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Thursday, 7 July 2016

June Mason shared Megan Wright's post. to the pit bull propaganda machine to ridicule her, = victim bashing?

As you can see by the post below these people don't care about victims they regularly use and abuse victims just like June (fake name) is doing in this post chastising a dog bite victim for daring to say what most people are thinking.

These people don't really care about victims as this post demonstrates with June attacking this poor woman who suffered an horrific attack involving a saint Bernard judging by her injuries it was a sustained and unprovoked attack.

You'll notice that June demonstrates and confirms the mentality of this group they care more for killing pit bulls then helping victims the irony is they're hiding their grubby pit bull extinction campaign behind a noble cause in true psychotic style.

Not exactly a critical thinker this one .. is she...
No, banning pit bulls will absolutely not prevent every single dog bite..sigh
That's not actually the purpose of BSL..she of course would know that if she had bothered to even remotely educate herself on the subject.
Much like banning drink driving will absolutely not prevent every single car let's just make drink driving legal should we ?
Banning pit bulls will however stop completely or at the very least reduce significantly the every day maulings, dismemberment, disembowelments, scalping, decapitations and the many thousands of brutal fatalities committed by this one breed of dog...yes even by well loved family pet pit bulls.
But let's not ban pit bulls..because a St Bernard bit her on the legs. Maybe she should just be thankful it wasn't a pit ..or two..that attacked her, there's every chance she could've lost her life.
If she's trying to gain sympathy by showing her bites..we've all unfortunately seen and sometimes experienced much , much worse.
Put the silly girl in a room full of victims, full of parents who have seen their children eviscerated and killed and full of pet owners who have seen their pets brutally killed...we'll see how well the little keyboard warrior holds up.
Megan Wright
Yesterday at 7:04am
So I don't post a lot of personal stuff being posted recently about banning pitbulls(BTW, which actually isn't a breed). You all know who you are, and if you're offended, then you should be....because it's stupid.
This is my reality. This happened eight months ago. I was mauled by a random dog as I was waiting on a street corner. 40+ stitches, a broken kneecap, most of my blood volume gone and some pretty gnarly physical and psychological scars. Would banning pitbulls have stopped my attack?! ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT! Why?! Because it was done by a St. Bernard.
You know what does work? Banning bad owners, banning backyard breeders and puppy mills, more financial support for animal shelters and tougher animal abuse laws. Dogs are as deadly as guns, no matter what the breed.
What changes the dog, is the owner.
‪#‎StopBreedBanning‬ ‪#‎GoodOwnersGoodDogs‬

Heather Jackson You know you have been following put bull attacks for a long time when you look at injuries like this and think " damn that person is lucky" look at those superficial wounds and non plastic surgery requiring puncture wounds ............ If it had been a pit the size of a Saint Bernard that leg would no longer exist 😒
Like76 hrs
June Mason I was thinking exactly the same . It's actually a nasty attack but I found myself thinking..those wounds don't look too bad 
Like16 hrs
Pamela Becking Had this been a pit bull attack there is a good chance that her family would be making funeral arrangements.
Like45 hrs
Pamela Becking Well said Julie!
Like5 hrs
June Mason Apologies for ranting a little with this post just gets to me when people like this seem to think that all the lives lost don't matter.
She got to go home..many pit bull victims don't.
Like54 hrs
Pamela Becking I'm sure there are times when we all feel the need to rant. I know I do.
Like24 hrs
Jessica Oropeza Wow this crazy look how many shares. People are so stupid. St Bernard's aren't doing the mayhem daily like pit bulls. She is lucky it wasn't a pit bull.
Like64 hrs
Pamela Becking The pit bull nutters will have a field day over this.
Like13 hrs
Lucy Muir This is a horrible attack. And it is intolerable. That dog better have been put down and the owners slapped with dangerous dog charges. Imagine if St. Bernards perpetrated 1/10th the number of attacks this serious that pit bulls perpetrate without a St. Bernard lobby to defend them after every attack. They'd be gone by now. As it is though, St. Bernards are not common and now they will become less common. Because there is no flood of St. Bernards in shelters. There are not thousands of bybers happily churning out 2 St. Bernard puppies every single minute of the day. There are no jerks in shelters saying there is no such thing as a St. Bernard, no one can ID a st. bernard and St. Bernards are the best most loyal, sweetest, gentlest, least dangerous dogs out there and everyone and their kid brother should have a St. Bernard.

Did the St. Bernard owners run away? Did they give her a false address and number so she'd have to get rabies shots and pay for her own attack? Did it turn out that they had no insurance to cover their liability? Did they fight to keep the mauler?
Has this woman been blamed and vilified publicly for her own attack by St. Bernard owners? Have lies been made up about her actions before and after the attack? Did St. Bernard owners plaster photos of kids hugging St. Bernards all over her fb page? Did they make up and call her childish names?
Like93 hrsEdited
Jeff Borchardt Well said.
Like3 hrs
Alison Gabriel If the attacking dog had been a pit bull, that lady would have been dead.
Like11 hr
Dawn Dalyce HEY STUPID....the difference is YOU STILL HAVE LEGS !!!!!!!!!!! Had it been a pit bull, the meat would have been stripped off your bones, and your legs amputated...then it would have gone for your FACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's better to keep yo...See more
Like153 mins
Joe Hill If it had been a pit you would be dead
DJuana Jean Flowers She must have never done the dot to dot color book exercises as a child. Cause her line of thinking is way off.

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Now contrary to what June is saying over 30 breeds/types of dogs have been involved in human fatalities and in the last decade 128 people were killed by non pit bull type dogs in the last decade which equates to 1 person per month every month for the last ten years and if June has her way there will undoubtedly be another 128 victims to non pit bull type dogs in the next decade too but as you can see if it didn't involve a pit bull these people don't want to know about it and they most certainly don't want the public becoming aware of their constant lies and disinformation.

The fact is Colleen Lynn has already admitted that breed specific legislation is designed to kill pit bulls and it was thought that would bring the fatalities rates down but it hasn't in fact despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls in shelters in the last 2 years alone the death toll has been well above the national average for the second year in a row both indicating and confirming that pit bulls are not the problem irresponsible owners are the problem.

June is one of the nastier pit bull haters and she really doesn't care who she has to sacrifice in order to kill all pit bulls?

more to come.....

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