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Friday, 1 July 2016

Anti Pit Bull Memes - advocates or thugs?

It's a sad state of affairs when so called advocacy deteriorates to little less then cyber bullying as is the case in most instances with breed specific legislation proponents as you can see in the meme below in which they misrepresent a gulf war victim as a pit bull victim in a display of total disrespect for a veteran but this type of thing is nothing new as you can see as you read on.....

Here we have a perfect demonstration of them mimicking me in some lame attempt t embarrass and/or expose me whereas it's plain to see they admire as mimicking someone is a form of flattery apparently?

There's a new blogger in town! 
He enjoyed our memes so much, we thought we would give him something else to write about that nobody reads.
Welcome To The All Things Terry Holt Blog! You all know him, you all love him, now here he is! Can’t say you didn’t ask for it, Uncle Terry. This man has been stalking, harassing and wr…

When your public safety advocacy deteriorates to this extent it's fair to say you don't really have an advocacy?

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.

As you can see this page seems to be obsessed with me once again demonstrating their higher moral stance based on empirical science based data and statistics!!! PMSL!!!!

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.

Terry Holt in the end that's all you've got? juvenile meme's lies and disinformation! pmsl!!!!

Please let me explain their logic in their mind Jeff (boofhead) Borchardt is a victim and me pointing out to him that the vets reports for the dogs involved in the death of his son actually listed as the dogs as "Boxer" mixes and this is their mind constitutes "victim bashing, stalking" etc etc.....
(RIP Dax)

Anti-Pit Bull Memes Oh look! The douchebag from down under has another page??????

The fact of the matter is the majority of breed specific legislation proponents actually don't care for victims but instead they use victims in their war against pit bulls the main source of all their propaganda is dogsbut which is little more then a money making machine for it's creator an ex phone psychic with absolutely no formal training in either animals generally or canines specifically she's a fraud and Dbo's a scam that allows it's owner all the wine she can drink.....

more to come.....

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