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Thursday, 18 August 2016

Rick File hates pit bulls

Meet Rick he's been taken in by all the hype and propaganda spread by the anti pit bull lobbyists and seems to be fitting in just fine.

There's still hope for a meaningful super bowl!

It seems Rick is confronted by pit bulls every time he leaves his house but then again I think these people tell tales mostly.

Went out on a short trip this evening and saw a trio of jogging mothers. You know the type- white, yoga pants, lycra shirts, sports bras, pushing strollers, etc. One was pushing a stroller, another had a stroller and what appeared to be a pekignese chihuahua mix, and the other, of course, a clear pitbull. Or American Staffordshire Terrier, whatever. It looked like a walking death seeking automaton. Not a typical happy-dog-trot. Straining against the leash (which was present, thankfully). No,this beast meant business wherever it looked. I fear in the next few weeks a mauling will occur in placid little Germantown Hills IL. Why dance with the devil? Why risk disaster?
Judy Nuerge Rick please dont hate the dog for his owners lack of training with him! Or their deliberate stupidity of wanting him to b an "attach dog"
Rick Fite I've been thinking long and hard about a response. In short, it is the dog, it is the breed. That's how they're wired, it's what they do.
John Woodall Same thing can be said about man.

And typically Rick carries a gun and thinks that he's a dog breed expert but calling boxer mixed mutts seems to be the norm among these people.

I think Rick's actually lucky he didn't go and get himself shot which is what would most likely happen if these people done half the things they claim in relation to knives and guns etc.

The fam and I went on vacation to our Indiana property these past 5 days. Was having a fabulous time camping, eating sausage, getting progressively dirtier and so on. Me, my wife and 3 yo daughter went on a 3 mile hike on Tuesday that included a section of county road in Orange County, Indiana. I mention this, because, we were accosted by at least 4 boxer-pitbull mixes. Came charging at us from a house set off the road about 50 yards or so. What is it with me? I'm a freakin angry dog magnet. Anyway, my wife screams in terror (these dogs meant business, snarling and charging at us). So I pull my Chiappa Rhino .357, took up a commanding posture, and shouted, NO!! at them. They were full of fight until they figured out their target wasn't backing down in fear. They stopped, I can still remember the gravel skidding away from their feet. My wife, daughter and I started a backwards creep down the road with the dogs following close. They run up and I shout at them again, maintaining full trigger control, and they backed off.
Jesus, I hate these dogs..
I never had to fire a shot. We basically did a rolling combat retreat (my wife can't run - a bad knee) with me covering my wife and daughter as they fled as quickly as they could. I don't know what the outcome would've been had I had to pull the trigger.
I do know secondhand from another neighbor that the people owning these dogs are also meth cookers. How typical - methamphetamine and pitbulls seem to go hand in hand. These meth-head assholes are capable of all kinds of mischief.
My point of posting this is I want my friends and family to be aware of the realities of life regarding fighting dogs. They are purpose bred to maul and destroy. PLEASE, I beg of you, do not consider owning such a monster; only heartache and disaster are the predictable outcomes.

Pennie Ehlers I am glad that you are all ok. I can't not believe your daughter is 3 years old already. Love & miss you all.
Tracey Tigner-Kerwin Oh, by the way, if you report the "almost" attack to the local authorities, they have to "check" out the situation and maybe they will get lucky, and find out what illegal stuff these ignorant people are doing. Then they would take the dogs to.
Pame Ashley Continuing reality treated like fantasy by laws
Terry Post So glad all of you are OK.
Jenny Pollman O boy... Tracey is full of the pit propaganda. Yikes! Glad I got all my pit loving friends off my Facebook page now. Glad you guys came out ok Rick Fite! Sad that you can't even go for a walk anymore without worrying a damn pit will attack you. 😞
Laurie Miller Musselman So glad you had your trusty firearm! You are the alpha dog and one smart man when it comes to vicious dogs. Good story! Good outcome!
Jenny Pollman Haha! Tracey sent me a not so nice message then blocked me. Lo!

Is it any wonder when the poster boy for the anti pit bull propaganda machine uses American Bully's in all his campaigns against pit bulls so is it any wonder these people are confused.

And he seems to waste all the donations on these campaigns leaving supporters to have to download their own pamphlets for littering bookshops and fair grounds etc etc.

Rick Fite shared a link.
17 June 2015
A word from Jeff Borchardt and Daxton’s Friends I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to the victims, the survivors and their families as well as advocates of our struggle against the growing...

As you can see Rick has fallen for the "it's in their genes" tripe which is utterly dispelled every time a non pit bull type kills someone which is once a month every month for the last ten years.

Rick has lost friends every time he posts about his hate for and willingness to kill pit bulls apparently and the fact this individual actually carries a .357 and seems willing to use it given the chance is pretty scary to say the least.

Pitbull obedience device

Roger Baysinger That thing is awesome looking. Will it cut down trees?
Rick Fite There's been much butthurt regarding my status update. FIrst, the important facts: that's a semiauto MG34, I collect old WWII firearms. Second, Steven is at no risk (or anyone else for that matter) in the third pic. For those who don't understand wh...See more
Rick Fite I'll probably lose friends over my point of view, so be it. In fact already have. I've tried to not let any of my friend's opinions hurt my feelings, and actually have succeeded. I can honestly say I've never unfriended someone because of an opinion they posted. Unfollowed, yes. Unfriend, no. So do what you will, this is something i am passionate about, my 'cause celebre' if you will. I'm not going away or backing down.
Robert J. Riley Where did you find your 34?
Ken Esada 3 relatives unfriended me for less hostility towards pit bulls. so i am with you !

Rick lives by the same mantra as most of the other haters who honestly believe they are both morally and intellectually superior to all pit bull owners and Bnl supporters.

The fact is these people are not public safety orientated they're haters they focused on killing pit bulls and they don't seem to mind sacrificing one victim per month every month indefinitely so long as they can kill pit bulls.

They are morally bankrupt and trying to pull off one of the biggest ruses in history and despite lumping more then 30 breeds and types of dog together and calling them pit bulls their underhanded campaign is failing dismally with breed specific legislation being repealed and legislated against around the world on wholesale terms.

Breed Neutral Legislation is the one effective way to curb dog attacks involving all breeds and types of dogs and as such stands more of a chance at preventing the maximum amount of these needless and mostly avoidable tragedies.

more to come.....

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