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Monday, 1 August 2016

Nancy Perdue is a propaganda prophet!!!!!

Just a quick one demonstrating one of the pit bull haters main tactics using Meme's to spread lies and disinformation and as you can see Nancy is one of the propaganda prophets.

Nancy Perdue  .......

Nancy's Meme claims 35 countries ban pit bulls which is a straight out lie but that's no surprise for those of us familiar with Nancy and her so called advocacy.

"Pit Bulls are banned in 12 countries around the world: New Zealand,BrazilBelgiumCanada, France, Finland, Denmark, PolandNorway, and the U. S. territory of Puerto Rico. The lack of U. S. government's concern regarding the danger of pit bull breeds is disheartening and disturbing."

Feel free to follow the link and confirm the actual facts as these people can't be trusted they change headlines, call mixed breed mutts pit bulls and they bully and harrass rescues and shelters.

These people will lie to your face without flinching a muscle they are true fanatics with all the trimmings.

more to come.....

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