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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Facebook deceiving it's users and leaving them at the mercy of haters.....

Why is Facebook deceiving it's users claiming they removed a hate page when in fact they haven't done squat.

pit bull lives don't matter removed hoax

The sorry fact is the page is still up and running spreading their hate so why is Facebook lying about removing the page?

Why is Facebook protecting these hate pages check this page out for yourself their cover shot is 2 dogs attacking and literally tearing a dog apart and that doesn't breach Facebook's community standards apparently and this is not the first example of Facebook seemingly intentionally misleading it's users.....

fb claiming machine down

Is Facebook getting kick backs or some sort of monitory reward for allowing these hate groups and pages to continue to bully and harass people?

It may be time for Facebook users to unite and bring a class action against Facebook for ignoring it's "Duty of Care" to it's legitimate users?

more to come.....


The page owner has cleverly unpublished the page if a page is actually deleted generally a link for it will generally lead you back your own profile as opposed to an unpublished page which may still appear in Facebook searches but will lead to this......

I Don't think we've heard the last of this page please watch this space.....

more to come.....

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