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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

William Johnson - selects his next victim, be careful playing with lawyers Willy

William Johnson is an alleged public safety advocate  however this advocate is actually a barman and he gets his customers that drunk they fall asleep on the bar and then takes pics of them and shares among his friends making fun of his victims hardly the actions of someone acting in the interests of the community Willy?

Pit bull apologists, even the ones who may have achieved an educational distinction, are not the sharpest tools in the shed, just the biggest ones.
This partner in an LA law firm posted this to the‪#‎NationalPitBullVictimAwarenessDay‬ FB page. It's a day to honor those families affected by a life altering pit bull attack like mine. All pit bull advocates have as a solution to the pit bull crisis is violent threats to anyone who dares speak out.
What a tool and a fool.
National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day added 2 new photos.
This comment was just posted to this page at 7:29pm, October 19. I suppose we should get some bodyguards? Threats and harassment are what people get when they stand up for the victims of pit bull attacks and public safety. The pit bull victims and their families who dare to speak the truth about the inherent dangers of pit bulls get it the worst.
5 people like this.
William Johnson Maybe his partner and the CA bar should be made aware of his violent threats to a victim support page.
Like65 hrs
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg The Cailifornia Bar association DEFINATELY!
Like35 hrs
Linda Ann He is disgusting
Like3 hrs
Annie Cowan Brown Ive gone to the page and commented. For shame!
Like23 hrs
Annie Cowan Brown Go there and comment.
Like13 hrs
Annie Cowan Brown I also added the screenshot to the page.
Like12 hrs
Dan Saeger Send screen shots to his employer and to the CA bar association.
Like12 hrs
Annie Cowan Brown Yep and to Nancy Grace smile emoticon
Like12 hrs
Laura Lisenbey He is just like his pet! once again, same mentality.
Like21 hr
Bob Tarpey pudgy little desk jockey. lol i sent a him a PMsmile emoticon
Like21 hr
Dennis Baker Real men dont go to a keyboard to make threats cowards do.
Like5 minsEdited

As you can see they're screen shots searching out this mans employers and they're going to make his life hell and the irony is that Silly Willy more then likely told this man his pet should be killed if it's a pit bull and that's what started it all in the first place but Willy won't admit that he started it.

The fact is these people consistently pick fights with people on social media deliberately provoking spirited comments from pet owners just so they can copy and paste the comments to their hate groups and improve their ranking in the hierarchy according to how many victims they can make in one day.

More to come....

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