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Sunday, 21 August 2016

Sarah Elizabeth Burke - "I had to blur out names so I didn't get reported."

Does every one remember Sarah Elizabeth Burke she claimed she was slandered and defamed by pit bull nutters causing her employers to dismiss her following a campaign against her on social media it's a claim echoed by her fellow so called advocates daily as they go about their business which seems to be bullying people.

In the post below you'll see Sarah and her friends consorting to bully alleged pit bull owners who seem to be trying to circumvent landlord restrictions on their pets and as you can see these people are fanatics meticulously gathering all their victims information and most likely secretly taking pictures of them and their pets or stalking them off of their victims social media accounts.

This was on a post encouraging people who live in no pets apt building to register their dogs as ESAs so their landlords/management can't evict them. I had to blur out names so I didn't get reported.
Sarah Elizabeth Burke Me too. I commented giving my 2 cents on the issue but I doubt they'll care to listen.
Maria Tsotos Tzavaras Sarah Elizabeth Burke I hate fakers 😡 they ruin it for the people who really need a service dog! These people are so selfish and unreasonable.
Sarah Elizabeth Burke That's basically what I said. If you legitimately need a service dog, I'm all for it. But an ESA is not a service dog. They don't require any special training, just pay the fee and voilà, youve got an.esa
Hannah Honey I thought that whole training pits for sevice was a great big fail.
Sarah Elizabeth Burke Absolutely. Pits shouldn't be service dogs. Labs, goldens and German shepherds are the norm for real service dogs...I have seen a lot of pits as ESAs, as there's no real training involved.
Sarah Elizabeth Burke Most ESAs are poorly behaved, in my experience. True service dogs are 110% focused on the task at hand, not growling at strangers or peeing on shopping carts at Wal-Mart.
Hannah Honey Same here. i have seen a fake pit therapy dog and it acted like an idiot. I've seen actual service dogs and they are ALL business.
Hannah Honey Pit bulls are not guard dogs, all experts agree on that, whether they like.pit bulls or not.
Sarah Elizabeth Burke Yep, if you want a dog w/protective instincts, you should get a German Shepherd or a Doberman. Pits make lousy guard dogs.
Hannah Honey I made the page! I was feeling a little ignored there for a while.
The POINT of a guard is to guard and alert and possibly detain. It's not to tear children walking past your house into human tartare.
I dare them to print that, too.

Samantha Wavers I'm sure a chi would wake it's owners of there were a fire too..
Hannah Honey A Chihuahua for sure would, and the rest of the building, too.
Karen Branson What low-life losers!
Sarah Elizabeth Burke LOL. They must have an 'advocate' on call 24/7 to stalk our page. And they wonder why their first page got taken down. At least I blurred out the commenter's names in my original post...these dimwits are gonna whine and moan when they get reported & banned for using our names again.
Karen Branson A "guard dog" is a dog that is loyal and alert and can discriminate between friends, family, the UPS and Fedex man, neighbors, etc. and some stranger with ill intent. They alert the family and if necessary, threaten the perpetrator, and if it comes to...See more
Hannah Honey We can only hope they learn something through osmosis.
If a guard dog kills someone, especially a child, you will be held responsible. Another law that really has to be enforced: proper containment and attractive nuisance.

Sarah Elizabeth Burke To answer their question, a good guard dog isn't going to randomly maul you or the chihuahua walking down the street. Why do the police & military use German shepherds and malinois for bite work and not pit bulls? Because they have to be able to give a command to recall the dog...a pit bull in attack mode isn't going to stop biting a criminal because the handler gave it a command in Dutch. A good guard dog has to be mentally sound, not a ticking time bomb, which is why most dogs used for this line of work come from very specific bloodlines, not the local SPCA.
Sarah Howard ESAs are not ADA approved.
Hannah Honey Their names are saved, correct? And can be given to their landlords with this post, copied and printed. Certified.
Anyone who lives nearby can plaster flyers around. You can find most anyone's address through I will never again put up with some selfish, dimwitted family sneaking a pit bull into a building I live in. I'm not entirely putting up with it now. I'm just stuck at the moment.
Every town has a webpage and a local paper page: send to editorials, "problems with fake service dogs? Pit bulls eating your pugs? This is why."

Whitepages is the largest and most trusted online directory with contact information for over 90% of US adults.

If you recognize any of the victims of this coordinated attack by these alleged advocates please contact them and advise them of this groups actions which are quite obviously meant to put their tenancy at risk.

This is just one of the tactics these people use under the guise of community safety they also troll rescue & shelter Facebook pages seeking to both disrupt their activities and dissuade potential adopters from adopting pit bulls.

They regularly make false reports to the Child Protection Services claiming pit bull owners are child abusers for little more then letting their children interact with their own pets.

They make false reports to Animal Control Organizations in their sick extinction campaign trying to get innocent family pets impounded and killed.

And Facebook seems quite happy to let them keep doing it?

more to come.....

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