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Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Jeff Borchardt stoops to a new low!

The maladjusted Dj from Wisconsin who stalks and cyber bully's people in the name of his dead son and so called community safety seems to be taking his advocacy to new depths publishing email & Ip Addresses in what can only be seen as bullying plain and simple.

Now despite many complaints authorities seem unwilling to step in and curb this alleged advocates despicable, inappropriate 
dangerous behavior 

Jeff insults and attacks pit bull owners world wide in this blog,  I'm going to share some of the things I've come across possibly explaining why people message and email him with content such as Jeff is having a cry about claiming to be the victim.

LikeShow More Reactions
Sarah May What a horrible thing to say. The karma bus just came.
Like923 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking That guy is one revolting sub human S.O.B.
Like1022 hrs
Hannah Honey Atrocious.
Like822 hrs
Laurel Davis isn't there a law against this kind of cyber stalking, harassment and bullying?
Like622 hrs
Tarika S Pearson What a horrible POS. I really can't stand these people.
Like722 hrs
Sarah Elizabeth Burke How can someone say something like that about an innocent baby. These people are really sick in the head.
Like822 hrs
Dana Renfrow I hope he gets struck by lightning.
Like422 hrsEdited
Like322 hrs
Carol Miller Make a threat and accept responsibility for it.
Like522 hrs
Nancy Perdue Or mauled by his precious Pit Bull.
Like22 hrs
Tarika S Pearson That's even better Nancy
Like12 hrs
Dawn Dalyce Pit bulls are NOT fit for pets!! We have the statistics that prove who the mauler killer beasts are!! The most stupid and least responsible of our society own pit bulls, and they won't contain them, or control them, and they can't stop them once they s...See more
Like1022 hrs
William Johnson I never knew people like this existed. Until a pit bull tried to kill my daughter.
Like1522 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking Neither did I. The degree of hatred they carry around is almost unbelievable, especially toward the victims of pit bull attacks. That degree of hatred isn't normal. It's a perversion.
Laurel Davis I get hate mail, but it is trivial compared to what victims get. They HATE victims passionately. I just don't understand why more can't be done to protect victims. (I understand about freedom of speech, but usually there are some boundaries? Some of the threats should be investigated, but no one seems to care)
Like1022 hrs
Lisa Trujillo I agree, these threats need to be investigated. What a vile, horrible creature this man is. If he follows through with a threat like this, it could be dangerous for you , Jeff.
Like921 hrs
Lisa Gaffney He's really just putting words to what pit bull owners' actions have been saying all along. He's really not all that different from those who willfully ignore the carnage. He merely said it out loud. They're all slime.
Like1019 hrs
Tammie Voncannon email doesn't work.
Like13 hrs
Nancy Perdue So disgusting, and just pure evil. These people will go to any evil length, just to keep their dangerous dogs around. 
Like32 hrsEdited

As you can see eff often posts in his Facebook hate group seeking sympathy from his dimwitted group members and they seem to eat it up whenever he plays his victims card.

One of the reasons Jeff gets hate mail is because he reposts pictures emailed to his non profit on one of his other hate pages (above) and in the majority of cases Jeff makes little to no effort to disguise the identity of children in those pictures (below)

Maybe it has something to do with posts like this which he's posted on all of his pit bull hate pages which masquerade as public safety initiatives.

This is a great blog post. Covers a lot.
Also True: All of the dogs nicknamed “pit bulls” are, indeed, pit bulls , and cannot be trusted because they are pit bulls. Confusion is helpful when deception is desired, so pit bulls have inherited a lot of different “breed names.” Do not trust any dog that is or looks like or is a mix with a: Pit Bull Terrier (“pitbull”), American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT), Staffy Bull, English...
See more

The information on this website originally resided at HubPages. --- Pit bulls (pitbulls) make very loving pets, and they are good with children. Then again, this is true of many dogs. Ask yourself why you want a pit…

Or then again it could of been posts like the one below which offers tutorials on killing pit bulls on his main charity page which claims to be victim orientated but doesn't offer any victims services or programs.

It should come as no surprise that there's a Facebook page created specifically relating to his bullying and harassment of women & children on Facebook.

His whole world revolves around hating on pit bulls and their owners and yet if an owner responds in kind out comes his victims card again.

Then there's the whole peanut butter saga where Jeff told a 12 year old girl to smear her genitalia with peanut butter and jump into bed and let her mauler lick it off hardly the actions of a public safety advocate.

Then there's his infamous Anti Freeze comments which speak for themselves in which he says if his neighbors dogs look like pit bulls he's going to feed them Anti Freeze!!!!

He has at least five Facebook accounts all in the same name that he switches between when he gets banned or blocked by Facebook or his victims.

He blames every pit bull owner in the world for the death of his son in spite of the fact that the dogs involved were mixed breed mutts that he claims were pit bulls and he clearly asked the baby sitter to keep them away from his son and despite this the baby sitter took a 14 month old child into her backyard with the dogs resulting the  child's death.

The fact is he chose to leave his child in the care of this woman and she was responsible for the child's safety.

Jeff has an extensive criminal history with driving and drugs offences.

In recent times he's started schooling his followers on how to bully pit bull owners including recommending the publication of addresses etc in WordPress blogs.

Jeff is now denying ever making the peanut butter comment accusing the "pit bull lobbyists" of fabricating the story despite the many screen shots of the comment and his subsequent apologies.

He abuses pit bull owners every chance he gets by his own admissions and then screeches blue murder if they respond in kind..

The fact is this person deserves all the flack he gets and conveniently leaves his comments out of any blogs relating to comments and emails he receives and as you can see he's hardly an innocent victim.

This individual collects donations through his non profit and sells merchandising to finance road side bill boards and bus stop signs featuring pictures of American Bully's but attacking and vilifying Pit Bulls which must be extremely confusing to the public at large.

Considering the members of his groups have to download and print their own "Daxtons" flyers causes one to wonder what actually happens to all the donations?

more to come.....

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