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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Owner drags his pit bull behind moving van for miles

Lowell, Massachusetts: 

A heartless owner responsible for tying his pit bull dog behind his van and dragging him around town has been detained and charged with animal neglect.

As a result of this shocking incident, the two-year-old dog dubbed Buddy is now in serious condition at the hospital. 

Buddy has all his paws badly wounded and will have to be under heavy anesthesia for the next seven days, until at least some of the intense pain diminishes. 

His stomach and legs are also shredded and red. The verdict of the vets is clear: Buddy will have a long and hard road to recovery ahead.

His owner has been identified as 60-year-old Timothy Nicholas. Police officials have indicated that Nicholas tied his dog to the back of his van and went to a barbecue with a friend in a park. 

Upon leaving the park, Buddy was still leashed to the van. Instead of taking the dog inside the car, Nicholas got into his vehicle and drove off like nothing was wrong.

Startled witnesses reported that the dog was initially able to keep up with the van, but as the van sped up, the dog ended up being dragged across the street. Police reports reveal that it was only after about a mile that the driver was stopped by outraged passers-by.

Nicholas was immediately detained by police officials; he is due to appear in court soon and will be treated as a felon.

Please support my petition to ensure Buddy gets the justice he deserves.

Help make sure this evil and careless owner is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and no leniency is applied.

Buddy’s suffering cannot be put into words, all because of this person. In Buddy’s honor, we must do everything in our power to ensure the maximum penalty is applied.


Lowell Dog Owner Accused Of Dragging Pit Bull From Van - CBS Boston

more to come.....

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