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Monday, 30 May 2016

Man shoots chained pit bull outside convenience store


"In Toledo, Ohio, a judge found a man who shot a chained up dog outside of a grocery store guilty of animal cruelty and discharging a firearm in city limits on Wednesday, reports Abc13News.

Daniel Gill, 51, faces up to six months in jail for intentionally killing Cujo, a two-year-old terrier in May, who waited outside of the Erie Foods grocery store located on the 700 block of Galena Street. The dog's owner, James Chamblee, described Cujo as his best friend. Chamblee had tied his dog outside of the store while he went in to by soda. When he heard his dog barking, he peeked around the corner and witnessed Gill, who possessed a concealed gun permit, shoot his dog with a gun. When authorities arrived, Gill told police the dog had attacked him, and he shot Cujo in self defense. Surveillance video from the store determined Gill had "ample opportunity" to avoid the dog, and shooting Cujo was unnecessary."

Daniel Gill, 51, is charged with one count of cruelty to animals and one count of discharging a firearm within city limits in Toledo Municipal Court, records show. Gill posted his $250 bond Thursday, and pleaded not guilty to both charges during his Friday morning arraignment.
Gill is accused of shooting a chained pit bull about 2:45 p.m. Thursday outside a grocery store on the 700 block of Galena Street on Toledo's east side, NBC24 reports. Gill told police when they responded that the dog attacked him before he fatally shot it.

His actions were caught on camera so when police arrived to reports of shots fired, his claims to self-defense were invalidated. He is facing charges related to discharging a firearm within city limits and cruelty to animals.
Making matters worse, the incident was pretty much filmed in broad daylight — 2:45 pm. There’s not even a reasonable expectation that maybe this dude was taken off guard by a barking dog and overreacted. 
As the Cleveland News reports it, the concealed carrier had every opportunity to leave the scene versus shooting the dog.
Granted, a duty to retreat is a delicate matter but we’re not really going to tie that in for this occasion. On one hand, you have an animal that is restrained and on the other you have a dude with a gun. 
That’s not really a self-defense situation unless the dude happened to fall without the maws of some savage beast — which surveillance footage has pretty much all but discounted.
There’s a lot of opportunities to avoid gun use — and those should be exercised by the individual. 
A firearm is for defending our lives, property, and our family.

Please sign and share our petition seeking justice for Cujo.

more to come.....

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Stu Mahaffey hates his neighbors Pit Bulls

Meet Stu he hates pit bulls and it seems his neighbors have dogs he considers to be pit bulls so he's rallying the troupes in his grotty Facebook hate group Dangerous dogs.

This is the sort of stuff you'll find on Stu's Facebook page.

Stu Mahaffey I saw that,, ,,, evolution doing its thing,, aint always pretty
125 May at 06:14

Now this is the post where Stu has video'd his neighbors dogs and is now once again using his Facebook group to coordinate a hate campaign against this individual, his family & his pets.

Please be sure and report this "group" to Facebook as I'm sure this is not what Facebook is meant for there's a link to the hatred in blue at the bottom of the post?

My neighbors dogs,, ,, I have a 3, 4, and 5yr old in the truck, ,, luckily their kids ( 9 and 10 yr old girls) came home and put dogs away,,
John M VanMunster Did you call animal control?
Stu Mahaffey not yet, but last night they got loose and attacked another neighbors boxer as they were walking. Boxer is mostly ok, it ran,,,,
John M VanMunster So there is an aggressive tendency in them... I'd be careful. Both boxers, no?
Stu Mahaffey both pits,, attacked a boxer
John M VanMunster Stu Mahaffey - I wasn't sure before, but re-watched a couple of times. Are the neighbors friends of yours at all?
Stu Mahaffey Just moved in, trying to be nice first
Lisa Padgett Those aren't even remotely boxers.
Hannah Honey Nightmare neighbors. You can't say anything to them because if something happens to the dogs, they'll blame you. Considering the dogs have already attacked, and they're running loose, something most likely will.
Jane Shryock Time to get armed, if you aren't already.
Stu Mahaffey I am, but shooting a dog with kids in the truck wasn't appealing
Jane Shryock Of course; but the time will come.
Stu Mahaffey I hate to carry with kids around, but as long as those dogs are around,,,,
Leigh Alyson Oh HELL no!
Lori Lynn Christiansen Gotta report them for having dogs loose right away! Establish that this neighborhood will not tolerate that.
Heather Jackson You have a gas pedal , use it next time
Nancy Perdue Hope they get hit & killed by a car at some point.
Dani Lavoie That would piss me off
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Bear mace right in my glove compartment in my car....
Mia Johnson Good lord. How terrifying for you.
Stu Mahaffey I saw the dogs owner outside replacing his screen door so I went over and got his phone number,,, he called the dogs his kids,,,, I have a problem,,,
Lisa Trujillo Those look like american pit/bull dogs, very dangerous. Call animal control and complain that their dogs are running loose.
Like425 May at 12:07Edited
Diane Duclos It's not because they are pit they are dangerous!!! Please do your research properly!
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Diane Duclos you do research...research how many pitbulls are responsible for deaths/maimings each year.
You nutters lack some basic mathematical skills; say for instance there are 30 total fatal dog attacks each year & pitbulls are responsible for 23...
...well Diane, I think you can comprehend my point[or perhaps not].
Hannah Honey This year so far we are at eleven total fatal attacks on humans. Ten were pit bulls. Or we might be up to twelve, eleven pit bulls.
Olivia Wyatt Just blocked her, Diane Duclos.
Lynne Smith Diane, no fighting breed should be loose, period. It's what their owners and rescues preach. I'm guessing you are one of those who mistakenly believe its the owner and not the dog - well this owner is clearly irresponsible, and therefore these dogs are dangerous.
Jan Smith Stu Mahaffey GRIN -- I've also blocked this Duclos idiot. Waste of time.
Like16 hrs
June Mason And people wonder why so many pit bulls end up being shot.
Dawn Dalyce get guns and ammo, take lessons, get a concealed carry permit, carry all the time, even at home !!! If they're renters, call their landlord or rental agency DAILY and complain about the dogs till they're forced to move. SUE them if they're homeowners, for destroying your right to "PEACEFUL ENJOYMENT" of your own home !!!!
Hannah Honey If they own, their insurance company may not know what dog type they have. Some companies don't cover pit bulls, and insurance is required. Dogs aren't.
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg Horrible. How are people supposed to live. I sympathize with you immensely. I had some grandchildren over and immediately became aware of how vunerable they were with me just walking them from the front door to the car.
June Mason Stu Mahaffey could you check if you have Julia Lewisblocked..I've sent you a message.
Stu Mahaffey I unblocked her,, I dont remember why I did,,,
Jeff Borchardt That's some real responsible pit bull ownership right there. I can tell all the money they put on "education" sure has paid off.
Stu Mahaffey They are fostering 2 girls 9 and 10 too. They leave the girls alone with the dogs, , so ignorant
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg OMG NO! Beyond ignorant. I wonder if fostercare system knows. That might be your first place to call as many do not allow pitbulls and reporting is anonymous.
Lynne Smith I don't think any foster agency would allow girls that young to be home alone. This alone requires a call.
Julia Lewis Thanks, Stu! I can see your name in blue again and comment on your thread.
Stu Mahaffey I dont remember how or why,,, smile emoticon
Like127 May at 01:27Edited
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg Can you have one of us send the video to local news and authorities.. mayor ect with an address..Have us post it on local facebook pages? This is just too dangerous.
Stu Mahaffey thank you
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg Stu can you PM me an address where this occurrredand the video.. I will contact them..
Like19 hrs

As you can see these people are going to blitz the local authority with a litany of complaints based on Stu's irrational fear of any dog he thinks looks like a pit bull and we all know none of these people know a pit bull when they see one look at the Dj using American Bully's on his billboards and pamphlets to attack American Pit Bull Terriers.

City of Mentor (@cityofmentor) | Twitter

Please if you recognize these dogs or the neighborhood inform this poor individual he is Dangerous Dog's next victim and to expect the local animal control officer, the the child protective services and in the past they even contacted both landlords and employers in their hate campaigns against pit bull owners and pit bulls.

Please share this blog to the "Mentor City" social media accounts in an attempt to defuse their allegations and give this poor victim some support?

more to come.....