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Saturday, 10 October 2015

Merrit Clifton is an Anti Pit Bull Crackpot

Merrit Clifton is leading the campaign against animal shelters and rescues with his so-called statistics all of which are gathered from media outlets with absolutely no confirmation whatsoever.

Merrit and his bunch of coconuts call this gathering statistics whereas the average person would identify this for exactly what it is, unverified baseless propaganda gathered from un-reliable sources.

The record has fallen. Information about three more people who have recently been disfigured by pit bulls adopted from animal shelters arrived only hours after my previous posting that the record had been tied. We are now at 35 people dead or disfigured from known shelter dogs in 2015, breaking the record 32 from 2014, which broke the previous record of 28 in 2013. While disfigurement data doesn't exist from before I began tracking it in 1982, of note is that there were no fatalities from shelter dogs from 1858 to 1988, one each in 1988 and 1989, none from then to 2000, three from 2001 through 2009, and have now been at least 38 since 2010.

As you can see Merrit only tracks data (reads media reports) relating to pit bulls and seems to care little for victims of non banned breeds as they don't even get a mention at all.

Despite many requests Merrit Clifton refuses to submit his outcomes and the data from which they were drawn for review by his peers and this is in itself excludes his "opinions" to be just that "opinions" of no more value then any other member of the community as Merrit has had no formal training or education in the Canine field or the area of statistic gathering and/or data correlation.

He's basically a washed up journo trying to make notoriety of the deaths of millions of innocent family pets if he really cared about the community he'd submit his findings for review instead of using them as propaganda in his social terror campaign.

Merrit clifton is not an expert on anything other then fooling people into thinking his so called statistics are legitimate which they're clearly not as anyone of average intelligence can quickly discern?

more to come..........

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