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Friday, 16 October 2015

Latricia Mayer makes a complete fool of herself and then brags about it on PBPMR.

So if I've got this right this fanatic went and made a fool of herself wasted the time of the local police department and disrupted a children's sports event because of her irrational fear of dogs and now is posting about it and being congratulated by her minion troll mates at PBPMR.

This is typical pro breed specific legislation cultists tactics they're all unbalanced and extremely dangerous individuals.

So this is how I spent my evening. I went to watch my son play 7th grade football here in our hometown where we have a pit bull ordinance in place. I saw this man with his "dog" and alerted the school principal so that the dog could be removed. Long story short, the man claimed his pittie was a service dog (complete BS!!) which led to the police and many others getting involved. They were unable to make him leave because of legal issues. Him and his beast were allowed to stay with HUNDREDS of kids walking aroound! Needlesss to say I made quite a scene and was lucky to not be taken to jail myself. I forced him to look at my daughters face and acknowledge the scars she has from a pit bull mauling and questioned him as to why he chose a pit bull as a service dog with so many other breeds available. So very frustrating when our hands or completely tied and so many innocent people are at risk!!
20 people like this.
Helga Joubert Did you happen to catch what task he claims the dog is trained to do? Such BS...
Good for you.

Like105 hrs
Latricia Mayer Unfortunately I was not armed with the info I should have known regarding service dogs in our state (Missouri). I have been doing my research and found out that you are only allowed to ask two questions: 1) Is the dog a service animal required because...See More
Like65 hrs
Ashley Walker So true! What a selfish man! Even if everything was legit a veteran would likely care about a concerned mother and child with bad experience from his breed of choice and at least put the dog away or leave.
Like55 hrs
Laurel Davis providing comfort to soothe PTSD=therapy dog, not service dog.
Like44 hrs
Heather Lynn Hudak Good for you! I had to do it where I donate plasma and confirmed therapy dog as well. Many employees back me up and say owner is mean and rude and dog does not perform tasks...THANK you for doing it,it means alot to me! Love Heather
Like2 hrs
Heather Lynn Hudak Cannot wait until we can get laws to outlaw breed permanently from ever being even a service dog or therapy. Therapy titles are crap right now and need legislation now!
Like2 hrs
Carol Miller You did very well here Latricia! Count this as a win.
Like95 hrs
Ashley Walker What a sick man! Or should I say boy? How rude of him to disregard your safety!
Like65 hrs
Debbie Sites Good job!
Like35 hrs
Bryan Baruch Service dog? Did he have certification? What did he need a service dog for? Regulations for service dogs are very specific. People are faking them all the time. This is a pitter racket.
Like75 hrs
Latricia Mayer I agree Bryan. However, we are NOT allowed to ask for certification. This is one of the many problems with the current service dog regulations. Please see my reply to Helga for more info on what I found out. So frustrating!
Like25 hrs
Amy Luongo All you can ask is what service does the dog perform and if they don't answer there is no recourse!! The laws need to be changed!
Like85 hrs
Latricia Mayer You are absolutely correct! I have been doing some research since I got home and it's crazy! Please see my reply to Helga.
Like15 hrs
Jenny Pollman Sad..and pathetic that these scrum bags can fake this crap and endanger everyone around them. frown emoticon
Like65 hrs
Linda Ann There needs to be federal registry for service dogs plain and simple. No other way to even attempt to combat this BS. Bad enough that any idiot who legitimately needs a service dog can have a shitbull "service " dog but even that much worse when disgusting pit bull owners falsely pass them off as service dogs. I'm not sure how I would deal with that scenario since guns typically not allowed in school property and I will never allow my child to be around a pit bull if I'm not armed. I would have to check into whether a large knife (kept concealed) would be legal.... if I couldn't at least carry that, I'd have to stop going to those activities. Which of course pisses me off.
Like55 hrs
Helga Joubert An openly carried knife is more likely to be legal than a concealed one.
Like25 hrs
Linda Ann Trust me I would defintely be researching the law there. That is one situation where I would love to have open carry of my gun since it is only when the nutters have to fear having their maulers injured that they actually even attempt to make sure they keep them under control. I would be petitioning to have police presence (even if only an off duty officer who is armed) at those events if they are not willing to make the shitbull leave.
Like25 hrs
Mia Johnson What a freaking jerk. I just want to slap their silly faces. I can't wait until I'm an old lady with a cane. So sorry you had this experience.
Like45 hrs
Mia Johnson And good for you for making a scene. Aggrieved mothers can get away with as much as they need to.
Like75 hrs
Linda Ann Plus she had police presence there so at least someone had a gun. smile emoticon
Like34 hrs
Jennifer Martin Kim Pisses me off! So sorry ;(
Like44 hrs
Latricia Mayer Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support. It means more than I can say! I know all we can do is try to educate and keep fighting for change, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier when you know you have others in your corner wink emoticon
Like74 hrs
Mia Johnson I am HUGE in your corner Latricia.
Like44 hrs
Marlene Isley Patterson This man is a bully. He cares about no one else, but himself.
Like64 hrsEdited
Leanne Deetz This makes me so angry. Some schools around me have just banned all dogs. I wish parks would too. So many people where I live have these horrible animals.
Like24 hrs
Latricia Mayer The school does have a ban on all dogs but they cannot enforce it when the owner even says that they are a service dog. It's crazy!
Like3 hrs
Susan George The ADA Doesn't apply to emotional support animals. It's time to implement a DMV type of system, -similar to the parking placards...where the disability has to be explained, by the doctor, and why a dog is needed, as well as the dogs' training verified...See More
Like3 hrs
Sandrine Sandy Georges This is awful!!
I'm so sorry you had to deal with this and I know you must have felt so "alone" in your ordeal.
It's so frustrating on so many levels.

I took my daughter to bike on our lovely multi use path along our cliffs this afternoon and there were many pits walked by some stupid owners, one of them had a muzzle on, we know why!!
Anyway, the Service dogs laws are going to be changed, I know it. There are way too many fakers out there and the government knows it. It has become an epidemic and it will change!!!
Anyone knows where is the best place to complain though??

Like33 hrs
Susan George I am furious, and I wasn't even there. Had I been there, I'd be right there with her.
Like13 hrs
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg The fact is you did make a scene and he might not get a sympathetic cop next time. Next time they might just tell this nutter to leave. GREAT job for trying and for getting pics so if this one goes pitbull, you have evidence.
Like1 hr
John Dorrill Look people, when you run across this kind of b/s all you have to do is refer to this document. It is the law.

In short it states that a service dog has to be trained to do a specific task.
Just making someone feel cozy does not make a service dog nor does it fit the legal requirements.
No training for a specific task with certification then the dog and owner gotta go.

Like1 hr
Christel Ravn You did good !!!

That's so typical of those idiots to claim that their monsters are service dogs. 

Service dogs my ass. They are monsters.


This is public safety advocacy style these people are not public safety advocates they're sick twisted narcissistic morons and they expect the rest of society to curtail to their irrational and totally unfounded fears all of which are being fed by the  master phone psychic come dog expert Colleen "I can't lie straight in bed" Lynn.

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