only about 20 to 30 of these bites result in death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[1][2]

Source..... wikipedia

Even dogsbut lists an average of 32 dog bite related fatalities over an eleven year period 2005-2015, with a total of 360.

Although wolf attacks do occur, their frequency varies with geographical location and historical period. Gray wolf attacks are dangerous not only for the victims, but for the wolves, who are often subsequently killed, or even extirpated in reaction. As a result, wolves today tend to live mostly far from people or have developed the tendency and ability to avoid them. The country with the most extensive historical records is France, where nearly 7,600 fatal attacks were documented from 1200–1920.[1][2] In modern times, they occur most often in India and neighboring countries. There are few historical records or modern cases of wolf attacks in North America. In the half-century up to 2002, there were eight fatal attacks in Europe and Russia, three in North America, and more than 200 in south Asia.[3] Experts categorize wolf attacks into various types, including rabies-infected, predatoryagonistic, and defensive.

Source..... wikipedia

As you can see for yourselves there's been quite a few more then "two" victims to Wolves, these people must really think people are stupid to fall for some of the stuff they post?

Honestly they consistently make outlandish claims that a 5th grader with a spare 5 minutes and an internet connection can quickly dispel as the nonsense it is and yet some people seem to believe them.


Paul's response in true foamer style he posts a comment with a picture they stalked off of my Facebook profile which is normal operating procedure for pit bull haters.

I consider it a high honor to travel from horrified bystander of victim bullying to a star appearance on this raving lunatic's personal rant page. Thanks, Terry Holt. It means I'm getting under your skins and it's working. I'm going to double my efforts since I now have positive feedback for it.

You flatter yourself Paul pmsl!!!!

more to come.....

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