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Thursday, 7 July 2016

Pit Bull supporters are the majority!

Now in this blog I'd like to address the pit bull hater or breed specific legislation proponent claims that they are part of a majority of American citizens who don't want pit bulls in society and in fact want pit bulls eradicated from the face of the Earth.

These people are either delusional, suffering some sort of mental illness and/or extremely challenged when it comes to their levels of comprehension as despite the contradiction in their argument they persist none the less. 

Dogsbite, Animals 24/7 & Daxton's Friends have all been found wanting when it comes to credibility with mountains of information on the internet not only uncovering but exposing their statistics are based on media reports and gathered by a washed journalist with absolutely no training in either data gathering and/or data correlation.

Here's a perfect example a picture from a pro pit bull rally which shows hundreds of people maybe even thousands enjoying a fun day out.....

The walk was organized by.....

They have over 56,000 likes and as you can see it looks like most of those people attended.....

Now let's compare that pro pit bull rally to the victims of pit bulls and dangerous dogs rally organized by the people below.....

854 likes and only 28 people talking about the page and here's a link to the news coverage.....

What a great success over 100 people at the event all day , over 50+ when the cameras rolled by . Victims…

And here's the google link and as you can see 100+ people attended.....

Walk for pit bull victims a great success - pit bull awareness day 2012 ...
Oct 28, 2012 - Uploaded by PlanetPotcast
What a great success over 100 people at the event all day , over 50+ when the cameras rolled by . Victims ...

It looks like there's a lot more then a hundred people there at the pro pit bull walk.....

The fact is the majority of people want breed neutral laws that protect our children and elderly from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous pit bulls as it's largely unknown due to their efficient promotion of disinformation that the term "pit bull" actually identifies mores then 30 breeds/types of dogs.

More then 30 breed/types of dog other then "pit bulls" have been involved in fatal attacks on humans normally the elderly or infants in fact non pit bull types on average have killed one person each month every month throughout the last decade and if breed specific legislation is left in place those unnecessary and totally preventable deaths will continue with another 128 deaths in the coming decade too.

The average death toll for dog bite fatalities over the last two decades has been 23.2 per year and considering there's millions of pit bulls in communities throughout America that's a relatively low number,  despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of "pit bulls" in shelters and rescues in the last 2 years alone the death toll for 2015 was 43, 20 above average and it's already 15 this year and we're only starting July and yet breed specific legislation proponents insist the legislation works?

Clearly it's not working and it's time to bin it and concentrate on proven methods such as employed in the "Calgary Model' which has stemmed the needless and brutal attacks by all dangerous dogs hence lowering the overall death toll where it has been enacted.

Clearly these people are not part of a majority when it comes to supporting Bsl as there's no support for the legislation in Animal organizations, communities and/or legal fraternities world wide.

more to come.....

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