The whole pit bull debate has brought out all the unscrupulous people seeking to make money and/or notoriety off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent family pets.
J T is one of these people using the hysteria and propaganda generated by the media & hate groups like dogsbut and animals 24/7 and considering the death toll from dog attacks has been well above the national average for the last two years in a row despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls indicating the problem is not a "pit bull" problem at all as 128 people have lost their lives to non pit bull type dogs in the last decade and people like this individual seem willing to sacrifice these poor souls as long as pit bulls are being killed.

J. Thomas Beasley, Esq. toOfficial Book Re-Launch for Misunderstood Nanny Dogs?
This is a promo for my book, Misunderstood Nanny Dogs? Pick up a copy at…/…/ref=asap_bc…
You only have to read the garbage in the comments section to verify and confirm for yourselves that the majority of pit bull haters/ breed specific legislation proponents are dangerously delusional just look at the comments from Mr Henninger in his letter to the editor ie: "throwing live chickens into their pens to be mutilated" and he probably wonders why the editor ignored him and binned his letter.
They've even rolled out the myth about pit bulls not showing any sign of aggression prior to attacking because that somehow is an advantage to the dogs whereas the dogs were taken to an organized event they'd been prepared for in the weeks leading up to a fight and despite the fact both dogs are in the "pit" they somehow fool their opponent into thinking they're only there for the corn dogs by not showing any aggression?
The scariest thing about all of this is these people truly believe the tripe they constantly spew out on public forums indicating their either weak of mind or just plain stupid especially if they think any one is buying this tripe?
J T claims to writing a new book on the psychology of pit bull owners and I can't wait to see it because judging by his first effort it should be hilarious and should make good fire starting material and/or toilet paper and if you noticed his post has been up since may last year and only has 10 likes!!!!
more to come.....
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