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Thursday 18 August 2016

Kathleen Horton - says " Pit Bull Fur Mommies throw a hissy fit over sixteen-year-old cat who protected herself from a pibble brigade stalking past her home. She defended herself with honor. Good girl Baby."

These people celebrate pit bulls getting hurt or attacked each and every day in their alleged public safety campaign which is little more then a pit bull hate fest being waged by animal abusers.

As you can see Kathleen finds it hilarious but then again small things amuse small minds just look at boofhead for instance he's crowing because he found a foamer friend in the Canadian media who calls the NCRC  a pit bull lobbyist ironically if liking pit bulls rules one out as a bias source surely hating pit bulls rules you out as being bias equally?

Pit Bull Fur Mommies throw a hissy fit over sixteen-year-old cat who protected herself from a pibble brigade stalking past her home. She defended herself with honor. Good girl Baby.
WATCH: Owners of cat responsible for shocking Saanich pit bull attack speak out about their old and arthritic feline. Tess van Straaten reports.
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Matt Linden Meanwhile in Vegas another child was mauled to death by a pit bull
Like37 hrs
Kathleen Horton What is the body count at now for 2016?
Like16 hrs
Danielle Lavoie i'm sorry but I find this hilarious. The media made out like the dogs were nowhere near and that cat just ran out out of nowhere and attacked them ALL> lmfao.
Like24 hrs
Sarah Elizabeth Burke But the media is biased against pit bulls...haha, whatever fits their agenda, I guess.
Like14 hrs
Mia Johnson They're on a roll. They've been on it all summer.
Rallying even when there isn't anything to rally about. Just enjoying the media attention. ...See more
Like3 hrsEdited
Mia Johnson Anyways what cat wouldn't scratch in this situation:

“The dog had the cat in her mouth, by the back of the throat, and it looked like our cat was a rag doll,” she says. “It looked like our cat was dead and I thought the dogs were going to rip it apart.”
Like33 hrs
Sandra Fuller Growing up in the 60s I had a Siamese cat that kept all the loose neighborhood dogs out of our yard.Of course back then the pitbull wasnt mixed with every dog breed like it is now.
Like22 hrs
Marlene Isley Patterson Love you Baby!
Like11 hr
Paul Lothary Kitty is my hero
Like137 mins
Paul Lothary They use the word mauled. I do don't see chunks of missing flesh or missing limbs.
Like135 mins

As you can see by their comments these people are not public safety advocates as legitimate advocates don't applaud and celebrate people and their pets being attacked.

Nearly all of these people claim to have killed pit bulls whereas truth be told they probably rarely come out of their mothers basement.

“When we were coming back this woman was gardening, and her cat came out of the bushes and started attacking the dogs,” she said. “It specifically went after Bandita and latched onto her face, and the woman didn’t do anything to stop her cat and was just screaming.”

This dogs lucky she didn't lose an eye and I understand the owner was pretty scratched up too requiring medical attention and anti -biotics for her wounds and these people find it all extremely amusing as you can see for yourself.

Is it any wonder these people use fake names and profiles on social media wanting to hide their true identity for obvious reasons and all the while wondering why they have little to no support, I estimate there's approximately 250 - 300 of them world wide trying to fool the public into thinking they are a majority which is complete nonsense.

It's become increasingly clear that the majority of these people suffer from a mental illness of some type which causes them to act this way and makes them not only a danger to themselves but to the general public as well specifically pet owners.

more to come.....

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