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Monday, 5 October 2015

Tammy Surdam has no sense of humor at all or she's just plain old stupid?

Tammy obviously isn't real smart or she just really hates pit bulls and their owners but that won't come as a surprise to anyone. This post and many more just like in can be found on the community safety facebook group called dangerous dogs.

this sadly came up on a golden page . so sad .its not cute or funny
Frank Guiliano to Lost and Found Cats and Dogs on the Southwest Side of Chicago
mallard, monkey, fox, octopus, and another, too mangled for a positive ID. Still missing but feared dead are hippo, bear, and monkey #2. A suspect has been identified but so far she refuses to talk!
  • Laurie Anne likes this.
  • Comments
    • Laurie Anne Not funny
    • Tammy Surdam Golden Retriever land is the site , and there all loving it .
      • Lesley Karen Luscombe The GR groupies would do better to investigate the real stories of Pit dog tearing pet dogs to pieces, including Golden Retrievers. They are being suckered into a false sense of alignment of their own pets with Pit dogs, and it's a cynical ploy that could end with idiots adopting a Pit dog like that and then finding it remarkably 'un-sweet' when they find it hanging from their child's neck or consuming the remains of their other pet dog or cat.
      • Lynne Smith Same with greyhound rescue. Every few months someone posts how their grey got attacked by a pit and what to do. If you speak up that this is a pattern, the post is deleted in "fairness' so the one or two pit bull owners in the group don't blow a gasket.
    • Donnalyn Wigan How cute, that's just what they do to real animals. Ha, ha, ha.
    • Ryan McCabe Trashy "dogs" for trashy owners -- minus any public liability insurance, of course. . .
    • Wendy Lambert Dixon They're stuffed animals; it was written tougue in cheek.
    • Nicholas Valentine I think anyone who doesn't realise these are dog chew toys has a problem !
      • Tammy Surdam I know they're chew toys . Its the point its on my Golden site . Its not a golden and its not cute . I follow goldensites for the joy they bring seeing them not this crap.
    • Lesley Karen Luscombe The Pit men of old must be gagging into their coffins with disgust. Pit dogs and cuddly toys..... give over, what a load of hoopla. 

      That post has an unmistakable element of 'look at the sweet misunderstood Pittie - it didn't kill anything REAL, it's 
      killed some fluffy toys'. Hidden knowledge, barely admitted, is in those words and in that picture.

      And if it was posted on a Golden Retriever fan/owner page, it is to ALIGN the Pit dog that kills other dogs, including Golden Retrievers, WITH other dogs that do play happily with fluffy toys.
    • James Hassinger Just more mocking of victims by pit bull advocates

It's quite clear to normal average people that this is a joke and was in no way meant to bully or mock victims after all we all know it's the pro-Bsl people that do all the stalking and doxing on public forums.

If you have ten minutes to waste please check out their group and you'll quickly confirm these people are everything but public safety advocates anyone that quotes Merrit Clifton is either extremely stupid or being deliberately mis-leading and it's costing innocent children their lives.

The fact remains in 2014 there was upwards of 6,000,000 pit bulls in America and in that year 25 people died as a result of attacks involving dogs allegedly identified as pit bulls and so over 5,999,975 dogs that have done absolutely nothing other then be a loving family pets are on death row because of the actions of those 25 involved in attacks?

Does that make any sense at all???

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