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Sunday, 21 August 2016

Angela Provo - is a pit bull hater not a public safety advocate as she claims, see for yourself?

Despite all the actual evidence presented in this case where a "group" of people were walking their dogs when a cat came from it's own yard and attacked the dogs and at least one of the owners trying to defend her pet.

At least one of the dogs required veterinary treatment for bites and scratches and one of the owners required medical attention and a course of anti-biotics.

As you can see just by reading the comments below this post these people promote and applaud this attack on an innocent "group" of pets and the fact the owners of the cat has been ordered to pay the dogs vet bill indicate authorities believe both the cat and it's owner were at fault and this just bunches the pit bull haters panties as they believe that anyone should be able to murder and attack pit bulls if they so choose.

Sybil Spach I love the word fuckery
Gwendolyn Hanan Gawd!! I love that full mouth bite mark across the top of the pit bull's head!!! GOOD KITTY
Laurel Davis not only is it OK for pibbles to maul and kill, they try to prosecute self defense? No logic whatsoever. We are just supposed to be docile victims of fighting dogs, while they and their antisocial owners suffer no consequences?
Like110 hrs
Julie Tran What kind of cat? Wow. Pretty Good!
Angela Provo I love that cat. 😹
Tarika S Pearson That cat is a hero
Hannah Honey Sixteen year old cream colored, they said.
Hannah Honey If that's the same cat, it looks like a Maine Coone, but I don't think it is.
Sarrah Fay Yet nothing would have been done had those 7 pit bulls torn the kitty to shreds.

Good kitty! She followed her instincts ! LMFAO 🐈🐈🐈

Lizabeth Tavormina I hope the pit bull is left with scars from those scratches and bites--I don't believe pibbles was as innocent a victim as the owner is claiming. Good kitty...GOOD kitty..
Sarrah Fay That's what I was thinking Lizabeth .. Pit bulls often wag their tails and come up on their victim in a way that could look friendly if you didn't know better.. That is right before it attacks.
Lizabeth Tavormina The pit owner should be thoroughly embarrassed--and ashamed of herself! But since pit owners have no shame they'll keep pushing pit bulls as the persecuted victims--now cats are dangerous, Lol!
Sarrah Fay I was just telling my friend that lol.. They should be ashamed! Sueing a nearly 80 year old women and her cat!
Samantha Wavers Who in their right mind thinks they would be able to control 7 pit bulls??? Most people can barely handle one when it gets riled up!
Margie Shawn I would like to have 10 cats like this!
Dana Renfrow Reminds me of my childhood cat, she was always scrapping with dogs.
Helga Joubert The cat's owner agreed to pay the vet bills. If the situation were reversed and one of the pits had mauled the cat, would the pit owners have paid, or would they hurry away from the scene?
I know which scenario I'd bet on.

Angela Provo You already know. 🖕🏽🐶
Nancy Perdue Oh my so much worser than stitches & drains........
Jane Brown Horseshit.
Jane Brown I want to send the lady some money.
Hannah Honey Only one pit, and the dog started it o. The cats property.
Cats do not like being sniffed by dogs. Common knowledge. The owner could.not control her dog.
Before the fight, the pit owner was warned, but the dog was too strong for her to tug it back.

Jane Brown I'd tell the pit owner to F.O.
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Yes, cat felt threatened and reacted .
Hannah Honey And the dog owner should be fined, for trespassing and having a dog that, even leashed, she could not control.
It's usually a fine to have a loose dog but if your dog is leashed and you can't control it, that's no different than being loose.

Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Hannah Honey I would never walk all 4 of my dogs together unless an emergency. They are all smaller dogs, corgi, boston, boston/poodle mix and dachshund mix and probably couldn't pull me off my feet but still. Oh and one reason my son always walk them one at a time, so he can pick it up if the pit bull down the street gets loose again. Attacked our one little mix once already.
Samantha Wavers Difference is- cat owner took responsibility and paid the vet bill without making a fuss about it or trying to disappear.
Adam Combs Thats fair!
Allen James Now we can see how cats are related to lions 
Johanna Constance Longden Self defense!!!
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell And so many articles about the poor little pibble and a few cuts and a dead child is a small article in the local paper. Sad priorities in this country.
Renee Rosati Yup yup VICKI that is what I just said to myself a dead child no one blinks a cat which is my hero attacks this ugly thing and it's all over...
Mia Johnson You all have no idea how fuckery this is. The pit bulls were being walked by members of an organized and highly political pit bull lobby group. With the backing of the multi-million dollar organization Best Friends in the US, this Canadian group has managed to get more than 20 press interviews. They are working hard to use this incident to undermine the credibility of BSL which is currently being proposed in one of our provinces. Best Friends blatantly has their ads all over the Canadian media pages. You can be sure they are funding everything they can. It's been shocking to live here and see the corruption at work. Those two little elderly cat owners don't know what hit them, and neither does anyone else.
Like710 hrsEdited
Lisa Padgett Oh I did not know that part of this story!
Like111 hrs
Laurel Davis I say the cat should run for office, I would vote for it. Someone needs to start a go-fund me to help the kitty's owner pay for this.
Like210 hrs

Honestly in what world can this sort of behavior be considered to be acceptable well as you can see it's the reality of their world, these people claim to be acting in the best interests of the community all the while this is the type of advocacy they undertake.

Advocacy that calls for the extinction of all pit bulls mean while they're perfectly willing to sacrifice another 128 victims of non pit bull types in order to achieve their goals now let's put that in perspective for you that equates to one person per month every month for the last ten years has been victim to non pit bull type dogs!!!!!

Unless you're a pit bull victim you don't matter to these people as they demonstrate their so called advocacy is little more then a hate fest on pit bulls the fact is this victim spent over five hours at the hospital getting her wounds treated and both her and her pet are traumatized from the attack.

It's time for law makers and legislators to recognize these haters and ignore their propaganda which has no doubt contributed to the above average death tolls for the last 2 years in a row.

They frantically claim mixed breed mutts are pit bulls they lump more then thirty breeds of dogs into a group and call them pit bulls but as I've said the one thing they can't disguise and/or dismiss is the 128 victims of non banned breeds that they totally ignore in their feverish misguided pit bull extinction campaign.

The truth is that every non pit bull type dog that attacks and kills a human in so doing dispels their "it's in their genes" argument and if that argument had even an ounce of credibility all attacks would involve pit bulls wouldn't they?

Their claims surrounding the alleged bias involving the National Canine Research Council & the Animal Farm Foundation are complete nonsense as if those 2 organizations are bias because they "like" pit bulls well surely under that same reasoning both Jeff Borchardt the self proclaimed dog expert (lost his child to an attack involving mixed breed mutts he claims are pit bulls) & the ex-phone psychic creator of Colleen Lynn ( bitten by a dog alleged to be a pit bull but claims she was "mauled") must surely be bias too as both "hate' pit bulls by their own admissions.

It's time for all citizens who live in an area which has breed specific legislation to contact authorities and serve notice that if any member of their family is attacked by a non pit bull type dog they will sue the council for failing to protect their family from all dangerous dogs as it's well known that breed specific legislation has little to no discernible affect on dog bite fatality statistics.

more to come.....

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