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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Joanna McGinn hates pit bulls and the Huffpost! pmsl!!

Joanna McGinn is really cut that the huff post is publishing articles based on facts using research from legitimate sources unlike, Daxtons Freinds etc...

Let me predict that Peta won't stay associated with these people for too long after they realize their donations are drying up and if they're stupid enough to stay in bed with these fools well then it won't be long before all of Peta's nasty practices will be a distant memory and animals will be a lot safer once they're gone too.

Dangerous dogs are supported by DANGEROUS PEOPLE like HuffPoop
PETA really pissed off Huff POOP...HuffPoop is apparently incapable of using anything but LIEs to counter TRUTH and REALITY... HuffPOOP is totally delusional. ... and getting worse. Those folks need a rehab/mental hospital... seriously... maybe a bit of ECT to help improve their brains... if they have any.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has thrown its hat in with an anti-pit bull coalition. This group's agenda is to have pit bulls banned across the United…
8 people like this.
Peggy Severson If they are such great dogs, why, I ask, are there SO many turned into the animal shelters?
Like615 hrs
Julia Lewis What a ridiculous sight that dog is.
Like514 hrs
Myranya Werlemann And a dangerous liar.
Like414 hrs
Susan George I don't think it's stupidity. It's greed and corruption. This is much harder to curtail, but not impossible.
Like414 hrs
Donnalyn Wigan What pit bulls love:

As you can see they make a perfect couple and now it'll be so much easier to finally put an end to Peta and their lies the one things that stands out to me when someone mentions Peta is the case where they stole that poor ladies dogs of her back veranda and then killed them and she's still fighting them over it now and these were not pit bulls they were little harmless dogs that done nothing and they illegally stole them and then murdered them in cold blood.

Keep up the good work Huff Post these people have no answer to actual legitimate facts!

Bye Bye Peta!

more to come.....

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