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Saturday, 23 July 2016

Bullying Bronwen Dickey

Haters are butt-hurting because not only is Ms Dickey an attractive looking woman but she's obviously very intelligent too and that just chaffs their butt.

About Bronwen.....

"Bronwen Dickey is a contributing editor at The Oxford American and the author of Pit Bull: The Battle over an American Icon (Alfred A. Knopf, 2016). Her writing has also appeared inThe New York TimesThe Virginia Quarterly Review, NewsweekOutside, Popular Mechanics, Best American Travel Writing 2009SlateGarden & GunThe San Francisco ChronicleSouthern Living, World Hum, Sport Diver, and The Independent Weekly, among other publications. In 2009 she received a first-place Lowell Thomas Award in travel journalism and a residency grant from the MacDowell Colony. "


Apparently this post slandering and attacking "Bronwen Dickey" doesn't breach Facebook's community standards which are designed to protect users from bullying and harassment but as you can see Facebook does not enforce it's own standards when it comes to pit bull haters who seem to get a free pass to do pretty much anything they want in relation to bullying people.

Even Merritless weighs in giving his twenty cents worth which in reality is worth nothing as he has no formal training in gathering and correlating data nor has he any formal education in actual canines he's a washed up journo trying to earn a living off killing pit bulls much like Culleen Lynn the notoriously uneducated creator of dogsbite. 

Raleigh, NC is still pimping Bronwen's faux bully story. It gets more outrageous by the day.

Jaime Brunkan Dial It's amazing to me that they continue to act bullied by the other side, as if, they don't do the same and sometimes, even worse! I need to publish a coffee table book with victims pics and pro pit comments! Idiots.
Like64 hrs
Sarah Howard The hubub they refer to came from Bronwen, crying about someone asking her a question and people online posting facts counter to her published book. She cant take not being the "darling" psshht.
Like54 hrs
Jennie Conway If that silly pit twit couldn't take the heat, she shouldn't have jumped into the fire! Publish a book without the proper research and facts...what the hell did that silly little girl expect? Poor child someone asked a question! Goodness people don't do that. You'll make her cry!!!!! Boo hoo!
Like54 hrs
Brandi Hodgson Poor thing is still so scared that she won't take off her mirrored sunglasses in public. 😂
Like1 hr
Sarah Howard In the title of her book she stated clearly it was a "battle" and she jumped right into the middle with her fairy stories and expects not to get muddied.
Like54 hrs
Jennie Conway That's for sure Sarah Howard. She wrote a fairy tale....and wonders why she is questioned! I wonder if the little princess has imaginary friends? Did she really think because she is her father's daughter no one would question her nonsense?
Like54 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking I'm sick to the teeth of this stupid woman moaning and whinging.
Like54 hrs
Jennie Conway You said it. I loved it. Pamela Lee Becking! It's perfect for her!
Like24 hrsEdited
Pamela Lee Becking She probably should take the whole box and NOT call me EVER.
Like14 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow I am so tired of this lying bitch. Oh, they say the media is out to get pit bulls, that they exaggerate and sensationalize stories about them attacking for money--what the fuck do you call this here, hypocrites? Unlike pit pushers, amputated limbs and dead bodies don't lie. They have the nerve to take one guy's question--a good one at that-- and turn it into "threats online and irl", to make Dickface a martyr, a victim. Nutters covetously hug onto their pitties and their fluff bible, thinking of how holy their furbabies must be to draw so much taboo and attention. It feeds their cultlike narcissism and takes it up a notch.

No one was arrested, no assaults have been implied. AT LEAST when the news presents a pit bull attack story, there is concrete proof that it is not blown out of proportion. Where is Dickface's proof? Where is the post screenshots where people had her address, hmmm? Where are these so-called real life threats, and the police records of such?

Let's face it, BD, you lie as much as a politician. You want to sell more of your shitty books, so you pretend people are "out to get you". You want to demonize those who question your childish, fairytale insight and create a dividing line that causes anger and prejudice against attack victims. You want them saw as "dog haters", and blame them or their parents, not the recurring pit bull in these hundreds of attacks you ignored. You rob sympathy and compassion from hundreds of permanently scarred people and spit upon the graves of many dead. Why? Because you want to force an image on a fighting breed that just won't stick. They will find out soon enough, you lying cunt, and you may not pay for it now, but one day you will have to answer for it all. Let's see how many whiny, blown-up articles you can get written from hell.

Like22 hrsEdited
Pamela Lee Becking You had me until you brought Hillary Clinton into it.
Like2 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Oksy, sorry. I will edit it.
Like12 hrs
Like12 hrs
Jennie Conway You tell her Dana!!!!!
Like12 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow If she sets foot in my state, I will find as many attack victims as I can. I will record it, and she will get exposed for the damn liar she is.
Like32 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking God knows, there are more than enough victims out there both human and animal.
Like12 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow I know that there plenty who speak up on behalf of bans in their towns nearby. There are a lot of nutters, but I think one victim could speak volumes.
Like2 hrs
Heidi Schold I feel so sad for her, pushing her child maulers on the rest of the world

As you can see their whole argument revolves around personal attacks and bullying with one of their supporters identified as "Craig Brown" by Ms Dickey and dispatched to bully the author by the fruit cake Dj  an alleged public safety advocate from Wisconsin "Jeff Borchardt" caused Ms dickey to fear for her safety with his bullyish behavior.

As you can see by the New York Times review of the publication below the book is being well received by the general public and actual experts.

"Ms. Dickey’s research and reporting are exhaustive, and the book does sometimes get sluggish with details, but it is this work that makes her convincing when she argues that the dogs are more victims than monsters."

New York Times

Amazon also gives glowing reviews of Ms Dickeys work.....

"Whether through love or fear, hatred or devotion, humans are bound to the history of the pit bull. With unfailing thoughtfulness, compassion, and a firm grasp of scientific fact, Dickey offers us a clear-eyed portrait of this extraordinary breed, and an insightful view of Americans’ relationship with their dogs."

Source.... Amazon

There's pages of five star reviews for the book on Goodread too so as you can see these haters live in their own little fairy tale where they're right and the majority of the animal and scientific world are all wrong apparently whereas none of these people are experts.

"THIS* is how a non-fiction book is supposed to be written. It is extremely clear when reading the book the amount of research that went into it. Not just searching google and looking for user comments or reading news articles, but actual legitimate research, interviews and more research. This book not only delves into the history of the breed, the reputation of the breed, but looks at modern, peer reviewed, scientific research papers that have been performed to show the major discrepancies between reality and "hysteria". She's done a wonderful job of delving into the psyche of humans in the modern world and why we are so prone to buy into hysteria, while discounting all facts that show us the error of our ways. I agree with other reviewers about the context of this book being more about people than dogs. It uses the topic of "Pit Bulls", which isn't even a specific dog breed, to explore people and try to make sense of some of our more senseless ways. I just finished this book and couldn't be more pleased. I have to say, this is one of the best non-fiction books I have read.

As an aside, scary but also eye-roll worthy, I got up this morning and someone had sent me a good write-up regarding the book since they knew I was reading it. It's about the author and the craziness she has had thrown her way since writing the book: You can find it by googling "How Writing About Pit Bulls Led to Death Threats, Online and IRL". It's on lithub. I've noticed several other articles throughout the last few weeks speaking about the crazy experiences book stores and this author have had from the same small group of people. "

Source..... goodreads

Please let me warn both pit bull owners and anyone willing to speak up for pit bulls this is the type of bullying, stalking and outright harassment to expect from these so called public safety advocates who prove themselves to be little more then cyber bully's stalkers and criminals all of whom have criminal records to varying degrees  including everything from driving under the influence to domestic abuse by battery including having sex with a minor.

In closing if you intend to advocate for pit bulls on the internet please make sure all your pictures of your pets interacting with your children are locked down as these people will steal those pictures and then use them to try and bully you into shutting up.

more to come.....

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