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Sunday, 31 July 2016

Craig Brown - safety advocate or a creep?

Not only is Craig Brown a Dogsbite & Animals 24/7 culty he and his friends are just plain creepy as evidenced by Craig's most recent cover picture he got busted by the hot Russian model in the picture he used as his last cover shot and she obviously asked him to take it down and he's taken it pretty bad by the look of it.

What's your girl friends name Craig? 

Craig Brown updated his cover photo.
Michael DeMichela I'd do that!
LikeReply128 July at 21:58
Jeff Kerr In a freakin heartbeat.
LikeReply128 July at 22:22

So these guys are as keen as Craig on their Barby's now in typical foamer style Craig shares a post calling for the boycott of a business for using pit bulls in their advertising and he immediately tags the so called heavy hitters in and only one replies posting a meme typically outrageous and laden with disinformation and lies the other two couldn't be bothered.

What they seem only too willing to conceal is the fact that one person per month every month for the last ten years has died after being attacked by a non pit bull type dog and Bsl does absolutely nothing to prevent deaths or attacks involving non pit bull type dogs.

Craig Brown reviewed Aviator Brewing Co – 1 star
Boycott this business raising money for pitbull groups placing pit bulls with unsuspecting families and children . 3 and 71 year old killed last weekend
Place to Eat/Drink

Aviator Brewing Co
Dennis Baker
Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
2015 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
Updated after each fatality following fact finding research
36 Dog Bite Related Fatality
by Breed....
See more
Lukas Reynolds As a pit bull owner, id say you are grotesquely out of line.

Do all blacks steal? Are all white cops going to shoot you?

Stereotyping is poisioning our youth. I know you wont be on this earth much longer old man, but dont make things more difficult for those who genuinely want to be better.

A dog is only as aggressive as the owner.

Just like a child is only as stupid as his parents.

Good day asshat.

LikeReply124 July at 02:19
Craig Brown Sounds like that makes yours pretty aggressive
Lukas Reynolds No just sexy
Craig Brown What is s K9 breeding program if not stereotyping different qualities in dogs to produce a dog for a certain task or appearance? . And it's OK to stereotype them. It's not against the law, and you can do that to make a safe choice for your family and you won't even hurt their feeling but will learn how vile their owners can be
Lukas Reynolds Acknowledging a type of breed is just that, but to say they are all bad.....

You should know the difference.

LikeReply224 July at 02:29
Lukas Reynolds 1 that dog would have died of old age two times since 1980

And how many people have died by the hands of a human since then?

Your time could be more effective if you werent wasting it.

LikeReply224 July at 02:33
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Lukas Reynolds Just look at the terror on that kids face.

Go find a new outlet. Its time for a bucket list old man.

LikeReply224 July at 02:31
Lukas Reynolds Its how you raise them...
LikeReply224 July at 02:38
Craig Brown That dog represent pit bulls and how many all pits have killed over those years. And yes, people murder a lot of people so I suggest not adopting a murderer as a pet for your child, but you are getting closer to figuring out risk assessment
Craig Brown I wish "it were how you raised them" . A lot of my friends would not have lost a child
Lukas Reynolds That doesnt mean its going to happen from this dog?

Make sense?

Your white should i assume youre a Neo Nazi socialist extreemist?

Or should white people be forbidden?

Have a nice day man please grow a fuckin brain.

And dont vote for Hillary Clinton or Trump.

LikeReply224 July at 02:42
Craig Brown Doesn't my mean it won't. All those who have been attacked or killed or had loved ones killed by their pit have years of similar pictures
Craig Brown Including Angela
Craig Brown A comment from Angela in 5-16-16 who watched her son be decapitated.

Why do we have to argue😔? Can't we just pause and think about our babies, our loved ones, and our community first? I mean I get it. I love animals too. But damnit I wish I would've did some research and listened to what people had to say about the possibilities. If I would have done so I wouldn't be wanting to die every other day just to numb the pain from trusting that my pit bull had a human heart. In reality dogs aren't humans. They just aren't. They will never understand fully what they are capable of. And some dogs along with other animals just have quirks that they don't understand the consequence of. It's a sad truth. Some will stay stubborn and learn the hard way. Some will take heed a prevent a heart wrenching episode that never ends.
My pastor said
The wise- hear a warning and govern themselves accordingly in order to avoid consequence.
The simple- experience misfortune because they weren't warned
The fool- hears and doesn't do anything but remain the same and they have to learn the hard way

I was that fool. ☹️ I'll never see my son again.- Anglela Provo

Lukas Reynolds Liberal hysteria.

Its one thing to consider a chain of events, but to say the dog was that way from day one regardless is just wrong. And an insult to that child.

LikeReply124 July at 02:52
Lukas Reynolds Circumstances happen, tempers flare, duh.

But dont assume that its breed specific.

Thats horribly wrong and unjust.

LikeReply124 July at 02:54
Craig Brown Shows you don't follow pitbull attacks
LikeReply124 July at 02:55
Lukas Reynolds Good luck with your dog GENOCIDE.

You are no better than a facist pig.

I expected a sense of leadership from my elders when i was younger, people like you show me how disgusting this world is.

Blaming an entire race of dog because of actions of SOME NOT ALL.

You would fit perfectly in Hitlers ranks.

LikeReply124 July at 02:59Edited
Craig Brown Humans are race, dogs breeds
LikeReply124 July at 03:02
Lukas Reynolds Keep telling yourself extermination of innocent animals is ok. Whatever wording works for you facist.
LikeReply224 July at 03:04
Lukas Reynolds How many puts are in the US? More than 33?
Lukas Reynolds Genocide is your answer?

Good luck swine.

LikeReply124 July at 03:06
Lukas Reynolds How many animals kill eachother every day and you think eliminating just one breed will stop it?


LikeReply124 July at 03:07
Craig Brown Pit bulls are responsible for over 95% of deaths to other animals. Absolutely. Our pets matter too
LikeReply124 July at 03:09
Lukas Reynolds Ours as in yours and not mine.

Stupid liberal facist.

LikeReply124 July at 03:09
Craig Brown For additional accurate information on the public safety Danger of Pit Bull Type Dogs visit: more

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Craig Brown Here is a letter written by her father subsequent to her and her unborn child's death:

I have tried not to say anything but, every time there is a pit bull attack Darla’s name comes up. People commenting about whom they think she was and what happened to explain away the simple fact that a pit bull killed her. HER PIT BULL KILLED HER.

People have said “She was white trash and that she must have abused her dog.” or “She fell off a ladder and the dog didn’t attack -- it only was trying to awaken her.” and “Her husband trained the dog to attack Darla.” I also heard she left Yakima because they outlawed pit bulls. In reality, Darla had been living in the Bay Area several years before she decided she had the time and the room to have pets.

Prior to her marriage, Darla adopted a female pit bull and became a member of a local pit bull group that advocated against the BAD RAP that they always fell into. Darla exercised, trained and loved her dog while providing a good home.
After marriage, Darla’s husband wanted a male pit bull and one was rescued. This pit bull was larger than average and for some reason, they chose not to neuter. Darla’s husband came home for lunch and found Darla dead, her neck torn open and the male standing over her. Darla’s dog was in the corner of another room. Cowering and had urinated on the floor. This was the end of Darla’s life and she was pregnant with her first baby. Two lives ended BECAUSE of a pit bull.

I became Darla’s Dad when she was about four years old. She played basketball and soccer in school. It was a joy watching her grow up and become an adult. When she turned 18, she asked me to formally adopt her and I did.

Darla was raised around horses, cattle and pigs as well as dogs and cats. Darla always treated animals with dignity, respect and love. Everyone loved Darla. She was a genuine good person through and through.

Darla was so happy when she called to tell me she was going to have my grand baby. She sent me sonogram images and audio from the baby’s heartbeat. Yes, I still have all of the pictures and audio plus her texts, emails and her phone number in my phone.

Darla’s baby shower was 1 month away when she died. She was planning on flying up to Seattle for it. I had just sent her a crib. Darla was 32 years old; she took her time and planned everything. This was the most exciting time in her life. We, as a family were just as excited.

I can only imagine the shock and horror that she felt. She honestly believed in the pit bull. I have always had dogs. I have 3 now. I have never trusted a pit bull. I know why.

Darla is always in my heart. I think of her every day. I am deeply, deeply saddened by this tragedy. It seems almost worse because it was preventable. My mind goes down the “what if” path very often.

I love Darla and I miss her.

-Doug Robinson

Lukas Reynolds If my compassion and love makes me a fool then ill gladly be fooled.
LikeReply224 July at 03:08
Lukas Reynolds Facist swine.
LikeReply224 July at 03:08
Craig Brown No. Just a mother who lost her son.
Lukas Reynolds Blaming the dogs for the humans that bread and raised them.

Thats like blaming blacks for the violence placed on them by racist police in the 60's...See more

LikeReply224 July at 03:26
Craig Brown Bye psycho
Paul Bird Poor Craig, scared of dogs.
LikeReply110 hrs
Craig Brown You're off the mark . Fear for children
LikeReply10 hrs
Craig Brown 201. That's a week old
LikeReply10 hrs
Paul Bird So more parents have killed their own children than pit bulls since 1980.
LikeReply110 hrs
Craig Brown Go on a fundraising event for murdering parents and tell them then
LikeReply10 hrs
Craig Brown Then go on a virus event,
LikeReply10 hrs
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Craig Brown Fear is a good thing. It helps smart people make better decisions . Nobody cares if you are a tough guy with a pitbull next door to children
LikeReply10 hrs
Paul Bird Fear is a bad thing. It prevents you from truly living.
LikeReply10 hrs
Craig Brown Google Fight or flight response
LikeReply10 hrs
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Paul Bird It must suck going through life fearing everything. I'm sure your kids will be precious flowers completely unprepared for the real world once you're done with them.
LikeReply10 hrsEdited
Craig Brown They are prepared . They weren't killed by a dog like yours
LikeReply10 hrs
Terry Holt

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Adrian R Lynch Over 10,000 children have died in car accidents in that time too... Guess we should go back to horse & carriage too...
LikeReply10 hrs
Craig Brown Stay on topic
LikeReply10 hrs
Chelsie Lynch Absolutely on topic, especially since you're using false statistics. Let me guess, a non-validated, propaganda website? But of course you'll just block everyone that has an opinion. By the way, the event today went great, we raised over $200 to save pitbulls from everyday assholes like you. #SuckADick
LikeReply15 hrs

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Craig Brown Apparently it was a success but still didn't change the behavior of the owners.
LikeReply5 hrs
Craig Brown for dummies. Kid gets killed by pit bull, picture of kid and pit bull with short story goes on site. Easy peasy.
LikeReply5 hrs
Craig Brown Ya think they'll get through there?
LikeReply5 hrs
Chelsie Lynch We made it with absolute success and complete happiness, get a life buddy.
LikeReply5 hrsEdited
Craig Brown Chelsie Lynch I'm thinking about dropping children's safety issues and just going online to tell people to suck me off
LikeReply5 hrs
Craig Brown I'll need to put on about 100 pounds to do it like you do though
LikeReply5 hrs
Chelsie Lynch Do you realize what a creep you are?
LikeReply5 hrs

As you can see Craig stalks people who expose his lies and disinformation generally resorting to personal attacks and quite often tending toward creepy crass sexually orientated remarks.

Craig's been really quiet since we outed him as being the bully that harassed the well known author "Bronwen Dickey" at a recent book launch but as you can see he still has the same operating procedure in true foamer style.

Chelsie we agree Craig definitely seems pretty creepy he also needs to "google" debunking "" & "debunking Merrit Clifton" too as there's many many articles covering those two searches indicating Craig's sources are not legitimate animal organizations and their views and claims are largely reputed and rarely considered legitimate as there's not one actual canine expert employed and/or used by them they're a sham, a  fraud in every sense of the word.

more to come.....