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Thursday, 15 October 2015


Because they're extremely light on actual facts they have to resort to fear mongering and scare tactics and they use victims like Frannie, instead of advising her to seek counselling about her irrational fear of dogs they use this poor woman further enabling her unhealthy behavior.

Last night had all of our little dogs outside playing in the yard with the kids and their friends, around 10 kids, not once did I hear any yelling or screaming or barking for the matter. The neighbors let their pit out and a few kids scatter home. Next I hear 2 mom's yelling for their kids because the scarry dog is out. If our neighborhood realizes these dogs are scarry, why does anyone own them? The neighborhood kids are not allowed to play next door because of the dog, if your kids cannot have friends over because your dog is a pitbull, why have it?
19 people like this.
Jenny Pollman Because these people feel the overwhelming need to prove their dogs are normal and like any other dog. Till it mauls someone. Then it's the victims fault. The parents weren't watching their kids, and the kids must have provoked it. Vicious cycle by a bunch of morons. If they truly loved and cared for their dogs...they'd stop denying the potential risk...and protect innocent people from that risk, and keep their pit from getting into that situation to begin with.
Like132 hrs
Frannie Freund I can't help find some humor in the pitbull advocates claiming my Daschounds are more vicious than pitbulls. Pretty sure my friend Jeff Borchardt would not have a problem bringing is new son to my house with my dogs
Like72 hrs
Jeff Borchardt I love Weiner dogs. Lol! I'd bring my little sausage over to play with them too.
Like357 mins
Sabra Steele The "fear" factor is what they get off on...they want everyone to be afraid of their dog. If they didn't they would not get a pit
Like52 hrs
Sarah Howard Sabra Steele Sounds like a bully right? People who have the bully factor in their persona tend to have pit bulls. Pretty simple actually.
Like61 hr
Dan Saeger I'm having this problem with a neighbor letting her uncontrolled pit bull run around our block.
Like51 hr
John Wright Sponges and bacon grease.
Like11 hr
Jeff Borchardt Sponges and bacon grease?
Joe Hill Naw. Takes too long 45acp
Like130 mins
Joe Hill ^^^^^ seldom works
Joe Hill I fed one a pound of pure chocolate nothing happened
Carol Miller This is a public page. Screenshots will be made of any comments posted here.
Like114 mins
Nancy Perdue Carol Miller So true! frown emoticon
Joe Hill By who? Why should I care?
Like8 mins
Jeff Borchardt I'd hope that if there ever was a proposal to ban pit bulls in Delavan, those parents would show up and show support. But that is wishful thinking.
Like453 mins
Frannie Freund People generally do not speak up until it person affects them. I was quiet, kept my fear and my daughters experience quiet, until Dax. When Dax passed, I let I finally had a reason to be vocal. I had a right and reason to be vocal before that, however out of fear, I did not use my voice. I have wondered in the past had I used my voice, would he be here now or how many other would be here now?
Like141 mins
Jeff Borchardt I have often felt the same way....I knew pit bull advocates went crazy when you said anything negative about their breed of choice, but I would just laugh it off and go about my day. I should've gone with my first instincts.
Like236 mins
Carol Miller Thoughtful questions. Organized pit bull advocacy is not troubled by their responsibilities for pit bull maulings and deaths.
Like112 mins
Gail L Rosbach It gives them power over all of you.
Like15 mins
Heather Jackson They like the reaction they get
Like23 mins

John wright advises her to try and murder the neighbors pets using "Bacon grease & Sponges" which sounds very disturbing to say the least and Joe Hill claims it "takes too long "& "seldom works".

Joe hill claims to have fed someone's pet a "pound of pure chocolate" & "nothing happened" hardly advice and/or comments from people trying to help you as I'm no legal expert but I'm pretty sure both of those resolution to her problem could well lead to animal cruelty charges if she's caught doing it. 

These people are not public safety advocates and they're definitely not Frannie's friends they're using her in their social hate campaign as seems par for the course if you're a breed specific legislation proponent.

This is all being done in the name of public safety in the Facebook hate group "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine revealed"

more to come......

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