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Friday, 5 August 2016

Julie Tran - "hunts small game! (cats & pigeons)

Meet Julie Tran she hunts small game, that's code for she loves killing people pets, cats in particular but she's not real keen on pit bulls either.

Julie is being called out for her nasty hobby so she posts in the pit bull propaganda machine for support and as we all know so long as you hate pit bulls these people will accept you in to their fold regardless.

These people have too much time on their hands. The woman who posted this nonsense about me has been stalking my page for some time now because I spoke out against uncontrolled feral cat colonies, and I hunt small game.

Jackie Downes to Wolfskin Central
w !!! Why does she hate animals so much ??? she should just stick to commenting on politics.......let her dig a hole for herself like that twat Trump, with his sick and twisted outlook on life and animal abuse....
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Hannah Honey What does four commas mean, again? I'm really serious about pausing?
Hannah Honey Julie. !!!! Its bcuz u h8 animals,,, SO MUCH !!! Whhhhhhy ??? Eval Trump luvving TWAt,?!!+!;
Julie Tran Lol. Wonder what Trump has to do with this?
Dana Renfrow Pit bulls are a religion like Islam now.
Hannah Honey Absolutely true, Dana Renfrow.
Julie Tran Sure seems like it. How come other breeds of dogs don't stir people up into this insanity?
Dana Renfrow Because other breeds do not kill people all the time. I imagine Labrador enthusiasts never had to defend a vicious lab attack. They have a lot of positive topics that don't involve bashing people all the time and blaming little kids. Pit bulls have nothing but excuses, fictional fluff, and strawman comparisons.
Julie Tran They are still ranting and raving over at that post. That wolfskin group stalks and shames anyone who they disagree with such as hunters, ranchers and would not surprise me professional dog breeders because they want people to adopt, not shop!
Julie Tran I see that one of them from the Wolfskin group liked my comment. Hope she enjoyed what she seen here.
Hannah Honey It's either no punctuation, or way too much. One thing all pit bull fanatics seem to have in common. You'd think that by stalking us so relentlessly that they'd at least take in some basic communication skills.
Julie Tran Wonder when pit bulls became like Gods to these people.
Hannah Honey Book from 1976:
Julie Tran But now pit bull worship is out of control!
Hannah Honey And dogfighting is bigger and more popular than ever, too, according to many law enforcement sources and documentaries.
Carol Miller Hannah Honey Impressive find!
Hannah Honey I know a guy who lives on a mountain in Tennessee. There's a bunch of feral cats and they're all messed up. Most have extra toes. It's not being an "activist" to think we should be smothered and outnumbered by wild animals. Animals kill things in what they consider "their" territory.
Which is exactly why I hate living with a pit bull in my building.
Jackie is trying to stop people eating dogs in China. What if people from India started freaking out and telling us not to eat cows?
She's probably all of twelve.

Tammie Voncannon Why you gotta bring Trump into it? You only bring in possible presidency when you can't win the fight.
Hannah Honey Yeah, apparently a little girl with a dog looks like a dog too. Nice manners.
S.J. Martin Uncontrolled feral cat colonies are extremely cruel to cats. Only a zealot would think it's acceptable way for a domestic animal to live.
And hunting for small game is a building block of humanity, without which we wouldn't exist. Eating animals is part of life. I hope she is against factory farming!

Julie Tran I have chatted with this woman on a few occasions. She is a vegan, humanity hating nutjob!
Julie Tran Just wonder what she would do if a pit bull mauled and killed her dogs and cats.
Hannah Honey She's against every thing everywhere that would kill an animal, it seems.
Julie Tran Animals kill each other.
Hannah Honey I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to stop that, as well.
Julie Tran Some of them try. Do you know there is an insane trend of feeding dogs and cats vegan diets? How stupid is that. Now that is true animal cruelty.
Hannah Honey I used to belong to PETA, but more in a lapsed way. They're right about factory farming and the circus, (imo.)Then, here and there, just off the rails. Vegan animal diet sounds like something they'd come up with.
S.J. Martin PETA is pro BSL though, which is rare for such an organization. They really walk the walk, though I think being vegan is devastating to your health as well as wholly unnatural.
S.J. Martin Feral cats have a 2yr life span, die in horrific ways after long periods of misery. Even in managed colonies, it's hard to treat sick or injured cats. I know, I have a mini colony of about 10-12 right now. All S/N, which I paid for myself, but I can't get them all, so there are a hundred in my apartments.

In this slow kill city, TNR the only thing we are allowed to do here. Shelters won't take them, and you can't have them PTS really anywhere.

Long term caging of animals in shelters is also the height of barbarity and cruelty.

But hey, she won't let reality intrude on her fantasy where nothing ever dies...

Julie Tran Rabies is a horrible way for an animal to die. Its better off being PTS or shot.
Hannah Honey S.J. isn't there something they could be fed to make.them infertile? Or something at least akin to saltpeter? Would saltpeter work?

Julie has some extremely perverse tastes when it comes to art all acceptable by her new hater friends.

She kills peoples pets and then claims they were feral and she's doing the community a service whereas she a cat killer and she posts her kills bragging about it.

The fact is Julie hates animals and likes to kill "small game"  (birds & cats) and pit bulls.

Julie is typical of breed specific legislation proponents most of whom have extensive criminal histories all love to kill stuff in particular pit bulls.

This is the type of people that the nutty Dj surrounds himself with while claiming to be a public safety advocate the thing is if Jeff actually cared he wouldn't be creating new victims on a daily basis like he seems to do with his latest ploy being to blog message pm'd to him revealing all the contact details and location of the sender.

The face of breed specific legislation advocacy seems to invite all the deliquesce criminals and low life bully's just like Jeff.

more to come.....

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