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Friday, 19 August 2016

Tim Camp -- man or woman?

Tim Camp seems to have a gender issue as one minute he's a middle aged man with grand children and the next she's a 20 something year old girl?

The post below is from Tim Camp the man.....

Had to go to a
meeting at corporate, what better reason to stop for lunch at Dinosaur Barbeque....,

And here's Tim's daughter Abby Van Camp and one has to wonder what sort of man disguises his bullying and harassment behind a picture of his own daughter?

Tim Camp Abby Van Camp and Cole.....

Tim hates pit bulls and has joined in with the nutty Dj from Wisconsin spreading and promoting anti pit bull propaganda & disinformation.

Elton Camp to The Pit Bull Problem
Nobody has the right to impose this menace on others.

They have no choice but to create emotive nonsensical meme's to try and promote their pit bull extinction campaign as they have little to no support from the community despite claiming to be a majority.

Elton Camp to The Pit Bull Problem
This picture "proves" that, until recent times, alligators were nannies for children. Their bad reputation is utterly undeserved since it's all in how you raise them.

They have little choice but to use meme's as there is no empirical science based data or information supporting breed specific legislation.

As you can see Tim finds it amusing that cops tasered an elderly man stating it was the best television show he's seen all week?

Tim Camp commented on an article.
Holey shit this is better than any show I've watched on TV all week..................

The man who was tased says the officer used excessive force, but the Sparta Police Chief says the tasing was justified.

When he's not busy hating on pit bulls he's posting tasteless stuff like this.....

Now here's where it starts getting confusing as I thought this was Tim's daughter Abby Van  Camp and yet it says it's Tim's updated profile picture.

Tim Camp updated her cover photo.

And yet another post indicating the girl is actually Tim's daughter.

Tim Camp updated her cover photo.
Abby Van Camp pumpkin carving with Griffin.

So you can see the reason for my confusion and having reported the profile as using a name different to the one they use in real life Facebook has failed to take any action whether that be removing the profile or insisting they use their real name.

Facebook seems to be aiding and abetting these pit bull haters to use fake identities in their pit bull terrorist campaign in which they are seeking to make pit bulls extinct.

Tim & his "advocate" friends bully, harass & generally do any thing they can to prevent dogs they consider to be pit bulls adopted from shelters, rescues and in general they truly need to be stopped the group was created for the sole purpose of hating on pit bulls.

Someone needs to straighten these idiots out !
They are trying to farm these monsters out, as being good with kids of all ages.
Are they serious ??
Call the number, let them know............

Encouraging people to ring a rescue shelter and interfere with their daily operations is the type of tactics these people engage in they celebrate the deaths of pit bulls in the name of public safety and seem to ignore the victims of non banned breeds while promoting breed specific legislation.

  Will the real Tim (Van) Camp please stand up!!!

more to come.....

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