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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Facebook deceiving it's users and leaving them at the mercy of haters.....

Why is Facebook deceiving it's users claiming they removed a hate page when in fact they haven't done squat.

pit bull lives don't matter removed hoax

The sorry fact is the page is still up and running spreading their hate so why is Facebook lying about removing the page?

Why is Facebook protecting these hate pages check this page out for yourself their cover shot is 2 dogs attacking and literally tearing a dog apart and that doesn't breach Facebook's community standards apparently and this is not the first example of Facebook seemingly intentionally misleading it's users.....

fb claiming machine down

Is Facebook getting kick backs or some sort of monitory reward for allowing these hate groups and pages to continue to bully and harass people?

It may be time for Facebook users to unite and bring a class action against Facebook for ignoring it's "Duty of Care" to it's legitimate users?

more to come.....


The page owner has cleverly unpublished the page if a page is actually deleted generally a link for it will generally lead you back your own profile as opposed to an unpublished page which may still appear in Facebook searches but will lead to this......

I Don't think we've heard the last of this page please watch this space.....

more to come.....

Rosa Jacquard Bood ; – hates pit bulls cites Dogsbites

So let me get this straight and put this out there-


Rosa who claims to be an animal rescuer but hates Pit Bulls runs a lost and found and rehome page SMFH really?!

Rosa Jacquard Bood is the Administrator of Citrus County Lost /Found / Rehoming. Citrus County Lost / Found / Rehoming is a specific group for Citrus County and surrounding counties including Levy County, Marion County, Sumter County, Pasco County, and Hernando County. Members can post pictures of cats, dogs and other animals that are lost, found, or in need of being rehomed to an excellent, forever home. It is also to find temporary foster homes and/or Rescues available to help homeless animals. No Breeders or other people are allowed to sell any animals. Please do not post any pictures of dogs that have shown any signs of aggression and may be dangerous to children! I personally do not feel Pit Bulls, Some Bully Breeds, Rottweilers, Dobermans and some other dogs statistically proven to be potentially dangerous to children, adults, and other animals should be adopted to families with children. These type of dogs do maul and/or kill many innocent children, adults, and other animals yearly which is so tragic. Therefore in good conscience I must warn the public by saying “There are NOT always warning signs before dogs of these types suddenly attack their victims!” Please do extensive research on a dog’s breed/type before adopting a new dog…especially if children will be interacting with the new dog. Learn how to properly train your dog(s), and teach your children how to respect all dogs and the do’s and don’ts. I do not wish to debate with anybody regarding my views on dangerous dogs. If you have any questions regarding my views please private message me only. I will answer your questions however I refuse to argue with anybody. I am entitled to my beliefs just as everybody else is entitled to their beliefs. I wish to spend my time and energy in this group helping lost, found, and homeless animals…hopefully helping and saving multitudes! No cussing,bullying,or bashing allowed in this group lest you risk to be blocked. May we all work together in harmony to help and save as many animals as possible! If you need to reach me to discuss an important issue please call me at 352-464-1567. Sincerely,Rosa Jacquard Bood

So you’re out of luck if you live in citrus county and your pit bull gets lost…..


Rosa does not feel like these dogs should be helped? I suggest if you like this page remove yourself now!


Friday, 26 August 2016

Dogsbite, that's what they do, they don't have hands?

Caution Graphic Pictures......

Well it seems the new face on the block has listened to all the instructions at her induction to the hate group as she's hit the ground running posting a story about a little boy attacked which appeared on her "news feed" this morning meet Lisa Marie.

Lisa Marie updated her profile picture.
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The problem is the dog involved was allegedly GSD and you may note there's no mention of the fact that breed specific legislation does not target German Shepherds or talk of including them.

Sorry if this is to graphic it just popped up on my news feed
Chris Vivian added 3 new photos.
Sorry for the graphic post ,, this is my grandson Jerry he was attacked by a German Sheppard today in San Antonio.He asked a lady if he could pet her dog the la...
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June Mason Awful 
It's a horrendous injury, it doesn't even look like a dog looks like he's been sliced open? 
Like15 hrsEdited
Joy Bailey In the comments of a photo of an injured little boy... 😑😑😑
Like25 hrs
June Mason I noticed that too 
Quite random to suddenly mention pit bulls.
Like45 hrs
Joy Bailey The nutters always jump on any dog bite story that DOESN'T involve pit bulls!!!
Like35 hrs
June Mason Yes, they can't just say how awful it is for the little boy who was attacked...any excuse to make it all about pit bulls.
Like45 hrs
David Sapolis I joined this group because my dog was viciously killed by a pit bull. Since that has happened - I have went through all of the emotional trauma - and I am currently working through that. It seems like every time I make a little progress, a story like ...See More
Like43 hrsEdited
Sylvie Montague David, I agree with you. I wonder if a more hidden page could be made for graphic photos so those suffering from PTSD could avoid it? I know you aren't the only one.
Like1 hr
Lisa Marie I can have admin erase it I'm sorry if it upset u.....All of us have suffered in some way you lost your pet I lost my son....
Like110 minsEdited
RaeLynn Tumulis Di Nicola Poor baby boy!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Like1 hr

Now why would you share a post like this other then to highlight the short comings of breed specific legislation the narrative seems to be more about the mention of pit bulls as opposed to the welfare of this victim or preventing similar victims in the future. 

The fact is an attack like this involving a non banned breed resulting in a fatality has taken place each and every month for the last decade under breed specific legislation and if you think legislation that does nothing other then target "pit bulls" as opposed to protecting the community from these types of attacks is in the best interests of the public I have to question your motives.

Breed neutral legislation protects the community from all dangerous dogs regardless of their breed, more then 35 breeds/types of dogs have been involved in human fatalities affirming we need to have a broader approach to saving lives and enact these breed neutral laws immediately.

more to come.....

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Please Canada don't be fooled by fake statistics

What's the reality of Canada's alleged "pit bull" problem.

The fact is Canada does not have a pit bull problem the nation most certainly has a pit bull hater infestation with the crazy boobs out reporter recently jumping on the crazy train with the ex-phone psychic after losing her gig for posting the dogsbut propaganda and promoting it as fact.

Here's an example of what I mean below read the headline and then follow the link to the story which says 10 owners have been prosecuted over an 11 year period and only seven of the dogs involved were "pit bull type" so another words they were mixed breeds.

I've never seen a news article reporting an fatal attack involving a legitimate papered American Pit Bull Terrier.

"Headlines and Hoax's!!"

The city has initiated 10 prosecutions against owners who allegedly let their dogs bite another person or pet since the Ontario Dog Owners’ Liability Act was passed in 2005. Seven of the dogs were pit bull types."


Mixed breed dogs not necessarily of the pit bull type it seems Canada does not have a pit bull problem after all and bare in mind this is a government source.

"The American Staffordshire terrier, the most widely legislated breed in Canada in the period under study, caused 1 fatality (Table 1). The rottweiler, a target of breed-specific legislation in fewer jurisdictions, and the husky, possibly an unlegislated breed, caused more fatalities, as did the mixed-breed dogs. The rottweilers, huskies, and the mixed-breed dogs were also represented in larger numbers."


So again another government report confirming "pit bulls" are far and away from being the problem in Canada.

The reality seems to be that there is a media beat up under way against both pit bulls and their owners.

"Toronto’s dog bite statistics are based on reports that doctors who treat bites are required to file, says Mary Lou Leiher, a program manager at the city’s animal services department.
Bites from German shepherds (Toronto’s #4 dog, after Labradors, Shih Tzus and golden retrievers) were most common in 2004 and 2014. Bites from pit bulls and Staffordshires were less common in 2014 than ten years earlier, but bites from American bulldogs and boxers were more common."
"The bites reflected in the data vary in seriousness:"

All the legitimate data indicates that while there is issues with dog bites and attacks in Canada it doesn't involve "pit bulls".

"Breed-specific legislation (BSL) is usually a law or ordinance pertaining to a specific breed of dogs such as pit-bull type dogs. There are two general forms of BSL: specific restrictions and outright bans. 

Past evaluations of different forms of regulations have led to conclusions that BSL is ineffective in reducing dog-bite injuries of varying severities."


Please people of Canada don't fall the lies and disinformation being promoted as fact from the "anti pit bull propaganda machine" the members of which are all criminals, drug dealers and thugs.

more to come.....