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Friday, 12 August 2016

Sarah Elizabeth Burke's question answered!

These people consistently claim there's no evidence supporting allegations that Culleen's website is a scam a ruse created to keep the owner in wine with no actual legitimate support with in the world wide animal community even the American Bar Association has brought a resolution advising that breed specific legislation be dropped and/or repealed as it is not lawful and it has little to no discernible affect on actual dog bite statistics.

I wish pit bull advocates could answer this one question for me: why is it acceptable to say "I don't like chow chows" or "chihuahuas are nasty little dogs" but god forbid you say "I don't like pit bulls" and you're treated like you just said that you enjoy torturing small animals?
Everyone has an opinion. Get over it. Pit bull owners should be well prepared to deal with how their breed of choice is perceived by the general public. "Get educated!" they'll say. "Dogsbite is biased!" Yet not one of the asshats that message me every day have been able to prove dogsbite wrong...hmm.

Now here's a sampling of the 3,390 articles relating to the illegitimacy of dogsbite and their so called statistics where they call mixed breed mutts pit bulls in a vein attempt to justify supporting breed specific legislation which has proven to be a failure where ever it's been enacted


Source........ google search "Debunking dogsbite"

This blog is for all the haters that claim there's no evidence supporting claims that dogsbite is a scam and has more to do with ensuring the owners lavish lifestyle then any victims as not one victims been helped by this organization they have no victim orientated services or programmed despite the claims they help victims there's absolutely no evidence supporting their claims.

The fact is more then 128 people have been killed by non pit bull type dogs in the last decade and that equals one victim per month every month for the last decade and Bsl does absolutley nothing to prevent deaths involving non pit bull type dogs.

I'm being attacked and labelled as a baby hating pit bull loving nutter for speaking up for the 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs in the last decade alone by promoting breed neutral laws to protect the community from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous pit bulls.

These people clearly are not legitimate public safety advocates they hate pit bulls plain and simple, extremely simple actually?

more to come.....

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