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Friday, 1 July 2016

J. Thomas Beasley Esq is trying to make money & notoriety off the deaths of pit bulls

The whole pit bull debate has brought out all the unscrupulous people seeking to make money and/or notoriety off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent family pets.

J T is one of these people using the hysteria and propaganda generated by the media & hate groups like dogsbut and animals 24/7 and considering the death toll from dog attacks has been well above the national average for the last two years in a row despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls indicating the problem is not a "pit bull" problem at all as 128 people have lost their lives to non pit bull type dogs in the last decade and people like this individual seem willing to sacrifice these poor souls as long as pit bulls are being killed.

As you can see by Beasley's promotional video for his new book using victims all without their permission you can bet in typical pit bull hater style all allegedly in the guise of community safety and yet he promotes legislation which in essence ignores the 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs in the last decade thus all but ensuring there'll be another 128 victims in the decade to come.

Patrick J. Henninger Here is a letter to the editor of my local newspaper that I wrote a few years ago. It caused quite a stir...

June 05, 2010 4:04 PM

To the editor:

I dont even know where to begin with this rant against pit bulls. (I will be using "pit bull" as a generic term to describe American Staffordshire terriers, American pit bull terriers, Staffordshire terriers and bull terriers.)

Its been said countless times, and Ill say it again: This breed needs to be regulated, just like a handgun, or banned all together. They are potentially lethal weapons and, judging by experience, the majority of owners do not train them properly.

On top of that, the dog was bred specifically for fighting. Its in their nature, just as its in a dachshunds nature to burrow after a badger, a pointer to point or a retriever to retrieve.

At 7 years old, a pit bull bit me and left me scarred for life. Just this past weekend, my neighbors pit bull viciously attacked, mangled and killed my six-pound dog, Taffy, right in front of us.

I dont care how many so-called advocates there are for these animals, the proof is in the pudding. You dont hear anywhere near as many reports about other breeds killing or maiming people and pets. Of course, youll want to blame that on media hype for not reporting the other attacks, and try to issue a rebuttal of falsified statistics, point fingers and call me ignorant; but doing so will only confirm your own ignorance.

How often do you hear about Chihuahuas or pugs killing people? How about a Lab, Great Dane or Saint Bernard? How often do you see these dogs used for dog fighting? Accept it; the breed is beyond a menace.

Ive heard all the responses of "punish the deed, not the breed," or "youre punishing the wrong end of the leash," and "punish the owner, not the dog." Well, if a pit bull kills one of my children, then can I legally shoot the dogs owner? No, so where is the justice? There is none.

Please dont misunderstand me I realize there are many responsible pet owners, several of whom own pit bulls. Unfortunately, its the majority that is irresponsible and triggers these kinds of incidents and further cements the stereotype of the breed. Walking them down the road with car tires and cinder blocks chained to them; throwing live chickens in their pens and watching them mutilate them; and letting them run off leash and unmuzzled, which resulted in the death of one of my four-legged family members, is irresponsible, to say the least.

Patrick Henninger
Debra Trader Perfect. I have been negatively affected by these dogs several times. It is out of control.
Melanie Mashburne I totally agree, this breed is not a family dog, far from it. They started pushing the breed as a family pet once dog fighting became illegal, and it was one specific breeder that didn't want the breed to die. He pushed them as a family pet even though the main blood line had known child killers in it. there are newspaper articles that date back to the 30's about this breed being dangerous. Other dogs give warnings before they bite, but Pit bulls were bred and chosen to not show any sign because in a dogfight, that would give away the dog's intent. They are bred to hold on and kill whatever it is attacking, not bite and release like a normal dog.
Ray Anthony Who was thag specific breeder
Phillip Anteski Wild Animal not a pet most people don't get it and defend these Beasts
Maggie Ann drug dealers and ghetto skanks own these shit bulls all over Tacoma. of course Tacoma is a shit city with shit people

You only have to read the garbage in the comments section to verify and confirm for yourselves that the majority of pit bull haters/ breed specific legislation proponents are dangerously delusional just look at the comments from  Mr Henninger in his letter to the editor ie: "throwing live chickens into their pens to be mutilated" and he probably wonders why the editor ignored him and binned his letter.

They've even rolled out the myth about pit bulls not showing any sign of aggression prior to attacking because that somehow is an advantage to the dogs whereas the dogs were taken to an organized event they'd been prepared for in the weeks leading up to a fight and despite the fact both dogs are in the "pit" they somehow fool their opponent into thinking they're only there for the corn dogs by not showing any aggression?

The scariest thing about all of this is these people truly believe the tripe they constantly spew out on public forums indicating their either weak of mind or just plain stupid especially if they think any one is buying this tripe?

J T claims to writing a new book on the psychology of pit bull owners and I can't wait to see it because judging by his first effort it should be hilarious and should make good fire starting material and/or toilet paper and if you noticed his post has been up since may last year and only has 10 likes!!!!

more to come.....

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