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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Magner Cepeda is comparing Lions to pit bulls.....

It's just another day in haters paradise and the madness seems to be escalating with each and every repeal of breed specific legislation the pit bull haters behavior becomes increasingly sporadic and their fanatical behavior just shifted in to overdrive with posts like the one below from their latest fake Facebook user.

How does an "incident",  not an attack as an attack infers injuries and there were no injuries to anyone involved but one has to wonder what an incident involving a lion cub on national television has anything to do with domestic pets and the laws/legislations relating to domestic pets.

One only has to read the comments accompanying this post to gauge the depravity and madness that courses through the veins of your average breed specific legislation advocate.  

It's how they're raised...
Just terrifying.
It could've been so much worse.
Allen James What a brilliant idea to bring a young child near a lion!!...A friggin lion!!!
Like421 hrs
Magner Cepeda Somebody told them it was a "baby-sitting" lion.
Like321 hrs
Allen James Magner Cepeda Panthera leo nannyensis
Like421 hrs
Jeremy Phillips Nanny Lion
Like117 hrs
Gwendolyn Hanan Giving the pitiophilia a run for their money on abject stupidity, aren't they?
Poor Child. I wonder if her mom has a pit bull?
Like320 hrs
Tammie Voncannon Hey, let's put a wild animal near a screaming child. Yea, that's a great idea!!!!!! What is wrong with people?
Like418 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking Some people are so stupid that it would be laughable if the consequences weren't so grave.
Like112 hrs
Laurel Davis I think in this case a true nutter would say that the lion was "just trying to play" or that it "was scared". Also, to distract they would repeat over and over--"don't leave any child alone with any feline" (even though the child was not alone).
Like310 hrs
S.J. Martin Why the fuck would you have a kid around a lion, cub or not? So stupid people!
Like158 mins
Laurel Davis don't be a breed racist! My ragdoll kitten once snagged my socks, I have never been hurt by a lion!
Like122 minsEdited
Helga Joubert I suspect the true heart's desire of many pit bull owners is an animal like this, or a wolf. They think an exotic pet would suit them well, but since they often don't have the money to house an exotic pet, a pit bull will have to do.
Like9 mins

It's just seems a shame that this hater doesn't practice what she preaches as she seems to find it acceptable to bully and harass pit bulls and their owners , oh and FYI a lion is not a dog.....

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The fact is these people only support Bsl because it kills pit bulls whereas they attack legitimate advocates for wanting to protect the community from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous pit bulls.

They attack and smear the good names of anyone rejecting Bsl in favor of breed neutral laws that protect our children and elderly from all dangerous dogs as more then 30 breeds/types of non pit bull type dogs have taken one life each and every month for the last ten years (128 victims).

These people routinely try and claim the higher moral ground when in realty their up to their groins in muddy swamp water as they trying to hide their pit bull extinction campaign behind the noble cause of "public safety".

This post is yet another example of the ridiculous juvenile route their so called advocacy promotes which revolves around emotive language scare mongering and blatant disinformation generally spread by fake Facebook accounts created with the express purpose of hiding their identity.

more to come.....

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