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Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Anthony Papa - " My right arm was mauled by a pitbull yesterday. My shirt shredded and my arm mangled by my neighbors dog while walking in the street."

Add Anthony Papa to the list of pit bull haters willing to sensationalize incidents alleged to have involved a pit bull Anthony claims his right arm was "mauled" by his neighbors dog that he claims is a pit bull.

This is a link to his Facebook page where he seems obsessed with the Philippines and he seems to support the brutal murders of alleged drug dealers in the Philippines.

As you can see by his own post and the descriptive emotive terminology he uses in his petty exaggerated incident in which he claims his arm was "mauled" but he posts a picture showing relatively minor injuries.

My right arm was mauled by a pitbull yesterday. My shirt shredded and my arm mangled by my neighbors dog while walking in the street. I passed the dog and he leaped in the air and clamped down on my arm and I shook him to get loose.The dog attacked me for no reason. Has anyone ever sued from injuries from a dog bite?

Now anyone that has engaged with pit bull haters and/or visited pit bull hater Facebook pages will know that the picture of the dog alleged to have been involved in the "mauling" is a stock pit bull picture that has been used by all the haters at one point or another.

Anthony claims the picture above is of his neighbors "pit bull" that attacked him the fact is he's a bold faced liar just like the majority of breed specific legislation proponents as that image has been all over hate pages for months if not years.

Anthony Papa you are a bold faced liar and you've been exposed as such please just give up with all the lies and disinformation.

Here is the pitbull that tore up my right forearm sending me to the ER

The fact is Anthony you obviously put yourself in a position to get "bitten" the dog which was on a lead when the incident happened and now you're over exaggerating your injuries and using stock pictures of a dog that wasn't even involved in the incident in what is a typical pit bull hater ploy.

This is yet another example of the willingness of breed specific legislation proponents and pit bull haters to promote and encourage the use of lies and disinformation in the pit bull extinction campaign because they have no real science based data or legitimate support.

Follow the link to his profile and check out some of the comments from his friends encouraging his big cry baby fit in true hater style.

more to come.....

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