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Sunday, 7 August 2016

Julia Lewis - blah blah blah more propaganda from the prophet for profit?

The fact is these poor puppies are obviously victims of their owners who seem to promote this behavior in the belief they're training these puppies to be fighting dogs and typically Julia sees this as "proof" that it's in their Genes which is the biggest load of tripe I've heard come from a breed specific legislation proponent and let me tell you they tell some doozies!

This sort of post is annoyingly typical of these people as they have absolutely no real argument as all the legitimate animal and dog organizations reject Bsl as being a legitimate community based safety program due to the actual facts and that is despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls in shelters across America the dog bite related death toll has been some 50% above the national average for the last two decades for the 3rd year in a row which seems to indicate that breed specific legislation does not have any discernible affect on dog bite related fatalities.

Pit bull puppies playing - well, actually, fighting. No ordinary puppies fight or play like this. As you can see, they have drawn blood at the end. I don't like the way those people are standing there watching them.
Marc Brown to Dangerous dogs
If dear Carlina now says she can't see this, then I think she needs either glasses or a pc doctor.
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Lea Shepherd where is this video posted thats sick + yes they are training them to fight
Like5 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking Horrible. Killers right from the start!
Like5 hrs
Shaun Rathy Those puppies are too young to train for aggression or bite work. That is not what is happening here at all.
I can speak from experience that pups of that age lack the mental/emotional capability to train in that aspect. It's like teaching a toddler to drive. They won't respond like adult dogs.
These puppies are not in training. The people are letting them fight as it comes naturally to them, much in the way a border collie puppy will herd the kids although the dog hasn't been trained to herd yet.
It just comes organically through breeding (genetics). That's why we have breeds in the first place.
Like55 hrsEdited
Lori Janusky Genetics -your herd breed should be showing interest in stock - labs in retrieving and water at that age- these pups are no different in the instincts they are showing.
Not bred to be pets - never have been.
Like35 hrs
Nicholas Valentine Puppies in a litter will fight like hell at about 8 weeks old . I have seen it in litters of Griffon Vendeen Bassets , one show breeder had to keep her puppies separated . Terriers are the worst , especially the Fell types , Patterdales and Lakelands ect. Pit Bulls funnily enough are generally not that overtly aggressive as puppies . They are very playfull until about 12 months onwards . This is how people get suckered in , they don't realise the jolly puppy play fighting will be in deadly earnest at two years old .
Like4 hrs
Lynne Smith Diane Jessup, pit bull expert, breeder, trainer and owner of show dogs talks on her web site how some pit puppies will fight at a very young age, no training needed.
Like2 hrs
Susan DeVilder Game bred puppies.

You'll see them all rambling on about it's in their "Genes" and they regularly cite herding dogs which they claim are born ready to heard which is complete and utter nonsense as with the majority of their talking points and can easily be dispelled by simply "Googling" "how to train a herding dog" which returns a result of 
469,000 results (source) for a search to reveal how to train a herding dog whereas these people insist they don't need to be trained.

The fact is all their information and statistics come directly from media reports with little or no actual investigation into confirming the claims for instance their flagship internet site dogsbut actually  considers links to expired news stories are "citations" which is a true indication of their lack of scientific knowledge.

The fact is there's individuals that are using the hype around pit bulls to scam people into donating to an organization that claims to be focused on public safety whereas it's easily discernible that they are little more then propaganda prophets using this controversial subject to make a living and are literally making their money off all the lives of the many pit bulls heartlessly murdered by this useless legislation.

Colleen Lynn admits that Breed Specific Legislation hasn't worked it was thought that by killing pit bulls the deaths by dog attack would fall but this clearly hasn't happened in fact exactly the opposite has happened please follow the link and have a listen for yourself.

What these people don't tell you is that one person per month every month for the last ten years has been killed in an attack involving non pit bull type dogs and breed specific legislation does absolutely nothing to prevent these types of deaths in fact all the proponents of Bsl ignore these victims.

The simple fact is if these people were right about their " it's in their Genes" propaganda all dog bite related fatalities would involve pit bulls wouldn't they? but sadly the reality is more then thirty breeds/types of dog have been involved in human deaths and your legitimate public safety advocates promote legislation that protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous "pit bulls"?

It's plain to see these people are not public safety advocates they hate pit bulls and they're hiding their pit bull extinction campaign behind the noble cause of public safety thinking the public at large are too stupid to see through their ruse.

more to come.....

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