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Saturday, 10 October 2015

Cindy M Ballard is the perfect example of a true Pit Bull hater attacking a poor neglect and abused puppy, you really are a legend in your own mind Cindy!

Cindy M Ballard is a regular on our blogs as she consistently exposes her complete lack of either compassion or empathy with posts like the one below to their newly formed hate group "The Pit Bull Problem"

Oh put the savages down! We don't want killers in our communities!
A dog whose owner was jailed for a string of animal welfare offences is looking for a new home.

Now to say this poor little puppy is not a victim is just outright insanity which typifies the type of comments you'll see from Jeffrey Sloan who regularly  boggles the mind with his insights and definitely a special brand of stupid.

The rest of them are no better they do this type of thing in some sort of misguided attempt at securing community safety whereas it seems the public in general would be a whole lot safer simply for not having the likes of Michelle Involusia, Elton Camp or Jane Brown in it their community.

more  to  come .......

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