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Friday, 9 October 2015

Lesley Karen Luscombe's Anti Pit Bull FAILS!

They're really getting desperate now with Lesley importing screenshots supporting her latest whacky theory on pit bulls while she claims to have canine experience and knowledge but posts like this actually deny that as being the case.

I find this very very interesting. Normal dogs, roaming around, minding their own business, as part of a tradition. Some are feral, forming packs and no doubt often hungry or without shelter, kicked, untrained, not socialised..... no attacks. No Pit Bulls among them.
But PIT BULLS - raise it from puppyhood, socialise it, love it to within an inch of your life, train it, mollycoddle it, treat it like a hairy baby, and whaddya get? A face full of gnashing, unstoppable teeth or a child-sized grave.
Says much. Says EVERYTHING. It's not 'how they are raised', it's HOW THEY ARE.

A quick Google search however reveals the issue regarding stray dogs in Greece

The Danger Is The Greeks Themselves - YouTube
Mar 30, 2014 - Uploaded by GREECE EXPOSED
Stray Dogs attacking people inGreece is inevitable as there are an estimated 500,000 strays roaming the city streets as well as rural areas.

There's obviously issue with stray dogs attacking people and considering Lesley already confirmed there's no pit bulls there it sort of blows the whole Bsl proponents it's in the genes theory out of the water otherwise how could non fighting breeds or types be killing people too?

Greek feral/rabid dogs (almost) attack people - YouTube
May 21, 2010 - Uploaded by Mr Nikodimos
The two guys with the white and purple shirts in this video were almost attacked by the feral dogs. The ...

    Image result for people attacked by feral dogs in Greece
    Image result for people attacked by feral dogs in Greece
    Image result for people attacked by feral dogs in Greece
    Image result for people attacked by feral dogs in Greece
More images for people attacked by feral dogs in Greece

Lesley Karen Luscombe caught in her own lies again.


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